Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Professor Frederic Myers, communicating from the afterlife: Man has the ability to 'think the thoughts of God.' The hidden human potential is so utterly vast that even the most ordinary person 'is a god' in latent form. 'Man contains in embryo the complete creation, awaiting development under his own masterful direction.' |
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Professor Frederic Myers, communicating from the afterlife: Man has the ability to 'think the thoughts of God.' The hidden human potential is so utterly vast that even the most ordinary person 'is a god' in latent form. 'Man contains in embryo the complete creation, awaiting development under his own masterful direction.'
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: "We have learned that within is the universal way leading to this Wisdom... [Man] is himself the sovereign of his destiny, the master of his fate. Created in the Image of God, he is the Son of the Most High. Lighted by the lamp of conscience, he builds an empire within himself; his lordly possessions reach within to Infinitude... You have the ability to think the thoughts of God... your mind is therefore the mind of a god, analytical - powerful."
Editor’s note: What are these vast abilities lying fallow deep within of which Myers speaks? We cannot measure their final length just as we will never map the entire range of God’s abilities; ours and Hers are linked. But, as one indication of what the highly developed human looks like, see the report [the inset-box] of the shamans of the Kogi people, who know things that extend well beyond the reach of even our high technology; also see Franchezzo's report of missionary Guides in the Dark Realms with "super-hero" powers."
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: “Man could not be great, approaching the Divine counterpart, if faculty [of the inner riches] could be discerned at a glance, or ‘man measured as a measure of barley.’ The deep recesses of a lofty mountain containing all within and without, are more indicative of man’s [enormous hidden] faculty… [T]he perfect man, [is] created in the Image of God. Within this perfect creation is resident a power many fail to find. Nevertheless, it lies deep within the complex nature of mankind. Animals [too] have this power, to some extent. The normal man is a god, but rarely does he come to his estate [while on Earth], through ignorance of his inheritance…it is a matter of development. A man is a bundle of faculties, to use according to his will and education... There are vast fields of discovery within, worth exceeding scrutiny; there is no wall of division between that interior wall of man on that side [the Earth side] and the man free from Earth’s limitations on this side… there is nothing to obstruct your voyage [meaning, these powers can be released while on Earth]… for the veil that separates the seen and the unseen is very thin.”
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: "You should cultivate your impressions, your intuitions - trust them as your guide where you travel and discover by sense. This faculty is easy of cultivation, when the student applies himself to the task. The cultivation of the spiritual will be slow as learning a foreign language... the dross of matter will obscure the transcendent realities awaiting discovery."
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: "Man dwarfs his knowledge by not using to his capacity, his God-given implement of knowledge. For, within his own organism is resident full knowledge of Man, of Life, of Creation, of Destiny, Purpose, Action, Wisdom, etc. For Man contains in embryo the complete creation, awaiting development under his own masterful direction.”
Gottfried de Purucker, leader of the Theosophical Society, Questions We All Ask (1930): “What the Universe is, that you are; what you are, the Universe is… Know thyself, O son of man! For in thee lie all the mysteries of the Universe. Thou art its child; inseparable from it shalt thou ever be; for It is thou and thou art It. This is the pathway to all wisdom, to all knowledge, to all achievement. It is also therefore the pathway of evolution - of evolving, of unfolding, what is folded up or latent within you.”
Channeled testimony via the mediumship of W. Aber, presented in the book The Guiding Star: “The great thinker scales the mountain side, and delves deep into its caverns for the ore of truth. What cares he that the unthinking multitude are surging and wrangling at its base? What cares he though he have only strength to bear his precious burden to the surface? ... It is noble to soar to heights unattainable by the multitude; and it is noble also to descend, that you may meet and interpret to the thousands upon the plain that which was given to the few upon the mount.” Editor’s note: This nobility “to descend” is an extremely important part of “going within,” a journey to unmask the “false self” in one’s being. Without this clearer perspective, we will never attain to zenith levels of spirituality, no matter the platitudes one might offer nor the charitable works one might engage in. See the “spirituality, part 2” writing.
