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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

Freedom from Illusion: Part IV

Additional thoughts on true love's spiritual freedom and advanced sentience inspired by Wordsworth's "Ode On Immortality"



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Editor's prefatory comment: 

The following "K&E" dialogue is based upon the "inferential life" writing featuring Wordsworth's "Ode On Immortality." It's best to read the "Ode" before proceeding here. If I might say, you'll want to do this in any case as the information below is extremely important for our future happy life.




Kairissi. I've already said or intimated this, but Aivanhov's statement is right up there with the most profound concepts we've been privileged to know:

“The soul ... is itself only one-half of a complete being. For each of us there is a counterpartal [person] of the opposite polarity. And our pilgrimage towards emancipation [from illusion] consists in drawing ever nearer to this balancing factor ... so that, in the end, [while retaining sacred individuality,] we become [effectively One Person,] a male-female being in whom the positive and negative forces are in perfect equilibrium, reflecting the nature of the Male-Female Creator. Only through the perfect union of two souls of the opposite sex can that blending of forces be achieved which brings freedom from illusion and the full experience of Reality.”

Elenchus. Freedom from illusion is one of those things that you never really know if you have it or not. If one is gripped by illusion, well then, you're too deluded to know anything else, and the unreality seems normal.

K. What you say is true, but I'm glimpsing something to help break out of that box.

E. I think we'd all like to know.

K. I'll have to talk this out. It's not easy to explain, even to myself - but, I see something.

E. Take your time.

K. It came to me after our talk about Wordsworth's "magical child."

K. When I saw the topic of the poet's "Ode" I thought, oh, this will be some great-literature appreciation discussion, something good, but not so profound. I couldn't have been more wrong. We were taken on a tour of the "seven stages of human mental development," and I'm still a little reeling from that.

E. It's interesting, too, that our “Ode” talk is part of the “inferential 4” document, now with about 20 sub-divisions. At the very start of that project, the author offered “prefatory comment” indicating that he’d wanted to stop writing altogether but that, during a psychic reading, he was given a directive from his Guides that he wasn't quite ready to be put out to pasture, that some important concepts would yet be given through his pen.

K. And I think this sense of unexpectedness, of "I didn't know there was more", is part of the marvel of what I'm feeling right now. What I mean to say is, think of all the important ideas we’ve talked about. And I’m sure the universe is filled with truth and wisdom, but, for us, for one lifetime, I understand what the author means about “what could there be to add?” And yet, I’m starting to see something else, right up there with the best “word gems”.

E. (silence)

K. I’ll try to say something intelligent about this. Recall the diagram on the “seven stages”.

K. See the “advanced sentience” phase on the right. The “+2” sub-division is where we begin to come into our own. It’s not just when we find our Twin Soul, which is amazing enough, but we start to perceive a real connectedness with God.

E. We begin to experience those tiny flashes or sparks of insight - and this is how God teaches us, very gradually, over time.

K. One small thing I’ve seen is that with these “flashes and sparks” we start to recapture a world “apparelled in celestial light”, lost by the “magical child.”

E. As we grow in a sense of “God within,” our hearts are transformed and take on a level of consciousness, in many respects, not so unlike that of the joyous “magical child.”

K. While I don’t think we’re meant to be Pollyannas, smiling all the time, I do believe that we can experience a subtle whispering joy of simply to be alive.

E. It's the “2.0 upgrade” of the “magical child” – new and improved, now including advanced sentience.

K. Elenchus, the more I think about this "magical child" concept, the more I see it's something real. I mean, so often, with all the things we've discovered and discuss, I find myself saying, "wow, that's really something" or  "wow, that's beautiful," and so, yes, I really have turned into the "magical child", in awe of the beauty that's come to us!


magical child makes good

WG reader Melissa Miller drew correlation between the “magical child” and the “little child” of whom Jesus spoke:

Matt. 18:1-3: At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I think Melissa is absolutely correct. The “upgraded 2.0 version” of Wordsworth’s magical child is both advanced-sentient but still “apparelled in celestial light.”

This child holds closely the vision of heaven’s joy and wonder, no matter the untoward circumstance of the world.

A dramatic example comes to mind. In the Franchezzo reports, we learned of a senior Spirit Guide working as missionary in the Dark Realms. Few assignments, considering the profusion of rats and sewage, could be more oppressive to one’s frame of mind. And yet this super-advanced being, as he instructs his apprentice helpers, seems not to notice the squalor and wretchedness.

Instead, he offers one of the most inspiring messages I’ve ever come across in the afterlife testimonies – as he looks beyond the current moral destitution of the pitiable inhabitants and sees into their future, all that they might yet become when the riches of the soul come to fruition:

“To what ultimate height of development we shall reach, I know not—none can know since there can be no limit to our knowledge or our progress. But I believe that, could we foresee the ultimate destiny of our own small planet, as we can, in part, judge of it from seeing the more advanced ones around us, we should learn to look upon even the longest earthly life [with its inherent suffering], and the longest saddest probation of these dark spheres, as but stepping stones on which man shall mount [so to speak] to the 'thrones of angels' at last.

