Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Editor's Research Project, an 8-Year Study: The Great Controversy of How Life Emerged and Developed on Planet Earth |
the interplay of habit and creativity in nature as an "unfolding," the literal meaning of evolution, speaking to hidden blueprints; a vector, a force with a direction, leading us to a progressively manifesting, dynamically flowing cosmos, Heraclitus' universe of perpetual change and becoming, rather than static being, albeit within narrowing fields of activity
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"To suppose the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1859
“… the thought of the eye made me cold all over." Charles Darwin, letter to Asa Gray, 1860
“[As to] why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods before the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer. The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.” Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1859
the gratuitous double A+
Over fifty years ago, to satisfy a high school English-class assignment, I spoke before my fellow senior students on the controversial subject of biological evolution.
Armed with tantalizing anti-evolution information secured from a Biblical-Creationist church, and like a severe and humorless Old Testament prophet, I mounted the lectern with an air of authority and stern-mindedness. Later, in college public-speaking classes, as I recount elsewhere, I would suffer extreme stage fright, sometimes, freezing up so violently that I’d have to sit down before I fell down. But not on this day of my evolution speech; on that day, I was a boy on fire with his message.
Editor’s note: As I prepared these introductory comments, I decided to dredge up some of those old anti-evolution articles from the church, just to see what I’d think about them now. I readily found all of them online, an entire archival library. The church itself no longer exists, having been splintered into numerous competing factions, a casualty of egoic in-fighting. As I reviewed these old writings, however, it quickly became evident that the church’s argument against evolution, in the main, fell into a category of what today is known as “tangled hierarchies,” which I will discuss.

the archerfish
My talk issued as diatribe against the logical inconsistencies of Darwinism. It went something like this:
“Natural selection allows some animals to survive while others become extinct. But if an animal is surviving, why does it need to evolve? There are some animals living today, like the coelacanth fish, whose bodily shape continues the same as millions of years ago. Why didn’t these life forms evolve? Presumably, they’ve been surviving just fine with no need to change, obviating the need for evolution. But if an organism needs to develop certain abilities to make it more competitive, how does this happen? If it occurs gradually over a long period of time, as Darwinism suggests, what allows the creature to survive during the interim? What good is a half-developed eye, or a partially-developed lung, or one-tenth of a wing? The animal wouldn’t survive with partially-constructed features; natural selection itself, perceiving no advantage to partially-constructed morphic elements, would discard these unfinished works. Consider the archerfish:

"Refraction, as we know, is the bending of light, which occurs in a medium such as water. Bent light makes things appear to be what, and where, they are not. The archerfish has somehow solved this refraction problem. Presently, it can aim, without distorted view, a jet of water at its prey with great accuracy. But if the archerfish needed this ability or advantage to survive, how did it feed itself in the meantime? And if it had other means to feed itself, then why develop the new ability?”
I went on to point out that Nature is filled with this kind of catch-22 conundrum. Virtually every species, indeed, every aspect of the body, might be analyzed this way.
In subsequent days after my speech, a friend came to me. Confiding that I'd altered her point of view, she'd also conducted a quick poll among our peers and said, “About half the class agrees with you, and half are opposed.” Jim Olig, our English teacher, apparently, a closet anti-evolutionist, loved this information so much that he awarded my efforts an unheard-of double A+.
how does my white-hair perspective judge this today
There are many problems. That seventeen year-old boy had no idea.
There were no winners that day; both sides got it wrong. While Biblical Creationism has a few points in its favor, and Darwinism has some credit on its side, both camps substantially miss the mark of what’s going on here.
Below, you will find 100+ sub-articles exploring the minutia of this vast and contentious subject. Much more could be said, and there can be no absolute final answers right now, but we can understand some things.
But, I know what you want to ask: Why are both sides wrong, and how is that possible? They get it wrong because, as Nobel laureate Dr. Richard Feynman and other physicists, such as Dr. Amit Goswami, suggest, quantum mechanics and “The Double-Slit Experiment” change everything.
As such, all of the scientific disciplines, including biology – and let’s include religion, too, as it presumes to offer a cosmology – must be re-evaluated and re-stated in light of “the only mystery” of science.
bite-sized packets of information
Editor’s note: The following sub-articles will lead us "down the rabbit-hole" to how evolution really works. But, it would be very rude to keep you in suspense. Let's begin with the conclusion, in outline-equation form:
please click on each link-icon
The reason behind the reason for what most people believe.
Why only the virtuous find the truth.
Dr. Fritjof Capra: From Thales to Descartes: How a Cosmos of Interconnected Energies was misinterpreted as Universe-as-Machine, a Dualism of Mind-Matter, a Fragmentation of Body-Soul

Four things that Darwin didn't understand what we do now
Intelligent Design, yes, but not Biblical Creationism; Evolution, yes, but not Darwinism

Biblical Creationism and Darwinism speak at each other, conduct themselves as rival religions and should be viewed as such
Biblical Creationism does not adequately address the many facets of the emergence of biological life
High school and college kids are not taught that biology is not a true science – not like chemistry and physics.
when the law and the facts do not support your case, then pound the table and vilify the opposing attorney

Editor's note: I presented this featurette on the "Clear Thinking" page but feel it helpful to re-introduce it here.
The following proverb, sometimes called “The Last Resort Rule,” was not taught in Civil Procedure class when I was in law school; however, some attorneys do report of professors who mentioned it.
There are different versions of the aphorism, but it goes something like this:
“If you have a case where the law is clearly on your side, but the facts and justice seem to be against you,” advised an old lawyer to a young attorney, “urge upon the jury the vast importance of sustaining the law."
"On the other hand," the old lawyer continued, "if the law is against you, or doubtful, and the facts show that your case is founded in justice, insist that justice be done though the heavens fall."
“But,” asked the young man, “how shall I manage a case where both the law and the facts are dead against me?”
“In that situation,” replied the old lawyer, “talk around it - and the worse it is, the harder you pound the table.”
Some variants of this sophistry conclude with, not just pounding the table but, attacking the opposing counsel, or yelling with outrage, or shouting at the jury.
It's all a cool calculation. In other words, when the law and the facts are not on your side – and if you lack any semblance of scruple -- you need to do something fast to divert attention from the poverty and lack of substance of your defense; you need to create a scene, manufacture some theatrical charade of moral outrage, produce your own little one-person “mob rule” incident in order to bully your way into a better tactical position – that is, if you want to have any chance of winning your case, and, again, if you lack any sense of moral rectitude and respect for the rule of law.
wag the dog
The “last resort” ploy reaches for highest expression in a concept known as “wag the dog.” If those intent upon deception, distraction, and cover-up possess great wealth, or political-military capabilities, they might orchestrate a national disaster, a calamity to shut down society, or some false mega-accusation, even a war among nations, all for the purpose of diverting attention from crimes they’ve committed.
On the “Clear Thinking” page, I suggested that “The Last Resort Rule” is alive and well within certain political circles as a tool of deception and propaganda. Big Religion, too, very often employs such procedures to justify and promote its anti-humanistic mind-control agenda.
And, unfortunately, we also witness the use of these strong-arm tactics by materialist biologists. The fact that they do use them is proof presumptive that they’ve lost the argument on the merits of the case and must now resort to name-calling and “pounding tables.”
Here's an example of "shouting at the jury," what you do when "the law" and "the facts" are against you:
"If you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is either ignorant, stupid, or insane." Dr. Richard Dawkins
The unproven dogmatic foundations, the materialistic assumptions, of Darwinistic biology
Not Enough Time, Part I: "Given enough time,” the mantra of Darwinists, chance and randomness will create life on Earth and “pigs will fly.” However, mathematical probability models reveal that there is not enough time in the entire history of the universe to create life; nor in 10 universes, or 100, or 1000. There is zero chance that life could have evolved as a function of probability.
Is there a 'clockwork universe'?

Editor’s note: In my youth, diligently studying the Bible in hopes of discovering ultimate “truth”, I attended a church which preached “the clockwork of the universe requires a clockmaker.” For a long time, I found this a reasonable proposition. However, I would learn that the universe is not a Great Machine. There is no Cosmic Clockwork. Matter does not constitute the underlying ground of what is. Newtonianism has been superseded by quantum mechanics as fundamental theory of reality. And in that ultra-small world of elemental essence, there is no strict cause-and-effect. Materialistic college history professors, smugly insisting “there is no free will”, and fundamentalist churches, gathering support for their “infallible” doctrines, will be among the last to acknowledge that classical physics became passé over 100 years ago.

