Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
Universal Consciousness, the Spirit of God, along with our true selves, remain absolutely aloof from any external force, any experience, any impinging influence from the outside.
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Universal Consciousness, the Spirit of God, along with our true selves, remain absolutely aloof from any external force, any experience, any impinging influence from the outside.
This is why, in your deeper self, you feel exactly the same today as you did when you were 17. Thoughts in the head have changed, but we still know ourselves as the same individual – despite all that’s happened since then.
On the “reincarnation” page, you will find nearly 100 articles exploring the error of this doctrine. However, this issue of the inability to change the essential self – this one concept – is enough to derail the entire edifice of “R.” It’s built upon the arrant precept that much experience, 100,000 lives of experience, will eventually mature the wayward soul.
This idea has no hope of being correct. Our essential selves are linked to, are one with, are extensions of, UC, the Spirit of God, and Divinity never, ever suffers alteration, of any sort, from anything external to itself.
The soul directs its own evolution, according to its own dictates, its own timetable, and no one, not even the surface personality, will be allowed a contrary word against its will and plans.