"What we can see - what we do know and may grasp - is the great and ever present truth that hope is truly eternal and progression is ever possible, even to the lowest and most degraded and sin-stained soul. It is this great truth we would have each of you to preach, both to mortal and immortal man, when you return [as missionary spirit-helpers] to the Earth-plane and to your work there; and, as you [yourselves] have been helped and strengthened and taught, so do you feel bound by obligations of gratitude and ties of Universal Brotherhood [and Sisterhood] to help others [receive the same].”

READ MORE of this Guide's testimony

This Spirit Guide carries with him, deep in his heart, a vision of the glorious and evolved human being, arrayed in the splendiferous light of God. He does so, no matter the environment. He reflects the joyous mind of the “magical child” - who sees beauty and light everywhere - of whom the kingdom of God is constructed.

In actual fact, this Spirit Guide, and his lofty stellar character and attitude, represents the ruling class of the entire universe. Not bad for a “magical child” who made good.

E. Kriss, we’ve talked about “idealization,” how a lover might unrealistically view his mate, but we know there’s a right way of doing this. If he’s accessed a better awareness, he’ll see through the present imperfections, all the way to what she will yet become.

K. But now we know that this sacred form of idealization is not just for lovers, but it’s how we are to view all people, as they currently grope in darkness toward a higher state of being.

E. Everyone’s on the same continuum. And if we see that continuum, that process, leading to eventual godly maturity, we’ll not be as likely to condemn and find ourselves unable to forgive.

K. Everyone’s on a path to something more. No one is to be written off.

E. And this is what Jesus meant when he said, “call no man raca” or worthless person. If we do, we reveal our own lack of maturity, as we fail to see the continuum.



K. But let me try to explain what I recently saw as very important. You know how we’ve said many times that we like to lie down, just touch hands, touch foreheads. It’s almost our favorite thing to do. And I think we like it so much because we just shut out the world, all the busy activities, and then there’s just us – and there’s something very sweet and sacred about “just us”.

E. It’s a “secret garden” of intimacy and shared solitude.

K. Absolutely, and here’s something new. I was thinking about all this "secret garden" and said, it's like “going within,” almost a form of meditation. As we enter this quiet zone of “just us”, not only do we feel close to each other but to God, as well.

E. Now that’s an interesting way of looking at it. You know how I’ve said, in our new life in Summerland, I don’t want to ever be apart from you again, I’ve had too much of that in this life, and now I have this desire of doing everything with you. But then, I'd say to myself, well, I guess we'll need our spiritual “alone” time. But - what if that isn’t true?

K. Yes, what if it’s not true? What if there's another kind of spiritual practice for Twins? What if the best kind of “going within” is found by Twins who “go within” together?

E. Wow, we might be onto something here. You said you liked Aivanhov's statement so much, and look how he speaks of the “blending” of the male-female “positive and negative forces” which “brings freedom from illusion and the full experience of Reality.”

K. (smiling) Thank you for explaining what I was trying to say.

E. Don’t mention it. But, Kriss, what if this is why we like the whole process of “touching foreheads” so much? What if it’s the “blending of the male-female forces” that we’re reacting to? And what if, during this, shall we call it, a “joint meditation”, we're better able to discern the mind of God? better able to free ourselves from illusion?

channeled information from Summerland, as reported in Excursions to the Spirit World by Frederick C. Sculthorp: He had learned how to astral travel and had visited his departed wife on the other side:

“My first actual meeting with my wife [was] … deeply imprinted on my mind. The indescribable spiritual perfection that I saw in my wife when we were face to face, the sacred intensity of the high vibration, and the later explanation of ‘God's image’ caused me a great deal of quiet thought for days afterwards. I somehow knew that it was one of the eternal and unfailing spirit laws and that it was simple and natural… When I met my wife and our auras intermingled, there was a beautiful and gentle harmony, and we both thought alike and as one mind… In that wonderful meeting there were no thoughts of self. Each thought of the welfare of the other…  ‘God's image’ I can still only describe as perfection.”

K. I think this is one of the best truths we’ve been blessed to understand. We know we’re on the right track here because we can feel the rightness of it. And how could it be otherwise? God, we have learned, is a male-female energy, and so, of course, when a Twin couple, together, with their male-female energies in studied union, approach God, then they will enjoy a much closer alignment with the energies of Mother-Father God, more so than a solo person with just one energy.

E. For a long time we've known of Spirit-Guide Margaret’s teaching that people cannot find full spiritual maturity without entering true love and marriage. She said that we “cannot be perfected without it.” Maybe we understand what this means now! maybe it’s the male-female energies of Twins that allows them to draw closer to, in greater alignment with, the energies of Mother-Father God!