Not Enough Time, Part II: A simple protein molecule is far too complex for randomness to have produced it without a timespan equal to the duration of billions or trillions of universes.

DNA transmits information in a process, in principle, similar to that of computer code. The Cambrian Explosion of new life-forms required, in a geological moment, many new protein structures which had never existed before on planet Earth. These proteins are so complex that, even the simplest of them, require more combinatorial possibilities than all the atoms in the universe. Where did this new bio-information come from?
Not Enough Time, Part III: Parallel Universes, Science in Crisis: How the good name of Science is discredited with hypotheses that have not been refined in the purging fires of a rigorous induction.
the fraudulent attempt to overcome 'not enough time'
Dr. Stephen Meyer: “Many worlds” and “parallel universes” is a fabricated, ad hoc concept, unsupported by scientific evidence, existing to serve one purpose: that of circumventing the argument of Intelligent Design: “Stanford physicist Leonard Susskind explains the attraction of the Multiverse: ‘Without any [other] explanation of nature’s fine-tunings we will be hard pressed to answer the ID [intelligent design] critics.’ Indeed, the Multiverse is now the go-to atheistic explanation for the design of the universe.”
'the truth is not a fragile thing and will eventually rise to the top of a heap of competing ideas'

Physicist Tom Campbell, in clear language, explains the history and significance of the quantum mechanics revolution of 100 years ago, how its implications were denied by materialists, and why, as Tom sees it, its proper explication might lead to a better world, free from the power-control-force paradigm afflicting all of us today.

give us one free miracle, and we'll explain the rest
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: "As my friend Terence McKenna used to say, modern science is based on the principle, 'Give us one free miracle, and we'll explain the rest'. And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe, and all the laws that govern it, from nothing, in a single instant."
what can’t you believe
In the Sheldrake / Abraham / McKenna Trialogues, that took place between 1989 and 1998, the latter participant, Terrence McKenna, also irreverently asserted, to the effect, “If you can believe that all the energy and matter, everything that you see around you, came into existence from nothing in a hot nano-second, then – what can’t you believe?”
Yes – “what can’t you believe?” At times we find ourselves so mesmerized by group mindset and materialist propaganda that we robotically agree to whatever is spoon fed to us; we uncritically accept it, gulp it down like water.
Something-from-nothing is a “religious doctrine” of holy materialism, to be endorsed as a matter of faith. There’s no rational argument for it, but is simply required by the theory to offer semblance of coherency in a spirit of “the joker is wild.” There are, however, more credible cosmogonical explanations.
The Anthropic Principle: Part I: Was the Universe Created with Humans in Mind?
The Anthropic Principle: Part II: Why the Anthropic Principle is Undoubtedly True: the most fundamental question is not, why did life evolve this way or that, but – why is there such a thing as life at all?
How Modern Science has falsified the claims of Biblical Creationism
Where are the "missing links"? Darwinism is a theory of gradualism, of slow, continuous, incremental biological change over very long periods of time. But the fossil record does not support this view.
Toppling the pillars of Darwinism: A survey of evolution’s major “proofs”
plowing at night, discussing evolution with my cousin Tom, overturning untenable ideas with the topsoil
As a boy I spent many hundreds of hours, after school, plowing at night. Dad and Uncle Joe would sometimes work together during spring planting. I looked forward to this joint effort as I’d have opportunity to see my cousin Tom. Normally, he and I would run our own tractors, but one evening, I don’t recall why, we spent a few hours together on a ponderous John Deere, lumbering up and down a long field immediately adjacent to Grandma’s old farmyard. It was great fun to talk with Tom. Though 50+ years ago, I still remember our animated discussion of biological evolution, as I shared my findings for the English-class speech assignment.
It’s all so strange and unreal to me now; several life-times ago. Also, but for a few small points here and there, most of what we talked about would prove to be incorrect: my data was fragmentary, incomplete, or non-existent; further, there was too much emphasis on biblical creationism. In fact, to my present dismay, I now perceive that I was wrong on just about everything in my life I thought to be true at the time.
However, I will give myself credit for one thing, a saving grace that might redeem unmindfulness wherever it's found. Though my disengaged, lackluster academic efforts in high school heralded no great coming accomplishment, I would soon enter a better mind-frame of staying with certain questions and mysteries over protracted periods of time, years and decades.
Like plowing into the late hours, long fortitude, seeded with research and contemplation, will eventually yield a harvest of good fruit, for any of us.

Kairissi and Elenchus discuss what we’ve learned so far: Part I
Preliminary comments on The Science Wars: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake versus TED, Wikipedia, and Materialistic Academia: “Where’s the blueprint in nature for all that we see around us?”
How the Fear of Death enters the Evolution Debate.

"The big idea is that the laws of nature are more like habits."
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: "The big idea is that the ‘laws’ of nature are more like habits. There’s a kind of memory in nature. Things happen as they do because they’ve happened that way before. Every species has a kind of collective memory; every individual [of a species] draws on that collective memory and, in turn, contributes to it… I’m suggesting that this kind of memory works through a process I call morphic resonance, the influence of ‘like upon like,’ across space and time. And this memory is carried and expressed through fields, morphic fields. The word ‘morphic’ comes from the Greek word ‘morphe,’ meaning form or shape. These are fields that order self-organizing systems… These fields organize energy… [This is the] big picture.”
Editor's note: "The big idea," as Dr. Sheldrake has it, is that biological evolution is but mere subset of a vast cosmic progression, a continual reordering of reality.

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: What is morphogenesis?
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: What is a morphic field?
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: What is a morphogenetic field?
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: What is morphic resonance?
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: A brief history of the “field” concept in science.
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: A brief survey of the historical roots of current thought in biology.
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: A survey of the evidence for morphic fields
Fields - the name is Fields, just Fields

Quantum of Solace (2008)
Strawberry Fields (Gemma Arterton)
“Matter is no longer the fundamental explanatory principle. Fields and energy are.” Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
Gravitational fields of galaxies, and clusters of galaxies, pull and tug on their constituent members, keeping stars and planets spinning in a gigantic harmonious dance.
Our own Sun’s gravitational field extends throughout the entire solar system. And the Earth’s gravitational field keeps a familiar Moon on a short leash.
Electrons and protons and all other particles are vibrations in quantum fields.
And electro-magnetic fields – invisible waves of gamma, radio, x-ray, infra-red, ultra-violet, visible light – bombard and immerse us constantly, and fill the rooms of our homes.
We live in a universe regulated and led by fields – “regions of activity” -- of all sorts. Virtually all of these fields are invisible to the unaided eye. And it is reasonable to postulate that not all fields have yet been discovered. The evidence suggests that there are morphic fields, the “hidden blueprints,” which lend shape and form to everything we see in the universe.
READ MORE for an example from chemistry
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: It's "fields" not "laws."
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: A survey of the evidence for morphic resonance
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: Creodes: limiting the choices, directing an organism's growth, toward specific objectives
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: Holons: morphic fields as hierarchical structure: parts within wholes, wholes as parts
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake’s Theory of Morphogenesis: Dr. Richard Dawkins and the almighty Selfish Gene: “DNA moves in mysterious ways” and will “aspire to immortality.”
Darwinism's main objection to Dr. Sheldrake's morphogenesis
The Human Genome Project of 2000: One of the greatest disappointments in the history of scientific research
Predicting the structure of cells on the basis of the interactions of millions of proteins and other molecules would unleash a combinatorial explosion of possible arrangements superseding the number of all atoms in the universe
Kairissi and Elenchus discuss what we’ve learned so far: Part II
eliminate the impossible, what remains is the truth
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, speaking as Sherlock Holmes: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Editor’s note: Investigating the origin of evolution we find particularly difficult. Certainty will prove elusive, we can only speculate, concerning primordial conditions of the Earth; further, no one has ever actually seen evolution in action; as such, for many of our questions, we cannot apply the classic scientific method, in terms of reproducible and controlled experimentation. Mindful of this systemic challenge, Conan Doyle’s advice becomes an important tool for our searchings.
The mystery of biological evolution, so complex, so shrouded in primeval origin, leads us to despair of arriving at final, absolute answers. However, we can know some things.
Now, many months into this enquiry, it’s becoming clearer that the way forward is to whittle away at the false claims, the standard-fare materialistic promotion, the things that evolution could never be; in time, we trust, with encouragement from Dr. Holmes, the remaining hidden part, a closely-guarded secret of Nature, virtually by default, might reveal its identity.
Sir Arthur, by the way, was also one of the premier afterlife-researchers of his day.
Part I: From Pythagoras to Darwin: A Brief History of the Unspoken Underlying Metaphysical Assumptions of Modern Science and How They Affect the Evolution Debate
Part II: Science's metaphysical assumptions were inherited from the Middle Ages, and "have never been challenged."
how to dishonestly review a book

