Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, is exceedingly polite and long-suffering, would never force itself upon us, nor scare us into obeisance. It is willing to wait, if necessary, long ages for us to come to maturity, our sanity and sentience. |
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The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, is exceedingly polite and long-suffering, would never force itself upon us, nor scare us into obeisance. It is willing to wait, if necessary, long ages for us to come to maturity, our sanity and sentience.
This is exactly the opposite of the spirit of the ego, the world's energy of power-and-control, and I'll step on you to get mine. The spirit of God, UC, would never, ever do this, and is patient, we might say, to a fault.
How do we know that UC is patient, kindly, and respectful?
Well, one thing, the very fact that UC leads us by "tiny flashes and sparks" indicates that it will not overwhelm and push us into the "full blaze of glory" all at once. It's far too wise and sensible to stumble that way.
'kneading us like bread'
My research associate, James Webster – the first who led me to see the evidence against reincarnation – is the custodian of the Spirit-Guide Abu tape-recordings. The ancient teacher, on the other side for 3500 years, in one of the recordings, speaks of God as gently leading us into truth.
"Let our hearts be open to sorrow and suffering. As we do, our compassion for suffering ones will draw them to us; and, by this means, they will be drawn to God...
unless your students want to be like you, just forget about any teaching
"It is entirely unfortunate, for any who attempt to serve the disenfranchised, not to understand that unless the spiritually insane find themselves wanting to be like their teachers, to love their teachers, no good can come from any outreach effort."
The analogy of “kneading bread” was offered, a soft-touch approach in dealing with errant humankind. See the report.
Over the decades, I have noticed, in corporations, governments, churches, that, if top management is crooked and corrupt, most or all of middle-management will emulate the sewer-smell. I say “all” because the good ones will forced out as "disloyal" and “not quite seeing the big picture.” All of the pastors, in such cases, to various degrees, will be con-artists. I speak from much experience, as having worked in that field.
I mention this here because the ancient Spirit Guides, those who have, in a sense, closer dealings with Source, all reflect this “soft touch” and very compassionate attitude toward the weak and immature.
My favorite testimony in this regard is from a senior Guide working in “the rat cellar” as a missionary. His words I find truly inspiring – but none of this would be possible if Source, UC, reflected the corruption of the world:
'this great truth'
Missionary spirit-guides in the Dark Realms speak of "this great truth": that, change and progression are ever possible; indeed, assured. We cannot, ultimately, defraud ourselves, try as we may, of the good things planned for us. Happiness is being stored up for us like an inheritance, safeguarded in a spendthrift trust, beyond the squandering reach of an immature beneficiary - yes, even for recalcitrant ones who presently spurn, and writhe, in the spheres of probationary suffering.
An ancient Spirit Guide, serving as missionary in the Dark Realms, with great beneficence of mind, addresses his younger helpers on the future of humankind:
“To what ultimate height of development we shall reach, I know not—none can know since there can be no limit to our knowledge or our progress. But I believe that, could we foresee the ultimate destiny of our own small planet, as we can, in part, judge of it from seeing the more advanced ones around us, we should learn to look upon even the longest earthly life [with its inherent suffering], and the longest saddest probation of these dark spheres, as but stepping stones on which man shall mount [so to speak] to the 'thrones of angels' at last.
"What we can see - what we do know and may grasp - is the great and ever present truth that hope is truly eternal and progression is ever possible, even to the lowest and most degraded and sin-stained soul. It is this great truth we would have each of you to preach, both to mortal and immortal man, when you return [as missionary spirit-helpers] to the Earth-plane and to your work there; and, as you [yourselves] have been helped and strengthened and taught, so do you feel bound by obligations of gratitude and ties of Universal Brotherhood [and Sisterhood] to help others [receive the same].”
Editor's note: This comment by the senior Guide stands as glorious and wonderful mission statement for all those who awaken to the god-life within - yes, "this great truth." On the "Summerland" page, I've repeatedly stated that there is no vacuous celebrity culture over there, no worshipping the stars, we're all just friends and neighbors; however, if anyone were to be worthy of laudation -- and the truly advanced would never even hint to encourage or seek for this -- we sense that the venerable servant-missionary Guides, such as the speaker here, constitute the "rock stars" in that world; and everyone there knows this.
