Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Krishnamurti: We are a living thing, moving, never resting, flowing. My inner being constantly changes. This living thing, that is myself, desires to expand and grow. |
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Krishnamurti: We are a living thing, moving, never resting, flowing. My inner being constantly changes. This living thing, that is myself, desires to expand and grow.
In two 1967 lectures, July 9 and September 17, Krishnamurti spoke of UC as a “living thing.”
All analogies break down if pressed too far, but I see this "living thing" with characteristics of hot, bubbling, molten, effervescing lava -- from deep within:

Yes, from deep within. When religious people talk of the “spirit of God,” we’re not led to picture a mass of seething, churning, roiling lava.

Religion teaches that “the spirit of God” comes to us at baptism, is strengthened at confirmation, with particular gifts at the wedding altar, or on the death bed. But, in all these occurrences, we feel nothing. We want to, we try hard (but I recall at age 10 feeling disappointed about the great non-event). We perceive no change in our minds and lives. This kind of “spirit of God” is a legal fiction. But we're supposed to politely act as if something important has happened.
But when you do this the right way, you will know something has happened. No legal fiction.

The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all being. It is the building block of reality, and all things of the cosmos, in this universe, and the worlds to come over there, are made of UC.

It is a living thing, and when you learn how to access it, you will feel its surging, pulsating, throbbing vital essence.

Editor's last word:
In the “500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” writing I spoke of the inner person, the soul, as completely at rest – but here we see it as a “living thing” in motion. Both are true, as viewed from different perspectives.