The authors present research findings, many hundreds of archeological artifacts, from anthropologists, biologists, physicians, geologists, and other persons of science. In aggregate, this substantial corpus of information constitutes a compelling case that humankind has existed far, far longer on planet Earth than the more recent dating theorized by traditional Darwinism.
In addition to the book, you will find youtube interviews concerning the authors. Also, I would recommend a 1996 NBC documentary, “The Mysterious Origins Of Man,” narrated by Charlton Heston. See it here.
Therein, some of the evidence from “Forbidden Archeology” is featured. I’ve read that, when this program was originally presented, even back then, the Darwin lobby attacked NBC, wanted to sue, and demanded that it never be aired again. They were terrified.
As we review this subject, we discover that credentialed scientists have lost their careers, have been blacklisted, by daring to challenge the Darwin lobby in the presentation of said archeological artifacts. All of this, in a supposedly free society, is very troubling. However, this kind of censorship is now common, not just in anthropology but, in any field, the official narrative for which the vested establishment would seek to safeguard and maintain.
a book review from the Ministry Of Truth
A quick survey of the reviews on Amazon for “Forbidden Archeology” offers standard establishment push-back. See the “1 star” reviews. There we find the usual charges of “conspiratorial drivel” or “the authors aren’t credentialed to offer an opinion” or “no mainstream scientist would agree with their conclusions" or "they probably believe in ghosts and UFOs too". They sound like bullies on the playground in fifth grade. With this kind of bigoted, self-serving dynamic, they purport to have “debunked” “Forbidden Archeology”. I think not.
But with all of the diatribe from the Darwin lobby, there is one thing that they will never do in these book reviews. They will never offer one concrete example to support their charges of “pseudoscience.” Instead, they hide in the tall grass of self-righteous pietism, of generalized platitudes, always seeking refuge in the vague and ill-defined indictment.
The real issue here is the artifacts themselves. Doesn't really matter who presented them. But factual objects, with hard edges, are stubborn things, and so it's much easier to kill the messenger.
On the “Clear Thinking” page I discuss many fraudulent debating tactics, and what we’ve seen, right here in these biased reviews, is a popular method among those who would censor “misinformation” and silence contrary opinions. Allow me to quote:
The charges are always indistinct and fuzzy, long on venom, short on veritas - because they don't want to talk about facts. The accuser predictably seeks shelter in the unclear and indeterminate.
The way to respond to these accusations is to bring it all back down to earth with a logic-jarring demand:
'give me one example, let's talk about it'
"You say I've told 5000 lies; well then, give me one example of one lie."
Yes - give me one example, and then we’ll look at the context, we'll carefully consider, what was actually said or done, and we’ll see if the facts corroborate the charge.
And if the facts are in dispute, then we’ll call in witnesses who actually know. And if the interpretation of the facts is questionable, or intentionally obfuscated, or presented in a one-sided manner, then we’ll employ cross-examining attorneys to search out the truth.
However, no flamboyant demagogue desires this kind of careful scrutiny of allegations. They're not interested in the truth. They’d rather keep repeating a lie, amplified by the fake-news media, in a propaganda effort to “poison the well” of public opinion. This is the diversionary tactic of "The Last Resort Rule" (see above).
All this duplicity is rather predictable conduct from those who cannot speak plainly about what they're up to, those who are willing to say anything, and do anything, to further their power-and-control schemes.
And the quickest way to pop this illusion of fluff-prevarication is to demand:
'give me one example, let's talk about it'
See them demand censorship to protect their indefensible propositions. Kangaroo courts, in which only one viewpoint is allowed expression, come crashing down with penetrating questions.
"You say my view is 'misinformation', well then, give me one example, let's talk about it. You say I'm a purveyor of lies and 'conspiracy theories', well then, give me one example, let's talk about it."
The totalitarians loath this kind of exactitude; much better to hide in the vague generalizations of smear tactics.
Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1863-1944), On The Art Of Reading: "A very well-informed person is an object of terror."
Charlton Heston, narrator of NBC’s “The Mysterious Origins Of Man,” tells the story of the 1892 Java Man, sensationalized as “the missing link”, prominently displayed in the New York City Museum Of Natural History until 1984, but later admitted to be a work of fraudulent scholarship.
before one might credibly address the biology of evolution, one must begin with chemistry
Editor’s note: On the “evolution” page, I have offered 100+ articles discussing various errors of Darwinism and the merits of Intelligent Design. There are many excellent teachers and researchers from whom we can learn much. However, if pressed to choose a favorite, I might have to vote for Dr. James Tour.

Dr. James Tour is considered to be one of the top ten chemists in the world, and one of the top fifty scientists. The level of knowledge and insight he brings to the discussion of evolution is astonishing. He informs us that organic chemistry serves as basis of biology, and, therefore, before one might credibly address the biology of evolution, one must begin with chemistry.
It is a popular myth supporting Darwinism that "simple" cell life is nothing more than a glob of protoplasm. For a long time, however, we’ve known that there is no such thing as “simple” life, but this error continues to be repeated and promoted in textbooks.

The intricate processes of even the “simplest” cell – as there is no such thing as simple life – because even the simplest consists not just of mind-numbing complexity, plus a vast array of functions that must all work in concert, immediately, or not at all. This bewildering byzantine complexity grows yearly with new discoveries.
'more time' does not help Darwinism at the level of chemistry
Further, Darwinists’ salvation, that of “more time” eventually making pigs fly, will not offer benefit, for, as Dr. Tour points out, the processes of the cell, many of them, on the level of chemistry, are so fragile, and so short-lived, that the component chemicals quickly degrade and break down into different chemicals. More time actually works against evolution on the level of chemistry.
Interviewer: “What do you think about with your colleagues, do you often find that you’re conflicting over ideologies, or how is that in your daily life?”
James: “Well, not so much with my colleagues, not so much with chemists, the conflict comes with people who aren’t chemists, who really don’t see what I see, they don’t even understand the complexity of this thing and they think all of this could have just happened by itself.”
It is the biologists, typically, not understanding the inner-world details of organic chemistry, who make grand and unwarranted pronouncements concerning “life created in a test-tube” and similar. This is nonsense, says Professor Tour.
The media then takes these sensational statements and aggrandizes the error even more as fake-news. And now we have many millions of people who believe in the myths of an artificial synthesizing of life.
We today are actually much farther away from discovering the constituents of life than we were in 1952 with the Miller-Urey experiments. This is so because we are continually learning of greater and greater complexities within the cell, all of which pushes back any final understanding of origins in this area.
But, if all you knew were the brash statements from the popular press, you’d think that everything is already mapped out and all done. We are nowhere near that, and our horizon of ignorance ever recedes.

The Ghost in the Cosmic Machine: How the Underlying Metaphysical Assumptions of Modern Science Require an Actuating Force, an Original Unmoved Mover, "One Free Miracle," to Make It All Work
Natural selection can account for variation within species. Darwinism does a good job here, and we see it everywhere. But, the idea that one species morphs into another, the concept of ‘common descent,’ is merely conjecture with no evidence to support.
MicroEvolution vs. MacroEvolution: The first is patently true, evidentially around us everywhere, but the second represents mere fable, untenable materialistic dogmatism.
all facts are important
J. Arthur Hill: "Facts differ in importance, but it is a fundamental article of ... science that all facts are important in some degree.
all facts are important for, as they gather, an underlying tapestry of reality is revealed
"The import of some of them may not be clear at first, but continued collection brings about the possibility of valuable inferences. An orbit cannot be computed from one or two points given; many are necessary.
all facts are important and none of it is 'minor', for all knowledge is connected, Nature is of a piece and unfurls seamlessly, but only to the mind patiently assembling the data
"Similarly a number of facts — the more the better — may be required before we see their meaning. But there is a meaning, and it is worth our while to amass details patiently. This is the modern spirit [of science] — to inquire of Nature instead of building philosophic word-structures into the blue. Observation and record are the watchwords.”
Circular Reasoning and Promissory Notes, Part I: How the House of Darwin is built.
Darwinists' Circular Reasoning, Part II: “Our theory must be true because there is no other way life could have made entrance on the Earth.”
Natural selection, Darwinists say, ‘is just smarter than us,’ it can do what we can’t in the lab. Natural selection is their Intelligent Designer, their own materialistic version of God, it can do magic, defying the laws of science and mathematical probability.

