Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Are you aware of what you're thinking right now? which one are you? - the thinking? or the monitoring awareness that knows you're thinking? Are there two of you? |
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Are you aware of what you're thinking right now? which one are you? - the thinking? or the monitoring awareness that knows you're thinking? Are there two of you?
Try it right now. What was the last thought in your head before I interrupted you?
thinking about thinking
It might have been a flitting memory-trace of an argument from this morning; or what's for dinner tonight; or that errand you need to run. In any case, at this moment - because I made an issue of it - you're
(1) visualizing the object of your thought, but also
(2) you're aware, as a kind of background presence, that you're thinking about that mental object.
Which one are you? - the thinking-in-the-head or the awareness that knows you're thinking?
Do you perceive the difference? If you do, you're ready to build upon this perception. Daily, you will grow more and more conscious of the "chatter in the head," the incessant commentary on everything you see in life - but this "voice in the head" is not the real you. The authentic you is the one who mentally steps back, in silent witnessing presence, and observes the antics of the babbling mind.
The chattering mind is not the real you but part of the egoic false-self.
The true self, the soul, that extension of UC, the awareness that knows you're thinking, is the real you.
The thinking mind requires consciousness, the soul, to function, but consciousness does not need thought to sustain itself.
This background monitoring awareness is a higher form of wordless intelligence - it is an aspect of UC.
