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Dr. Amit Goswami's
Creative Evolution

Tangled Hierarchies: This is the “chicken and egg” problem. Which came first? But conundrums fade with Consciousness as creative agent.


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Editor's note: The following is from Dr. Goswami's book, "Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution Between Darwinism And Intelligent Design."


The “chicken and egg” problem, concerning which came first, has become a proverb of the insoluble. But it’s been substantially defanged now with our understanding of morphic fields and the collapse of quantum possibility waves.

Darwinian gradualism has no answer to the chicken-and-egg, the acorn-and-oak problem - or “tangled hierarchies.” The issue becomes, unless an organism is perfectly suited to its environment, and to its own needs, it cannot maintain itself nor will it thrive. All aspects of the dynamics of its existence must be fully in place, properly balanced and harmonized, right at the start, or there’s little hope for it.

The fossil record of the Cambrian Explosion puts to rest the non-issue of tangled hierarchies. New organisms, in their legions, suddenly appeared on the scene 530 million years ago. There was no “chicken and egg” problem. Such exists only in the minds of those burdened by Darwinian theory.



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