Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Father Benson: 'God is man's greatest and truest friend, not his dreadful judge. He is not a merciful God, for he has no mercy to give - because God is never offended and has no wrath.'
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Father Benson: 'God is man's greatest and truest friend, not his dreadful judge. He is not a merciful God, for he has no mercy to give - because God is never offended and has no wrath.'
In the New Testament, Jesus is recorded as saying that God’s love is constant, never conditional or wavering. Rain is sent, he said, to both the just and the unjust.
But we don’t need the Bible to inform us of this even-handedness and impartiality. We feel it, in our spirits. The egoic self might indulge in fear-and-guilt, but this is a false reading.
As we more sensitively attune ourselves to UC, we perceive its constancy, with never a threat of judgment or condemnation. Never.
Only Despotic Ecclesia, Dear Mother Cult, in its designs for power-and-control, teaches such draconianism.
See more of Father Benson’s comments.