Tour: “[Concerning the origin of life,] my argument has always been, molecules don’t care about life, organisms care about life, molecules don’t care, they don’t know how to move toward life, they have never been shown to move toward life, there’s no interest in moving toward life, they have no brain, no desire to move toward life..."
Lamarckianism makes a big come-back via Epigenesis. Heredity depends both on Genes and Morphic Resonance.
Morphic Resonance and Memory: just as appropriate genes are necessary for normal morphogenesis, an appropriate nervous system is necessary for normal behavior. Chemical or physical disturbances of the nerves can affect behavior, just as disturbances of genes and proteins can affect morphogenesis. But behavior is no more programmed in the nervous system than morphogenesis is programmed in the genes.
consciousness, not matter, is the ground and substance of all reality

Amit Goswami is a professor and writer of textbooks of quantum physics
consciousness does not exist within us, we exist within consciousness; consciousness is the only objective reality, the only thing that’s ‘real,’ with all other elements of the universe deriving being from consciousness

Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: An introduction to the work of Professor Amit Goswami: What are the implications of his overriding precept, “consciousness is the ground of all being”? It means that all things, all subjects, ourselves, as well, will be defined by aspects of consciousness. Biological evolution as a creative process will not be excluded.
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Biblical Creationism and Darwinism both become a “one-trick pony” in an attempt to explain life around us by one central too-simplistic argument.
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: The "epicycles" of Darwinism: not everything that's logical or mathematically consistent is true or accurately represents reality.
Big Religion became the most powerful institution in the Western world by manipulating the fear of death, thereby controlling whole continents and civilizations
Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, PhD philosophy, PhD computer science, interviewed by Beshara Magazine:
“[Scientific] materialism didn’t become mainstream without reason. One of its biggest advantages is that in one fell swoop it eliminated the biggest fear humanity has had throughout its history, which is: what are we going to experience after we die? In Christian terms, are we going to go to hell? This fear has dominated human life to the point that the Church could control whole continents and civilizations and became the most powerful institution in the Western world. It is this fear that makes us feel guilty, which imbues us with anxiety and a sense of responsibility for what we do. But if we don’t believe in anything beyond material existence, we don’t need to worry.”
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: A Clashing of Two Governing Principles of the Natural World: a tendency toward Entropy and a march toward greater Complexity. How can both rule the universe?
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Natural selection is built upon survivability; complexity has no role in the process; the problem of entropy is not addressed.
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Darwinists speak only of gradual change. But the fossil record indicates that evolution works both by gradualism and by sudden jumps of creativity.
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: There is no such thing as “gaps” in the fossil record. We should expect to find spaces. The concept of “gap” is part of Darwinism’s gradualism.
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Materialists offer objection: How can a non-material Intelligent Designer interact with material biological form, with matter? How can two entirely different substances, with nothing in common, impose causation, one upon the other?
in the quantum paradigm, biological evolution is but one small facet of a universe led by creative impulse, a mandate for greater complexity, an upward spiraling of increased awareness and sentience

Interviewer: “What’s wrong with the old worldview?”
Dr. Goswami: “The old worldview was Newtonian, [a strictly cause-and-effect clockwork universe]. In that worldview, everything is deterministic, we are machines, and cannot change.”
Alfred Russel Wallace, a leading scientist of his day, was a co-discoverer with Charles Darwin of the Theory of Natural Selection. However, after further investigation, Wallace began to harbor severe doubts that natural selection could account for the development of man’s intellect and consciousness. Wallace also was drawn to the evidence for the afterlife.
In quantum physics, objects are depicted as possibilities. Gene mutations are also quantum processes and must be treated as such.
What good is one quarter of an eye or a tenth of a wing? A trait is useful for survival only when it is fully developed. Organismic biologists challenge traditional Darwinistic biologists, holding that the evolutionary emergence of a new trait cannot be a gradual, bit-by-bit process.
Natural selection is a useful bio-evolutionary concept, directing minor variations and population growth within existing species. It does us no good, though, until we have something to “select.” Natural selection, of and by itself, cannot produce a new species and will not take us to where we want to go in this investigation.
Biologists Jack King and Thomas Jukes stated: "Natural selection is the editor, not the composer, of the genetic message."

The classic “black moth vs. white moth” natural-selection example found in all high school biology texts: We are led to infer that species were fundamentally changed, but only population numbers were affected. It’s not mentioned that, later, when the black soot diminished, population levels of the moths shifted again. In either case, each version of the moth remained exactly the same.
Was the long neck of the giraffe produced by a slow accumulation of genetic variations? This Darwinistic concept of gradualism is too simplistic. Longer neck vertebrae could not be produced in isolation but would require a concurrent cluster of supporting bodily modifications.
You think you know how the world works? You think you know what's real?
Doctor Strange (2016), The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) and Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) |
The Ancient One: “You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality.”
at the architectonic, the elemental, level of reality, pure consciousness gives rise to phenomenal existence, what we call matter, which is but one expression of consciousness
Editor’s note: “Doctor Strange” offers a glimpse of a hidden quantum world in which pure thought directs and controls the definition of what is real. The movie, however, in Hollywood form, mixes too much error with fact for it to serve as faithful guide; nevertheless, this cinematic production manages to introduce an extremely important principle concerning how the universe works. We will be looking at this in detail later as we examine new “double slit” experiments and how these impact the subject of biological evolution. In the meantime - reminiscent of a timepiece Christine offered to Stephen – ask yourself, “What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses?”

A closer look at the famous experiment by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, billed as “life created in a test-tube.” In reality, we find here a classic example of Sheldrake’s indictment, “give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.”
dismantling Darwinism at the British Royal Society
In London, November 7-9, 2016, at the venerable British Royal Society (founded 1660), "300 scientists from around the world gathered to evaluate a sea change in evolutionary theory... What was new, at the world’s oldest scientific society, was that 1) a public quorum of 300 scientists acknowledged the centrality of these [anti-Darwinistic] discoveries... and 2) there was no longer any room to discourage or demean these findings...

"This meeting had no mainstream precedent. Such a conference would NEVER have happened five years ago. It would have been too politically incorrect, too threatening to the Neo-Darwinian monopoly." Perry Marshall, Evolution 2.0

Dr. Denis Noble of Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Society, critic of Neo-Darwinism and organizer of the conference. Author of Dance to the Tune of Life: Biological Relativity, he also edits the cross-disciplinary journal Interface for the Royal Society.
Catherine Crowe, The Night Side of Nature (1848): “… this hasty and precipitate opposition … instead of investigators, they become partisans; having declared against it in the outset, it is important to their petty interests that the thing shall not be true, and they determine it shall not.”
Perry Marshall: “In plants and animals," for the greater good of the organism at large, "cells obediently die in response to instructions from other cells.”
Perry Marshall: "Why the Genetic Code Is a Code, Not Merely Like a Code"
Perry Marshal, an electrical engineer / computer programmer explains:
'DNA is not like code, it is code' - a kind of digital programming code
“If I email you a picture of a fender, you can’t attach that fender to your car. But I can certainly email you a program that welds fenders on cars.”
Similarly, Marshall points out, the nucleotides in a DNA strand – the molecules of adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) – do not become “fenders” in the cell but merely send instructions on how to build components of the cell.
"DNA is not like code, it is code." Information entropy is “noise” in the system. And new coded information can never come from “noise.” Random mutations are “noise” and cannot lead to new organisms or positive evolutionary change.
Perry Marshall: Darwinists refuse to discuss statistics, as these undermine their position.
Perry Marshall: Dobzhansky’s fruit flies and the inefficacy of random mutations
Perry Marshall: "Code First, Evolution Second: Dispelling Random Mutations Once and for All"
Perry Marshall: "The claim that any mutation is random is not provable - because, in mathematics, there is no method for proving any sequence of numbers is random. In fact, to prove that anything is random has been proven impossible."
Transposition: a Nobel-Prize winning achievement, one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the 20th century, but ignored and censored by the Darwin Monopoly

After the Russian launching of Sputnik I on October 4, 1957, Americans felt compelled to more vigorously emphasize science in high school curricula. One response was the creation of the “BSCS” biology textbook, considered to be college prep. I decided to order a copy, the very one I studied (or offered illusion of such) in 1966, to see what I’d think of it today. I was disappointed. Where was the rigorous scientific mindset meant to compete with the Russians?
Instead, on page after page, I discovered the soft-underbelly of Darwinism, the squishy belief-system, the unverified dogma, the untested and untestable theory posing as knowledge. The very subtitle of the text, "Molecules To Man," speaks to "upward causation," an unproven materialistic metaphysical assumption. We didn't realize it then, but partisan writings such as these become de facto Darwinian catechisms, suitable for indoctrinating the young herd.
Worse, some of the greatest scientific advancements in genetics, well known to the biological community by the 1960s, were conspicuously absent from the evolution discussion. This could only happen by design – a dishonest ploy, a preemptive strike of censorship by the Darwin Monopoly which controls the production of textbooks in the United States.
Perry Marshall: “I found there are two versions of evolution: There’s the real-world evolution practiced by scientists and medical researchers. And there’s a largely fake, dumbed-down version that they bicker about [at] Kansas school board meetings [and] currently being taught in schools.”

