Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Omega Point and Universal Consciousness |
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what! never die?
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), essay Immortality
I was lately told of young children who feel a certain terror at the assurance of life without end. “What! will it never stop?” the child said; “what! never die? never, never? It makes me feel so tired.” And I have in mind the expression of an older believer, who once said to me, “The thought that this frail being is never to end is so overwhelming that my only shelter is God’s presence."
In this essay, Emerson discusses how a sense of immortality might be discerned from one’s thoughts, inclinations, and proclivities. However, he stops short of asserting that this might be reduced to a formula or law of the mind.
At the end of the writing, Emerson refers to a legend from Indian mythology. A boy named Nachiketas is granted three wishes by Yama, Lord of Death. The first two are ordinary in nature, readily blessed by Yama. But the third caused hesitation for the dreaded god. Nachiketas wanted to know if there is survival of consciousness. Yama asked him to request something else, but the boy held firm to his query. Finally, Yama relents and, in the very last words of the essay, offers response – among the wisest precepts in the entire WG library:
the soul reveals its own truths
"The soul cannot be gained by [external] knowledge, not by [concerted endeavor toward] understanding, not by manifold [studies in] science. It can be obtained [only] by the soul [itself] by which it is desired [according to its own plans and timetable]. It reveals its own truths."
Editor's prefatory comment:
"Inferential Life, Part III" was meant to conclude this series.
But, some months ago, I received a reading from a gifted psychic-medium. I don’t often do this anymore, but decided on it for my birthday.
Near the end of the session, I said to her, “I want to ask a question I’m not supposed to ask, but – do you have a sense about the timeframe of my transition to the other side?” I explained to her that, I’m getting on in years, and I know too much about how things work over there, and I’m really eager to start my new life.

She said, to the effect, my Spirit Guides weren’t ready to sign off on this quite yet. There’re some things I need to write before checking out.
I was dismayed and offered demurral: I’ve written so much, and I’m tired, and, as far as I’m concerned, it wouldn't matter if I never wrote another word. And anyway, I have nothing more to say, the well is dry.
She then said, what amounted to, they aren’t buying it: You need to produce ‘capstone’ writings. Not necessarily something brand new but of the character, "if you could read just one thing on WG, this would offer what's most important."
Many months later it occurred to me that an explanation of the primacy of Universal Consciousness might serve this purpose.
In "Inferential Life, Part III", I'd offered this:
We are extensions of Universal Consciousness. God is not just in us, but part of us. We are ... individualized “consciousness units,” and, in a real way, there is no “me,” and there is no "you," but only an extension of God.

The absolute foundation of "the inferential life" -- this natural religion, this natural wisdom -- is a better understanding of Universal Consciousness (UC).
Each of us – this “us”, this “I”, this sense of individuality – in fact, becomes a model of, is isomorphic to, the whole -- UC at large.
UC, in the main, is unknowable, because God’s mind ever remains, as ancient mystics used the phrase, impenetrably cloaked in a "cloud of unknowing"; therefore, we ourselves, as projections of UC, will also never be completely mapped, tagged-and-flagged. There’s too much human potential residing within the “inner cosmos” to actualize and harvest.
However, we can know some things of the essential nature of UC. And I’d like to explore these “inferential” aspects of ultimate reality with you now.

We learn about God, about Universal Consciousness (UC), by closely observing our own spirits, which are linked, and one with, UC.
Eliza Duffy, channeled from the other side, Heaven Revised: “I, who prided myself upon being a close and correct observer, a careful analyzer of all that came under my observation, and a deep and original thinker, have been overwhelmed with astonishment, not to say chagrin, in discovering how little I knew of even the surface life around me; how still less of that deeper and inner life which is the real and actuating power of humanity, but of whose existence there is so little realization until it comes to the surface here…Truly, yes, without disguises or concealments; and we shall learn to know ourselves as well. This self-knowledge is not acquired at once. I realize that it is only beginning with me; for when I have come to a thorough knowledge of self, I shall have acquired a knowledge of all things, even of God."
Krishnamurti: We are a living thing, moving, never resting, flowing. My inner being constantly changes. This living thing, that is myself, desires to expand and grow.
In two 1967 lectures, July 9 and September 17, Krishnamurti spoke of UC as a “living thing.”
All analogies break down if pressed too far, but I see this "living thing" with characteristics of hot, bubbling, molten, effervescing lava -- from deep within:

Krishnamurti: Psychological dependence on any stimulation makes the mind dull, insensitive. All stimulation, whether of the church, drink or drug, brings about a dependence. Most dysfunctionally depend on something - a relationship, a book, ideologies, some intellectual escape, music, art, or we depend on solitude, denial, resistance. But UC is fiercely independent and leads us to deny all external psychological supports.
The following is an excerpt from Krishnamurti’s July 11, 1967 lecture in Switzerland:
If one is dependent on any stimulation, for the energy which one needs, then that very stimulation makes the mind dull, insensitive, not acute. One may take the drug LSD or other forms of drugs and one may temporarily find enough energy to see things very clearly, but one reverts to one's former state and becomes dependent on that drug more and more.
All stimulation, whether of the church, of the drink or drug, or the speaker, will inevitably bring about a dependence and that dependence prevents one from having the vital energy to see clearly for oneself. Any form of dependence on any stimulation lessens the quickness and vitality of the mind.
UC, the spirit of God, automatically gives us a reading on the rightness or propriety of anything that crosses its ‘radar screen.’ UC is our internal guidance system, a factory-installed truth detector.
Susana Wesley: "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself."
Later in life, the apostle Paul moved away from "quoting chapter and verse" and began to assert, "I think I have the Spirit of God," meaning, "this might not be in the Bible, but I know I'm correct on this."
The ‘living thing’ animating both the cosmos and our own beings, this essence of God, Universal Consciousness, is a female-male energy.
There is a reason why ancient Spirit Guides, part of the ruling class of the universe, speak of God as ‘Mother-Father’.
But this does not mean that there is a man and woman sitting on a white-marble throne “in the sky” somewhere.

Dr. Federico Faggin: a primary characteristic of UC is its desire to know itself. The cosmos is a kind of classroom to reify the ancient mandate, know thyself.
This means that we, too, as extensions of UC, possess a nature which demands, from ourselves, a thoughtful, introspective life; that of honoring rational faculties and intuitive capacities.
But -- we hasten to object – so very few live such a high-minded, self-evaluative life. How could this be a necessary requirement for all?
Transgression of this natural law, which demands our attentive and circumspect mindset, is no evidence for its abrogation.
Far from it. When people cross to the other side, nearly 80% of them will spend at least some time in a dark place, unable to see or hear. Why is this? From thousands of reports, we learn that no one will leave this “dark closet without walls” until one has agreed – agreed with oneself – to live the kind of life that should have been lived from the beginning – which is, the ancient quest to “know thyself.”