Channeled information from medium Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, The Future Life: January 19, 1856. A person on the other side, having lived an egocentric life on Earth, landed in a dark place, wherein he drifted and sought escape for many decades. Finally, in a more humble frame of mind, he called out for help. A Spirit Guide responded: “... thou hast not outlived all of Earth and its errors; yet thou wilt overcome them one by one, and daily thou wilt acknowledge that man's heart is a universe, wherein is contained all the mystery, all the beauty, and all the love of the divine Godhead, constantly unfolding a spark at a time; but never, never canst thou imagine the heights and the depths to which it shall reach in the unending cycles of eternal thought... Be not strangers to yourselves; listen to those intuitions which speak unmistakably to thy spiritual being."
Two Years In Heaven, Dr. C.H. Carson, from his wife Rose, her experiences in the afterlife: "My mind is filled with plans of what I hope to do. How glorious it will be to enter into active work and to realize that whatever I set out to do I shall be able to accomplish through the efforts I make! It seems good to be alive; to feel so well and strong that one’s whole being vibrates with new and wonderful life… Every moment of the time I spent in spirit life was occupied with something helpful and instructive… [to] furnish me with some helpful idea that I could impart to others to aid them in their progress toward higher, grander, and better things... My soul is alive and vibrant with plans for the future, and I am happy and more glad of life as each day passes, not for myself alone, but for those who are to follow after me and whom my influence is to lead heavenward... The consciousness that I have attained tells me this great truth: The soul aspiring for progress never retrogrades; it goes on and on, throughout all eternity, toward greater achievements and higher realizations."
Mary Bruce Wallace, The Thinning Of The Veil (1919), channeled information from the other side: “All power comes from within and is never generated from without. Great reforms will be accomplished when Inner Forces are brought into activity … We are illumined by our own Higher Self... Within the soul of man shineth the Eternal One, invincible, all-conquering. The higher we rise, the more clearly we realize this… The coming age is to be a day of big things in the soul of man and then big changes in the external world. Prepare by enlarging your consciousness -- enlarge, I say, ENLARGE. Rule without from within. You can do more than you know by the power of thought which is the greatest force in the universe… As we rise in the scale of evolution, this becomes more and more clear to us. Realize your Divine Power. Use it with thankfulness and awe.”

Dr. Carl and Anna Wickland, “Thirty Years Among The Dead.” Two Native American spirits (circa. 1924) spoke via the trance mediumship of Anna Wickland: “We believe in the Great Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge, and that we are a part of the Great Spirit… When we are a part of that wonderful Spirit how could we be full of sin? … We could not fall away from Him because we are a part of Him; we live in Him... We could not get away from Him because He is everywhere. He is the whole Universe… We put ourselves in rapport with that Great Spirit … We do not believe, we know… We must find the Great Spirit within, not look outside. Find ourselves and we will find Him, for we are a part of that wonderful Mind… The Christians look for God outside; we look for God within ourselves… When you find God within yourself you cannot do wrong. Find God within you, then you have Power, Strength and Love… All of you here are a part of that Universal Light, and you must all have that light from the candle. Do not worship the candle, but worship the Light of Understanding and God… Medicine Men study Nature's forces and have power over them… The Medicine Man knows the Secret of the Universe, the Secret of Love, the Secret of Knowledge and the Secret of Wisdom and Truth.” Editor’s note: See the entire transcript here. Also, see further discussion of the Indians’ advanced standing and leadership roles in the afterlife due to their natural religion allowing them a keen understanding of the Great Spirit.

Rainer Maria Rilke: “A billion stars go spinning through the night, glittering above your head, but in you is the presence that will be when all the stars are dead… Think... of the world you carry within you… your solitude will be a support and a home for you, even in the midst of very unfamiliar circumstances, and from it you will find all your paths.”