Geneticist Barbara McClintock discovered “Transposition” during the 1940s. Transposition refers to the cell’s ability to edit and rewrite its own DNA code, especially during times of stress, privation, and danger. This means that an organism can direct its own evolution, very quickly, virtually in “real time,” without the need of endless eons and natural selection.
In 1983 McClintock received a Nobel Prize for her discovery of Transposition. In 2005 the above postage stamp was issued in her honor.
And yet, to this day, introductory biology texts, in both high school and college, ignore and censor McClintock’s Transposition, continuing to preach the worn-out and disingenuous Darwinian doctrines. It is only in upper-level biology college courses, where the real world can no longer be avoided, that Transposition is given its due, and the dark-age "religious" teachings of Darwinism finally are set aside.
Perry Marshall: Geneticist Barbara McClintock’s “Transposition” is one of the greatest scientific discoveries that we’ve never heard of.
Perry Marshall: Dr. Lynn Margulis’ “Symbiogenesis” reveals that cooperation, not survival of the fittest, nor natural selection, is a primary driver of evolution.
Perry Marshall's report on the British Royal Society evolution conference.
dis guy died and nobody told’em

The movie *61 recounts the exciting year of baseball, 1961, with Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle vying to break Babe Ruth’s home-run record.
The film offered a memorable wise-crack. The Baseball Commissioner, gaunt-faced and aged, stands beside Mrs. Babe Ruth in a ceremony awarding Maris the 1960 MVP award. Noting the ashen-demeanored visage, the irreverent Whitey Ford leans toward Mickey and jabs, “dis guy died and nobody told’em.” It was funny.
But it’s not as funny when an entire branch of physics dies, is knocked down from high pedestal, but whose corpse, nevertheless, is propped up by fake-science, acting as if Bohr, Heisenberg, and Einstein never existed.
Darwinian evolutionary biology, by the admission of its promoters, is built upon Newtonian physics – which has fallen from grace; but you wouldn’t know this from what they say.
Newtonian physics, while still valuable within a certain limited context, has been superseded by the larger paradigm of quantum mechanics and relativity. Everyone in science knows this. Even so, Darwinists, insisting that biology is an extension of deterministic physics, haven’t bothered to update high-school and college texts; they just keep "pounding the table."
Twentieth century advancements in physics have changed everything, but "upward causation" evolutionists continue to preach a doctrine that is based upon premises as obsolete as the dodo bird -- “dis guy died and nobody told’em.”
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Physics As The Paradigm: "Biology is still in its pre-Copernican period," operating as if the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: The great quantum physicists speak out on the primacy, not of matter but, consciousness.
The “old story” of science is Newtonian, cause-and-effect, materialistic, but the “new story” is quantum-based, probabilistic, such that “the conscious observer has become essential as a participator in the scientific measurements.” Sir John Eccles, Nobel laureate, brain research

Robert M. Augros, PhD |
George N. Stanciu, PhD |
At the time of this writing, I am now two years into this project. Even though the subject of biological evolution had been an interest since high school, I was not prepared for the many layers of complexity, the widespread sweeping-under-the-rug of evidence supporting quantum theory, the brash and outright fraud by the Darwin monopoly; nor did I appreciate early on that biological evolution is not a mere stand-alone subject but part of a much larger view of how the universe works.
To properly understand “evo,” we need a wider perspective on how quantum-mind and consciousness bear upon the process. To this end, I’m introducing Augros and Stanciu’s, “The New Story Of Science.” Each page bristles with insights. Their chapter on “Mind” I’d hoped to acknowledge with a few quotations, but now I feel compelled to summarize the entire section. See it in the next link-icon.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Story Of Science: In the "old story" of science, mind is part of the material brain. But brain researchers have disemboweled the notion of mechanical mind.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Story Of Science: Beauty: All great theories of science have in common a profound “elegance or simplicity of assumption.” Roger Penrose
an askew metaparadigm will produce an unending array of other errors
Augros and Stanciu: “But a mistake in world view [that is, one's metaparadigm] is much more grave than a false hypothesis. An error in a particular conclusion within one science is a minor evil... But the worst of all is an error in world view [that is, the errant metaparadigm] because it influences the methods of all sciences as well as the attitudes and expectations in the arts, politics, religion, and every other phase of culture. A mistake in world view is necessarily an architectonic error, producing scores of other errors… [The invisible, subtle, but far-reaching, influences of the metaparadigm] set up the assumptions about the mind, the body, and the universe with which we begin; pose the questions we ask; determine the interpretation we give these facts; and direct our reaction to these interpretations and conclusions.”
the errant metaparadigm, a structural defect, is the most dangerous and far-reaching error because it frames and leads everything else - all assumptions, expectations, interpretations, and conclusions
Augros & Stanciu's The New Story Of Science: "Since beauty is so abundant in nature, it cannot arise from chance; there must be some reason for it ... [it] appears to proceed from a cause not bound by necessity and yet with a reason for acting."
Augros & Stanciu's The New Story Of Science: Darwinism Undermines Itself and Leads to Its Own Destruction.
the dog-eat-dog, each against all, vicious- competition view of Nature is profoundly errant
The Darwinian paradigm of nature at war with itself, of ruthless competition among species, of creatures engaged in a zero-sum game of survival, while seemingly accurate from a very narrow perspective, fundamentally, is deeply flawed.
Careful research reveals another world of widespread cooperation; moreover, a harmonious, carefully balanced, ecosystem seemingly designed to minimize, and even eliminate, competition in both the plant and animal kingdoms.
The New Biology: Discovering The Wisdom In Nature, Augros and Stanciu: “Derived from a classic study by ecologist Robert MacArthur, this diagram illustrates how five species of warbler, similar in size and shape, feed on bud worms in the same spruce trees. They avoid competition by occupying subtly different niches. The shaded areas indicate where each species spends more than half its time. The birds also use different methods of hunting. This pattern of noncompetition is typical of naturally coexisting species.”
"Animals fulfill God's will most faithfully: they live to fulfill their Creator's purpose. We do not do this. We meddle with the work of the Creator. But the animals are themselves, and they fulfill the will of God within them in a true and faithful manner." Dr. Carl Jung

Are not the innocent faces of these creatures utterly and deeply moving? |
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Animal and Plant Cooperation: Nature is not at war, one organism with another. Nature is an alliance founded upon cooperation.
Kairissi & Elenchus discuss Animal and Plant Cooperation

How To Build A Worm: Philosopher of Biology Paul Nelson describes the construction process of C. elegans and how it points to intelligent design. There is no such thing as a “simple” organism. The very tiny worm C. elegans, only a millimeter long (a pinhead), containing 100 million base pairs of DNA, is not simple. Further, as its original cell divides, and subdivides, several generations of divisions are not intrinsically important, serve merely as stepping stones to a final target of functionality, and therefore natural selection cannot account for C. elegans' development. See the 9 minute video.
Single-celled organisms’ flagellum, in fact, is a rotating electric motor, able to shift gears, a tiny molecular machine, of fantastic design.

Single-celled organisms’ “flagellum” has Latin roots meaning “whip.” Early biologists thought this propeller to be nothing more than a bit of extended protoplasm whipping about.
However, electron microscopy reveals an astonishing level of complexity. The purported glob, in fact, is a kind of rotating electric motor, able to shift gears, a tiny molecular machine of fantastic design.
So complex is this organic machine that it could not have evolved over time.
“Genetic knockout experiments by microbiologist Scott Minnich show that the flagellum fails to assemble or function properly if any one of its approximately 35 genes is removed. In this all-or-nothing game, mutations cannot produce the complexity needed to evolve a functional flagellum one step at a time, and the odds are too daunting for it to assemble in one great leap.”
Dr. James Tour, author of 1000+ research papers, arguably, the greatest chemist in the world, says that the 'fetid-swamp with lightning bolts' model of the origin of life is a 'scam' and 'nonsense.'