The mystical experience of 'no you and no me', not only offers far more pleasure than common sexual encounter but, reveals a priority of UC: oneness is more valuable, more pure, than love.
The concept of “no you and no me” required several articles of discussion to offer a modicum of explanation and cannot be addressed here in any meaningful way.
However, it reveals an extremely important characteristic of UC – what UC is primarily working toward in the world, contrary to popular opinion, is not love, per se, but spiritual oneness among all facets of the creation.
‘God is light’. This means that it is UC’s very nature to reveal itself.
A Course In Miracles: "God has no secrets. He does not lead you through a world of misery, waiting to tell you, at the journey's end, why He did this to you."
Father Benson: 'God is man's greatest and truest friend, not his dreadful judge. He is not a merciful God, for he has no mercy to give - because God is never offended and has no wrath.'
In the New Testament, Jesus is recorded as saying that God’s love is constant, never conditional or wavering. Rain is sent, he said, to both the just and the unjust.
Universal Consciousness, the Spirit of God, along with our true selves, remain absolutely aloof from any external force, any experience, any impinging influence from the outside.
This is why, in your deeper self, you feel exactly the same today as you did when you were 17. Thoughts in the head have changed, but we still know ourselves as the same individual – despite all that’s happened since then.
Are you aware of what you're thinking right now? which one are you? - the thinking? or the monitoring awareness that knows you're thinking? Are there two of you?
Try it right now. What was the last thought in your head before I interrupted you?
thinking about thinking
It might have been a flitting memory-trace of an argument from this morning; or what's for dinner tonight; or that errand you need to run. In any case, at this moment - because I made an issue of it - you're
(1) visualizing the object of your thought, but also
(2) you're aware, as a kind of background presence, that you're thinking about that mental object.
Do you perceive the difference?
Professor Frederic Myers, communicating from the afterlife: Man has the ability to 'think the thoughts of God.' The hidden human potential is so utterly vast that even the most ordinary person 'is a god' in latent form. 'Man contains in embryo the complete creation, awaiting development under his own masterful direction.'
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: "We have learned that within is the universal way leading to this Wisdom... [Man] is himself the sovereign of his destiny, the master of his fate. Created in the Image of God, he is the Son of the Most High. Lighted by the lamp of conscience, he builds an empire within himself; his lordly possessions reach within to Infinitude."
The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, said Jesus, is a ‘spirit of truth,’ and that it would ‘lead us into all truth.’ It does this over time, very gradually, with tiny flashes and sparks of insight.
Channeled information from medium Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, The Future Life: January 19, 1856. A person on the other side, having lived an egocentric life on Earth, landed in a dark place, wherein he drifted and sought escape for many decades. Finally, in a more humble frame of mind, he called out for help. A Spirit Guide responded: “... thou hast not outlived all of Earth and its errors; yet thou wilt overcome them one by one, and daily thou wilt acknowledge that man's heart is a universe, wherein is contained all the mystery, all the beauty, and all the love of the divine Godhead, constantly unfolding a spark at a time; but never, never canst thou imagine the heights and the depths to which it shall reach in the unending cycles of eternal thought... Be not strangers to yourselves; listen to those intuitions which speak unmistakably to thy spiritual being."
The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, is exceedingly polite and long-suffering, would never force itself upon us, nor scare us into obeisance. It is willing to wait, if necessary, long ages for us to come to maturity, our sanity and sentience.
This is exactly the opposite of the spirit of the ego, the world's energy of power-and-control and 'I'll step on you to get mine'. The spirit of God, UC, would never, ever do this, and is patient, many would say, even to a fault.
God, the spirit of God, UC, is not a blind and inanimate force or mere life-principle in nature or the universe. This acknowledged, it is equally true that God interacts with us on both personal and impersonal basis.
How God could teach us individually, care for us individually, and so many related concepts, if God were not a “personal God?" I think we are “persons,” enjoy personhood, because God is a person.
Is God less than ourselves? If God were mere "force in the universe", I have trouble seeing how this status could be greater than our own. I say that it is not.
Leading us to infer the existence of the spirit of God are certain proclivities of young children; a memory of their hidden home-world, recently forsaken for the Earth-mission, lingers.
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!
Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood, Wordsworth
the Inferential Life from the great teacher
In the New Testament teachings of Jesus, from time to time we find him using the phrase “how much more.”
He might be talking about sparrows, or flowers of the field, or an unjust man; but then he’ll say, to the effect, “If God takes care of unthinking little animals, or flowers that bloom a short time, or someone who postures that he's not interested in God, then – how much more – will he help you with your cares?”
the spirit of Universal Consciousness, the mind of God, is freedom loving, promotes the individual not the group, does not mindlessly conform to patterns of society
