Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Dr. Federico Faggin: a primary characteristic of UC is its desire to know itself. The cosmos is a kind of classroom to reify the ancient mandate, know thyself. |
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Dr. Federico Faggin: a primary characteristic of UC is its desire to know itself. The cosmos is a kind of classroom to reify the ancient mandate, know thyself.
This means that we, too, as extensions of UC, possess a nature which demands, from ourselves, a thoughtful, introspective life; that of honoring rational faculties and intuitive capacities.
But -- we hasten to object – so very few live such a high-minded, self-evaluative life. How could this be a necessary requirement for all?
Transgression of this natural law, which demands our attentive and circumspect mindset, is no evidence for its abrogation.
Far from it. When people cross to the other side, nearly 80% of them will spend at least some time in a dark place, unable to see or hear. Why is this? From thousands of reports, we learn that no one will leave this “dark closet without walls” until one has agreed – agreed with oneself – to live the kind of life that should have been lived from the beginning – which is, the ancient quest to “know thyself.”
We met Dr. Faggin earlier:

A former materialist, this great scientist's dramatic mystical visions informed him that UC desires to know itself. All this is good, but we don't need the major mystical experience to perceive this. It's a precept readily available by "going within."
Elsewhere, I stated this:
The Dark Realms
Mandated Solitude and Introspection,
a temporary detention and time-out
Spirit Guides inform us that the purpose of the Dark Realms is not to punish but to 'grind the lust for sin out of the soul'
We cannot forever evade our true selves, the hushed whisperings deep within, the sacred destiny, a heritage of having been "made in the image"; we cannot avoid, but only delay, a requirement to vivify one's spirit, to grow in consciousness, to enter self-realization, to unfold the soul, to evolve as a sentient being, to love ourselves, to choose life – but, most of all, the great imperative, in this world and the next, to explore sacred personhood, to become fully human, to claim birthright, to advance as mature sons and daughters of Mother-Father God.
Because we are linked to UC, we cannot escape this mandate to "know thyself."
On the "sensibility" pages, you will find scores of reports from the other side from those who, upon transition, woke up in a "dark closet" and discovered that UC was requiring them to "hand in some overdue homework."

Editor's last word:
Don't worry about this troubling report of "dark closets." If this should happen to any of us -- to you, you can leave the same day - with a heartfelt intention to live a thoughtful, rational, service-minded life.
Why this? - it's the essence of UC, and that's who we are, too. To live otherwise, creates darkness in our spirits - because we weren't designed for goose-stepping agreement and cultish subservience.