Tour informs us that the “fetid swamp” model goes back to the ancient Babylonians. It’s a “scam” because a single cell is far more complex than most biologists know.
At the time of Darwin it was believed that early life was little more than a glob of protoplasm and that, with a few tweaks, it could burgeon by itself. This is far from the case.
Many of his colleagues agree that the "fetid swamp" constitutes error, but the only ones promoting are those “who are making money from it".
READ MORE and see the video, a discussion with Dr. Stephen Meyer.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Natural Selection Found Wanting: Harvard's Stephen Jay Gould: Neo-Darwinsim "is effectively dead, despite its persistence as textbook orthodoxy."
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: the Losing Attorney Pounds the Table: Checkered Arguments of Materialistic Science to Defend Natural Selection
Cambridge biologist Dr. Merlin Sheldrake and his new book “Entangled Life” featuring the ecological interconnectedness of organisms

"Until recently, fungi have been a relatively neglected area of study, but as Merlin Sheldrake’s recent book, Entangled Life, reveals, the fungal world is as vast, varied and complex as the realms of plants and animals which have been the object of human investigation since antiquity. Combining the latest scientific research – the field is called ‘mycology’ – with stories of personal experience and a vivid style of writing, Entangled Life is an accessible and comprehesive introduction to a subject which seems to have particular relevance to us today. Isabella Tree – of Wilding fame – has said that it ‘changes the way we need to look at life, the planet and ourselves’ and it does, indeed, seem that almost every page reveals some new, hitherto unsuspected wonder."
Kairissi & Elenchus discuss the defenses of natural selection by materialistic science
Darwinists at the Smithsonian Institute persecuted and orchestrated the firing of a colleague, with two PhDs in biology, who published scientific research sympathetic to Intelligent Design.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Decelerating Process: evolution is not a perpetual or unlimited force, but is subject to constraints and plays itself out over large but finite periods of time.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Species In Stasis: the fossil record "unmistakably" indicates that species remain as they are, for millions of years, with little or no change.
Augros & Stanciu's The New Biology: Summary Thoughts: The two primary precepts of Darwinism, chance and necessity, cannot withstand a close scrutiny based upon empirical research conducted in the last hundred years. But, if not by Darwinism, how did biological organisms emerge on planet Earth?
the ‘Cambrian explosion,’ the sudden appearance, without intermediaries or ancestors, a myriad of new species in the fossil record

Dr. Stephen C. Meyer
“Meyer elegantly explains why the sudden appearance of animal forms in the Cambrian period gave Darwin pause. He also demonstrates, based on cutting-edge molecular biology, why explaining the origin of animals is now not just a problem of missing fossils, but an even greater engineering problem at the molecular level.”
Dr. Russell Carlson
professor of biochemistry
University of Georgia |
“Darwin’s Doubt is by far the most up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive review of the evidence from all relevant scientific fields that I have encountered in more than forty years of studying the Cambrian explosion.”
Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lonnig
Max Planck Institute
Cologne, Germany
“I spend my life reading science books. I’ve read many hundreds of them over the years, and in my judgment Darwin’s Doubt is the best science book ever written.”
George Gilder
New York Times bestselling author
Editor’s note: Six times in his “Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin employed the Latin maxim “natura non facit saltus” – “nature makes no leap”; in other words, he preached a strict doctrine of gradualism. While this view accurately describes some of evolution’s work, it ignores the huge biological advances occurring virtually overnight, seen from the geological perspective.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: answering the false statements by the Darwin lobby
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: in reviewing his book, Darwinists created a strawman, attacked what he did not say, and ignored what he did say.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: coming to terms, background information on the Cambrian issue
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: what gave Darwin pause and reason to doubt?
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: some Cambrian creatures, 500+ million years ago, were not simple but more sophisticated than many life-forms today.
'Scientism isn’t the same as science. It’s the opposite of searching for truth.'
The following is reported by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, writing for the Bigelow Institute For Consciousness Studies:
"Scientism isn’t the same as science. It’s the opposite of searching for truth. Scientism is the unquestioned belief that the mechanistic, materialistic worldview ... can provide us with a complete explanation of everything. In this era, academics, scientists, and professionals largely ignore the massive accumulation of evidence for postmortem survival – as if it never existed…
circular reasoning's new respectability
"For example, a recent article by two prominent psychologists, Arthur Reber and James Alcock, in The Skeptical Inquirer makes their profoundly unscientific 'skeptical' position clear when they claim:
Parapsychological claims cannot be true ... the data are irrelevant.
a new dark age of scientism
"This untenable position reflects the mainstream academic approach... In scientism’s dark age, we have ... presum[ed] dead matter is the foundation of reality. That’s why we say, when something is important to us, it matters. In this dark age, we give precedence to external sensations over intuitions and feelings. That’s also why, when we agree with some statement, we say it makes sense.”
Editor’s note: This new dark age comes with accessories, its own inquisition of unbelievers, holy doctrines of the primacy of matter, the one-true-church of materialism, and infallible temple priests, in white robes, who must not be questioned.
The average person, unfamiliar with the dirty politics of scientism, assumes that a materialistic paradigm, if espoused by those in labcoats, must be the “way it is.” But even a modicum of investigation reveals the indefensible soft underbelly of what passes, with a wink, for objective assessment.
Notice Dr. Mishlove’s assertion: these imposters to science not only “ignore the massive accumulation of evidence” to the contrary, but act “as if it never existed.” It's a propaganda scheme that would make Orwell proud: just keep repeating the dysinformation until it debuts as status quo.
Materialists rewrite the history of science; for them, the last 100 years never happened. Bohr, Heisenberg, Planck, Einstein, Shrodinger, Pauli, Tesla, Born, and others -- arguably, the greatest scientists of all time -- never led the quantum revolution, never upended determinism, never produced their world-shattering findings that consciousness, not matter, constitutes the undergirding of reality. Instead, those of the "rival religion," scientism, continue to worship their favorite patron saint, Isaac Newton.
But Newtonianism has been long superseded as leading icon - and everyone in science knows this; even so, the prevarication of scientism continues, in textbooks and the popular press, cheerleading the primacy of matter. It is a jaw-dropping conspiratorial chutzpah, but also a tired ploy taken from the pages of 1984, or a Big Religion cultism.
And look at this hardly disguised circular reasoning:
“Parapsychological claims cannot be true ... the data are irrelevant.”
The "data are irrelevant"? - since when is any data irrelevant? The whole point of science is investigation, precisely because we don't know, and can never know, what's relevant. Before we could grant license to discard anything, we would require a complete accessing of all knowledge in the universe, what it all means, and how it fits together. Until then, as we stumble in a fog of endless mystery, we might want to keep an open mind.
- Physicist John Wheeler: "We live on an island of knowledge surrounded by an ocean of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance."
And concerning "circular reasoning," even a high school debating team would shred this kind of shallow, illogical argument; of painting the target around the arrow, of seeing only what you want to see, of very selectively reviewing evidence.

In other words, we endure scientism's sophism: “We begin with the unsubstantiated conclusion as our premise, we refer to the question under review as if it's already been verified. That's ok because we already know we’re right, there's only one answer, we can't be wrong, so there's no use allowing you to speak, it's just a waste of time looking at new data, as we’ve already decided, for sure, what the outcome has to be.”
Is this science? - or some Jim-Jones guru-ism at a tent-meeting? Why is fanatical materialism not embarrassed to pontificate this way? In the "levels of consciousness" article we discussed that those on its lowest rungs lack the sensibility even to feel shame in their impropriety. All of this casts a shadow over the reputation of science, and the objective analysis we expect from it.
Special “irrelevant data” note: Those who cavalierly trample upon language and logic to win a debate provide highly suggestive data, not irrelevant, of a short path, if opportunity presented itself, to the denial of civil liberties and human rights; those who censor and stifle others' opposing viewpoint, and haughtily vilify their right to express it, would soon brutally suppress, if they had the chance, the defiance speaking to the contrary. We should not doubt this. It’s all around us in the world today, it's an old lesson of history. But, then, not to worry, they intend to rewrite history.

Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: the history of life is not an expression of gradualism, not an unbroken continuum of steady development, but a punctuated record of sudden appearance and extinction.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: DNA, like computer-programming code, is comprised of information-laden specific sequences of four nucleotide bases. And digital code, as any computer scientist knows, suffering even a modicum of random changes, quickly degrades to efface the function of the program.
Oxford professor of philosophy, Antony Flew, 'the most famous atheist in the world,' changed his mind
Antony Flew (1923-2010)
There are many articles featuring Flew’s new understanding. Here is one of them: https://www.bethinking.org/does-god-exist/a-change-of-mind-for-antony-flew
In the professor's own words:
“I now believe there is a God...I now think it [the evidence] does point to a creative Intelligence almost entirely because of the DNA investigations. What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together.”
“Science spotlights three dimensions of nature that point to God. The first is the fact that nature obeys laws. The second is the dimension of life, of intelligently organized and purpose-driven beings, which arose from matter. The third is the very existence of nature.”
“If you had an equation detailing the probability of something emerging from a vacuum, you would still have to ask why that equation applies. Hawking had, in fact, noted the need for a creative factor to breathe fire into the equations.”
Breathing fire into the equations is an extremely important point. In other words, even if Darwinism were granted as much time as desired, even a span of years exceeding the duration of the universe by trillions of times, yet, in all that immensity, no life would be produced. It takes more than time to produce life; it takes some First Cause to have breathed fire into the equations.
Editor’s note: What finally convinced the professor? His reasoning is not complicated, in that, as he suggests, nature is far too complicated, an “unbelievable complexity of the arrangements,” to have arisen by randomness; of necessity, there must have been some sort of First Cause. This assessment is but alternate verbiage concerning what many other thinkers have asserted, the need to consider “the cumulation of probabilities,” that “single facts can never be 'proved' except by their coherence in a system,” or that truth will be determined by “the whole evidence taken together.”
Editor’s note: Top computer scientist, Frederico Faggin, inventor of the world’s first computer chip in 1971, also speaks out against dogmatic materialism. In recent interviews, he has repeatedly stated, to the effect: “We have Nobel laureates saying that the universe is meaningless, that nature itself is absurd. Is this logical? The universe and nature were the forerunners, producing us. This would make humans absurd. Or is the preaching Nobel laureate absurd? Modern materialistic science places high faith in chance and randomness as causal factors leading all that we see around us. And yet these same scientists also have great regard for the intricate beauty and complexity of mathematics, and they would be the first to remind us that mathematics reveals a hidden reality, that equations outline the ontology of the material world. Fair enough, but if mathematics draws the veil from the inner workings of physicality, which, they say, is intrinsically random and chaotic, how would this be possible when mathematics itself, the roadmap to physical reality, at its core, is highly structured, highly rule-based, the very essence of order and system? What are we to make of this farce, this self-blindness, an extremely selective viewing of the data, a disingenuous assessment of the nature of things?”
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: Combinatorial Explosion: the number of possible arrangements of DNA code, which mutational randomness would need to explore in order to find naturally-selective advantage, is staggeringly enormous; in many cases, representing a duration of time far longer than the entire history of the universe.
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt: Darwinian thought holds that new species are developed over the eons, as an aggregation of one random mutation at a time. However, this is not possible as natural selection would quickly delete this new genetic code as an error. Instead, new organisms must be built as complex adaptations, a simultaneous coordination of multiple changes.
The development of the human body might serve as microcosm of the entire cosmic evolutionary process.
Consciousness creates new species by collapsing quantum possibility waves into actuality. This is the observer effect.

Amit Goswami is a professor and writer of textbooks of quantum physics
“In quantum physics, objects are depicted as possibilities (a possibility wave); yet when an observer observes, the possibilities collapse to an actuality (the wave collapses to a particle, for example). This is the observer effect. Most importantly, quantum collapse of possibility into actuality is discontinuous, so the discontinuity of the punctuation marks of evolution (i.e., the Cambrian Explosion) is instantly accommodated if we see them as instances of quantum creativity – discontinuous collapse of quantum possibility into actuality. This premise forms the core of the theory of creative evolution.”
“… gene mutations are quantum possibilities and must be treated as such, as changes in quantum waves of possibility. In macroevolution, consciousness creates new species by creatively choosing from genetic variations that exist as quantum possibilities.”
The concept of Universal Intelligence or God or Overmind “as an agent of downward causation (in terms of collapsing quantum possibility waves) has emerged in quantum physics as the only legitimate explanation of the famous observer effect.”

The Cambrian Explosion represents a collapse of quantum possibility waves, bringing into actuality, by activating the 'hidden blueprints' of morphic fields, a myriad of new species via the observer effect. Universal Consciousness acted as agent of the reification of the quantum waves.
Editor’s note: This collapse-of-wave phenomenon is explored in “the double-slit experiment,” which will be discussed below.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena [the primacy of consciousness], it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries.”
"Physics extends beyond what is scientifically known today. The future will show that what we now call 'occult' or 'the supernatural' is based on a science not yet developed, but whose first infant steps are being taken as we speak."
“If you want to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
“My brain is only a receiver, [and] in the Universe there is a core [of] knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know it exists.”
Nikola Tesla
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Is there any evidence for the existence of a unitive Consciousness? And, if so, is there also scientific evidence that it is the force behind the creation of new species?
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Universal Consciousness often seems to operate discontinuously, without lead-up or prelude, in its various expressions.
The Big Bang: collapsed probability waves produced the first matter, immediately shepherded by quantum morphic fields

As we learn more about the inner workings of quantum mechanics, we begin to perceive the nature of the origin of the cosmos.
Dr. Goswami speaks of Universal Consciousness paring down the infinite quantum possibilities. This pruning and narrowing led to a generalized embedded philosophy of how things should work in the universe, as expressed in its “laws,” habits, and characteristics.
This philosophical basis became codified in quantum morphic fields, says Dr. Sheldrake. These fields are “hidden blueprints” which organize energy, and constitute the underlying shaping essence of apparently self-organizing systems.
And so what we have, 15 billion years ago, concerning the Big Bang is the initial “creative discontinuity” of Universal Consciousness. Just as matter, material particles, are brought into existence by a process revealed in the Double-Slit experiments, so too, 15 thousand million years ago, in a hot explosive instant, Universal Consciousness collapsed probability waves to create matter.
This newly-created matter was then immediately shepherded by morphic fields which fashioned the inchoate matter, progressively and over time, into the familiar systems we see in the universe today.

Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Universal Consciousness, in its fullness, represents all, literally all, possibilities. For evolution to proceed, Consciousness must limit what is possible. Therefore, evolution begins with involution.
Sheldrake and Bohm

During their 1982 talk, Sheldrake and Bohm discussed common ground between their theories of morphic fields and the implicate order.
However, Dr. Sheldrake made comments germane to our study of evolution. He referenced conversations with his professional friends in biology:
“The interesting thing about the big bang theory is that the minute you have to address the question of the origins of the laws of nature, you’re forced to recognize the philosophical assumptions underlying any sort of science.
“People who think of themselves as hard-nosed mechanists… practical scientists getting on with the job. But you can force them to realize that their view of the laws of nature as being timeless, is in fact a metaphysical view.
“I talk with biological friends, and they say, Oh, what you’re doing is metaphysics.
“So I say, Wait a minute, let’s look at what you’re doing.”
Dr. Amit Goswami, Creative Evolution: Tangled Hierarchies: This is the “chicken and egg” problem. Which came first? But conundrums fade with Consciousness as creative agent.
The cells in your arms and legs are exactly the same, contain the same chemicals and DNA, the same genetic makeup, yet somehow these cells “know” how to form and construct diverse body parts. By what process? There is no "tiny blueprint" within genes and DNA.
Genes and DNA are like a pile of construction materials - bricks, nails, drywall, and lumber - but these cannot assemble themselves; and, even if they could, wouldn't know what to make. Where is the blueprint?
Amit Goswami is a professor and writer of textbooks of quantum physics
“Consciousness [is like] a programmer [producing software to create blueprints] using downward causation … The program-like behavior is built into biological form-making, a process that starts with a one-celled zygote [a fertilized egg].”
How do the geometrically multiplying cells of the zygote “know what to do” and "to become”? All of the cells of any organism's body – the cells forming hands and feet, liver and brain, spinal column and blood – derive from a single original cell, the fertilized egg; and yet, like military legions with specific missions, these dispatch themselves to perform particular functions in constructing life-forms.
This “form-making process [issuing from an invisible de facto blueprint] is called morphogenesis… The blueprints of biological form-making are called morphogenetic fields [which are quantum probability fields], the fields that help program biological life."
Materialists charge “There is no evidence” for consciousness-based reality. What they really mean is, “There is no evidence that we will accept, as it would undermine our materialistic paradigm.”
Werner Heisenberg, Physics And Philosophy: Heisenberg offers his views on the need for objectivity, "intellectual honesty," by those who call themselves scientists.
virtual reality, 'it from bit,' and the central mystery of quantum mechanics, and even all science
In one of the first articles on this page, quantum mechanics professor Dr. Amit Goswami was quoted, to the effect, all fields of science must undergo revision in light of discoveries in quantum physics. This includes the domain of biological evolution.
The “double-slit” experiment, along with its kin, “delayed choice” and “eraser” studies, offers microcosm concerning the undergirding of "what is." It’s not what it appears to be. People like Elon Musk assert, there’s a “one in billions” chance that reality is not a simulation.
The following articles, written for the “quantum mechanics” page, might serve as primer for what we need to know concerning the deep architectonic reality of biological evolution.