Krishnamurti lecture: Meditation is a most dangerous thing. To be aware of the total process of existence, without choice, to be completely attentive, makes the mind tremendously active and revolutionary, not a domesticated animal, conforming to the pattern of society. This is dangerous because you may have to alter the whole structure of your life."
the spirit of Universal Consciousness, the mind of God, is moralistic, law-abiding, and we see this even in little children
C.S. Lewis pointed out that little children have a very keen sense of right and wrong, of justice and fair play. That’s why they often complain to each other, “You’re not being fair, that’s not right, you can’t do that.”
Where did they get this sense of morality, even at a very young age? It was factory-installed, part of the “made in the image” sports package.
The very concept of science is built upon the notion that there are certain regularities embedded in the very fabric of reality. We couldn’t even have scientific investigation if there were no regularities – I’m avoiding the word “law” as these regularities can evolve over time – there could be no repeatable experiments, if all were haphazard and randomness.
Instead, the great scientists of history often speak of the “beauty” of nature, meaning, the finely balanced, harmonic forces which regulate the universe.
This sense of law, justice, and standard is part of our very nature. Because it is part of the nature of Universal Consciousness.
Final thought:
Many will say,
“I see no Inferential Life. I look at the world and the universe and see no Guiding Hand, no Intelligent Designer, no Beneficent Mind shepherding all that is. What I see is evil and chaos everywhere. I see greed, corruption, and oppression. I see little children dying of leukemia. I see the horrors of war and dictatorship. I see tech surveillance and Orwellianism. I see forces of deception and hoodwinking afflicting all of society. I see racial discrimination, slavery, and human trafficking. And if there is a God, either he is able to help but does not, which would make him heartless; or he's impotent and cannot help, which would make him feckless; and so, in either case, if he exists, he would not be worthy of our regard. And so, what I see is a universe governed by circumstance and chance, it’s all a random walk, and there’s no rhyme-or-reason to anything, no meaning and purpose, and no future, nothing to look forward to. This is all there is.”
Some of this bleak outlook was addressed in the writing “Why the world doesn’t need Superman.” But allow me summarize. However, before I do, consider the comment by G.K. Chesterton:
“It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into everything.”
Behind every statement made by the unenlightened mind lurks an illogicality. Often, it will take the form of a presumptive conceit, a circular reasoning, such that,
“We really know how things work, and so we don’t waste our time with other views, what’s the point, since we already know we’re right and couldn’t possibly be wrong.”
The above philosophy of meaninglessness is based upon the premise,
“We know how the universe should have been constructed. It ought to have been set in motion for our maximum pleasure, never a worry or concern, all smiles-and-light all the time. And since our every whim is not indulged, we say there is no God.”
But, this would be like saying,
“The boot-camp training for Navy SEALS is so harsh! Obviously, the commanders who designed the program are heartless, not good people. Why can’t the SEALS have breakfast in bed, saunas with every day at the spa, all you can eat at the dessert bar, and with a chocolate kiss on the pillow at night?”
Well, of course, this is absurd. The SEALS are being prepared for something rigorous and important. And their early training is perfectly commensurate with their upcoming ordeals in the field of combat.
And for us, our world is not meant to satisfy every desire – almost none of them. We come here for a different reason. This is not our time to live the easy life with all good things provided.
Additionally, people make bad choices here, and this creates what we call evil in the world. And some of the sorrow-and-pain is due to entropy in the system, things running down; the child dying of leukemia is a victim of errant DNA failing to transmit properly.
This world is a temporary world meant to prepare us for what comes next. We’re not supposed to get too comfortable here.
How do we know all this? Check out the many thousands of reports from the “scientific evidence for the afterlife.”
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How might one come to a better understanding of Universal Consciousness?
There is no sure-fire method. It will be a little different for each person. UC, as we’ve discussed, is a “living thing” and the avenue of approach is a “pathless land.” UC works with each of us on an individualized basis; a kind of private tutoring. Our part is to open our spirits to the process, allowing ourselves to be taught.
While there is no “one prescribed way,” certain practices will be advantageous. These are discussed in several articles, and the assiduous student of the mind will want to review the following:
The Krishnamurti lectures (annotated with Editor’s comments)
The true and false selves
Surrender and acceptance
Life: 1-minute essay
How to sit quietly in a room alone
Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "Above all, trust in the slow work of God. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be."

The Dazzling Darkness is a concept representing a frame of mind untrammeled by the dysfunctional ego. Therein, freed from base-alloy lower-nature inclinations, one might apprehend not only the identity of one’s true mate but also a realization of the living presence of God in one’s life. READ MORE

The Inferential Life, Part I
The Inferential Life, Part II
The Inferential Life, Part III