Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, said Jesus, is a ‘spirit of truth,’ and that it would ‘lead us into all truth.’ It does this over time, very gradually, with tiny flashes and sparks of insight.
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The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, said Jesus, is a ‘spirit of truth,’ and that it would ‘lead us into all truth.’ It does this over time, very gradually, with tiny flashes and sparks of insight.
Channeled information from medium Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, The Future Life: January 19, 1856. A person on the other side, having lived an egocentric life on Earth, landed in a dark place, wherein he drifted and sought escape for many decades. Finally, in a more humble frame of mind, he called out for help. A Spirit Guide responded: “... thou hast not outlived all of Earth and its errors; yet thou wilt overcome them one by one, and daily thou wilt acknowledge that man's heart is a universe, wherein is contained all the mystery, all the beauty, and all the love of the divine Godhead, constantly unfolding a spark at a time; but never, never canst thou imagine the heights and the depths to which it shall reach in the unending cycles of eternal thought... Be not strangers to yourselves; listen to those intuitions which speak unmistakably to thy spiritual being."
The spirit of God, Universal Consciousness, is very progressive and success-oriented. (See the writing on Jesus' "spirit of truth".)
How do we know this? It’s easy to discern. First, what do you want to accomplish? If it’s a goal worthy of your high estate as son or daughter of God, if it reflects sacred destiny, then, very soon, you will be treated to tiny flashes and sparks of insight regarding how this goal might be actualized.
And don't worry about very large goals, even ones so large that they might not be accomplished or even begun in this life. UC is in the "mountain moving" business.
One of my very favorite articles, written many years ago, speaks to this process. It’s an explanation of Mark 11 – very misunderstood and misinterpreted. It’s the story of Jesus’ so-called “cursing the fig tree” and then his discourse on “moving mountains.”
Please forget everything you might have heard about this account, as the proper interpretation offers us much insight and encouragement concerning accomplishing great goals in the service of God.
One spark at a time.