Elon Musk, along with Tom Campbell and others, suggests that we are living in a virtual reality: He says there’s a ‘one in billions’ chance reality is not a simulation.
Physicist Tom Campbell: “The next big cultural and scientific paradigm shift is virtual reality.”
Tom Campbell: attributes of virtual reality
The Double Slit Experiment: "interference" versus "clumping" pattern is affected by knowledge of the “which way” data of the particles.
John Wheeler invented the terms and phrases "black hole", "wormhole", "there is no out there out there", but also "it from bit"; that is, the universe ("it") derives from an underlying computer-like information source ("bit").
John Wheeler quotations
A discussion concerning the resemblance between physical reality and a computer simulation.
What is the central mystery of QM?
Virtual Reality: ‘collapse of the wave function’ - consciousness as mediator, as though the universe were a display-screen to the user
Virtual Reality: uncertainty and complementary properties - as though variables were being redefined and results calculated and recalculated according to an underlying formula
Virtual Reality: the identical, interchangeable nature of "particles" and measured properties; as though the "particles" were merely pictures of particles, like computer icons.
Virtual Reality: continuity and discontinuity in observed behaviors
Is there such a thing as retro-causality or precognition for particles? Can a particle go back in time, or know beforehand, concerning its ‘which way’ path?
like a flight simulator
We touch the hard surface of a table top. It all seems pretty solid to us. We’re convinced that it is. But this assessment derives from a faulty metaparadigm. We’re all materialists at heart and are convinced that things of the world enjoy an objective existence. But experimental evidence during the last hundred years upends this conceit.
“Perhaps we are in a simulation,” offered Adrian Smith, in which “we are allowed to make mistakes with no lasting consequences, just as a flight simulator lets you crash and burn a thousand times and not truly crash.”
Adrian’s view is supported by thousands of experimental studies performed in almost every university physics lab on the planet. See the results of the “double-slit, delayed choice, eraser.” Also see one of the above-referenced articles, discussing how the universe, physical reality, is a kind of “computer display screen.”
Yes, this sounds fantastic to us, but only because we’re unaware of the empirical findings: the “double-slit, delayed choice, eraser.” When we investigate, we find that everything around us, “the entire set up,” the evidence strongly suggests, “was designed to” operate as a kind of display screen, that is, “to present images to a user,” a viewer or player in the simulation, “as needed by the user.”
This is why tech-geniuses like Elon Musk say there’s a “billions to one chance" that reality is not a simulation. Anyone who considers him or herself an educated person will want to look into this.
What are the practical implications of this reality serving as ‘flight simulator’?
We seem to be living in a world wherein “we are allowed to make mistakes with no lasting consequences, just as a flight simulator lets you crash and burn a thousand times and not truly crash.”
Simulating a plane crash offers valuable experience for a student pilot. But, for the rest of us, too, facsimiles provide high-grade educational value.
What would it be like for a son or daughter of God to suffer a false report, be lied about, hounded by fabricated charges, to lose one’s good name; especially, if this occurred during one’s attempt to offer service and charitable works? What would it be like to lose someone you love more than life itself? What would it be like to be cheated concerning an inheritance, or swindled in a business dealing out of what is justly yours? What would it be like to prepare yourself, for many years, to enter a profession, but then find the doors closed to you due to cronyism, racism, and/or black-listing? What would it be like to live for the truth, to search for and promote it, but then to be marginalized, labeled as a kook, ne’er-do-well, and even a threat to society? What would it be like to suffer pain, physical disability, to be sidelined, confined to a bed or wheelchair? What would it be like to experience betrayal, to be stabbed in the back, vilified and falsely accused, by someone you trusted as a close confidante?
We could go on listing endlessly the sorrows which come to us during our time on planet Earth. And yet, all of this chaos will end in one missed heartbeat – when we leave the “flight simulator,” the endless nightmare, the tortuous experience of mortality.
Our homeworld is a place where none of these evils exist; nor could they ever. They call it “the real world.” And if we never came to the “sorrowful planet,” this domain of the “flight simulator,” we would lack a depth of wisdom and insight concerning the nature of evil. This level of sagacity would escape us in Summerland, as there we could never lose anything that we love. In our homeworld, all good things remain, unchanged, as long as we want them.
Editor’s note: This issue of much experience allowing for wisdom and insight can be misunderstood. On the “reincarnation” page there is discussion concerning the inability of experience, per se, to advance us spiritually. We might enter 100,000 “flight simulations,” 100,000 “computer display-screens,” 100,000 digital movies exhibiting all sorts of situations, but this plethora, of and by itself, cannot change us at the core of being.
After all of these simulations, we will find that the ego’s sense of “I don’t have enough” because “I am not enough” is alive and well and hasn’t changed a bit. This is why egoic human nature, despite all that humanity has gone through, hasn't changed in these last thousands of years of recorded history. Experience alone cannot extirpate the “needy little me” which insanely covets more and more.
Only an elevation of one’s level of consciousness can do this, can fundamentally advance us, and this will occur in one timeless moment of clarity.
Dr. Fedrico Faggin, the inventor of the first microprocessor in 1971, and a leader today in the new science of consciousness, posits that cosmic evolution is driven by Universal Consciousness seeking to know itself.
Dr. Stephen Meyer informs us that there are six distinct meanings to the term ‘evolution’
“Evolution and the theories of evolution are fundamentally different things,” testified zoologist Maynard M. Metcalf, the first expert witness for the defense in the 1925 Scopes trial.
Metcalf’s observation at the “trial of the century” officially marked the beginning of public discussion of the different meanings of evolution for the purposes of science education.
“The fact of evolution is a thing that is perfectly and absolutely clear,” Metcalf explained, “but there are many points — theoretical points as to the methods by which evolution has been brought about — that we are not yet in possession of scientific knowledge to answer.”
Editor’s note: Why is it important to know of the six meanings? In debates, the general term “evolution” might be addressed disingenuously, even with a claim to victory, without reference to other meanings either well established or under scrutiny. This is a dishonest tactic, discussed on the "clear thinking" page.

The Darwin Lobby's tortured solutions to their "Cambrian problem"
Dr. Meyers responds to the "magic oxygen" defense
Phyla: the unexpected and precipitous rise of body types

The fossil evidence indicates a veritable explosion of body types presenting themselves within a very narrow window of geological time. Darwin’s gradualism predicted otherwise. Can this outsized surfeit of phylic manifestation be accounted for by “magic oxygen”? (charts are from the documentary “Darwin’s Dilemma”)
Sorting out dysinformation concerning primordial atmosphere claims and bogus attacks on Dr. Meyers: “Citation Bluffs About Earth’s Early Atmosphere Dominate Misguided Response to Signature in the Cell”
Victor Zammit reports on the Open Sciences organization:
"We believe that the sciences are being constricted by dogmatism, and in particular by a subservience to the philosophy of materialism, the doctrine that matter is the only reality and that the mind is nothing but the physical activity of the brain. We believe that the sciences would be more scientific if they were free to investigate the natural world in a truly open way – without the constraints of materialism and the prejudice of dogma – while adhering to the scientific methods of data collecting, hypothesis testing, and critical discussion."
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake discusses the present crisis of fraud and deception afflicting peer-reviewed scientific journals:
'The peer-review system is falling into disrepute... [that] so many unreliable papers are [now] published shows that the system is not working... [an] investigation by the American journal Science revealed ... shocking results... a spoof paper, riddled with scientific and statistical errors, [with] 304 versions [sent to] peer-reviewed journals [and were] accepted for publication by more than half of them.'
Kairissi & Elenchus: summary and conclusion
a project in process during 2018 - 2026

you can have it all laid out in front of you, but it won't make you think

Concert for George
Royal Albert Hall
November 29, 2002
Horse To Water
you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink, oh no, oh no, oh no, a friend of mine in so much misery, some people sail through life, he is struggling, I said, "hey man, let's go out and get some wisdom," first he turned on me, then turned off his nervous system, you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink, oh no, oh no, oh no, you can have it all laid out in front of you, but it won't make you think, oh no, oh no, oh no

listen to Sam Brown’s sensational version of “Horse to Water” at the Concert for George