K. This is very exciting, Elenchus, and I am certain this is correct. I can feel the authenticity of it.

E. This is absolutely wonderful!

K. And you know what?

E. What?

K. We learned in the “Course In Miracles” that when God teaches us it can be “intensely personal.” And I was thinking about how this can help us. You know that we’ve asked ourselves, how will we begin our lives and love-relationship when we get to the “home-world”? We’ve wondered how to proceed. But I can see now there’s a way of knowing what to do so we won’t go wrong.

E. Explain this.

K. When we get to Summerland, and as regular part of our lives, all we need do is what we like doing – we can just lie down together, touch hands, touch foreheads, and enjoy the silence. We don’t have to say anything, until we want to; we don’t have to worry about doing anything in a certain way; all we need do is be together, enjoying the silence. And then wait for a “flash” of insight. And God will teach us how to proceed, how to build our love-relationship. And this is the way for us to live our whole lives, always opening our spirits to direction and guidance of Mother-Father God.

E. Krishnamurti always said that, as we go within and experience the flashes and sparks of insight, we "teach ourselves." And this is good, but I now see there's a higher form of this private tutoring from God.

K. Twins are to "teach each other." In their roles of "made in the image" representative of Mother-Father God, they reveal Divinity to each other.

E. Kriss, do we have a new opinion on the meaning of Aivanhov's “freedom from illusion and the full experience of Reality”?

K. I would just emphasize the “blended energies” of Mother-Father God. Without this, we cannot access ultimate reality because what Divinity has or is constitutes that ultimate. And this is why Twins, touching foreheads, is so powerful. It represents a “union of spirits,” a union of male-female soul-energies which, in confluence, create the same “energy-wave frequency” of Mother-Father God. In harmony with that, we see clearly, are freed from everything else, which is illusion - because only the Consciousness of God is real.

K. Elenchus, I think we should say more about this idea of Twins teaching themselves in a “joint meditation.” This is such a powerful concept yet it might not seem to be so at first glance.

E. I think you’re seeing more on this than I right now so explain more to me, too.

K. I’m thinking of something that illustrates what I want to say:


Life In Two Spheres, or Scenes in the Summerland, by Hudson Tuttle, channeled testimony from the other side. The speaker of the following is known as "the ancient Sage," a resident of Summerland for nearly 3000 years:

A newcomer to Summerland confesses that he had foolishly lost his true love when they were teens. He speaks to the Sage concerning how, during his Earth-life, he never recovered from his profound grief of losing her:

The Sage: "You are guilty?"

"Guilty! yes, a vile, guilty wretch! … I suffered so much, [but] recognized [the] punishment as just … [because] I loved a maiden, and she loved me. We played and sang together in our childhood, and in our youth our lot was always cast together. She was confiding, unaffected... She was always what she appeared.”

Editor’s note: The girl of his youth interacted authentically with him, wasn't trying to get anything but wanted only him; she confided, shared secrets of her life, spoke unaffectedly, never flirted or played a role, but “was always what she appeared.” However, the boy, not knowing his own mind well enough at the time, was led away by infatuations, a false “ideal.”

“At length I saw [another girl, or girls, whom I foolishly believed to be] the ideal of my dreams. She made me forget my first love…” Very quickly, however, these mere passions of biology deserted him, so-called “love vanished, and I was miserable.” The girl of his youth, his true love, in her grief of losing him, made bad decisions for her life, and died prematurely.

“Oh, to think of this! To remember the pleasant days we passed together [in our youths] – that I, in whom she had placed her confidence, should cause her death, intensifies my suffering."

The Sage: "Human affection is more precious than diamonds; and he who crushes [it] is severely punished [in a natural way, by resultant suffering].”

"I was ignorant of the injury I was inflicting; I knew not [that] unanswered affections recoiled with such force. I supposed love [to be] but a transient passion, soon and easily subdued."

Editor's note: Imagine the emotional train-wreck for a young girl who had trusted, had emptied her secret heart to, a young boy, only to see him cavalierly wander away, and toss her away, in pursuit of some pretty face.

when the mountains are crushed to vapor, the holy and authentic romantic love will still exist

The Sage: "Cause and effect will eternally operate; and punishment must necessarily follow crime [against holy, destined romance]… [True] love is not [just] a passion, neither is it transitory, but it is the uniting of two souls into one; and unions founded on [this enduring] basis will exist, growing stronger and more intricate, [even] when [a] mountain shall have changed to vapor and passed away. This is [the] true marriage - an eternal union of soul, thought, and being. Passion is secondary, and will perish with the conditions on which it depends, but spiritual love is as lasting as time, and develops more and more in the Spirit-world. It seeks one object…

Editor’s note: The male, truly in love, “seeks one object” for his desire. Not just one woman in the sense of “any woman” to whom exclusive fealty might be offered, but “one particular woman.” See Dr. Campbell’s comments.

The Sage: It seeks one object, and clings to it, through life and death, and puts forth its immortal bloom a thousand ages hence [that is, he will feel the same though a thousand summers might pass]."



K. The proto-relationship of this couple had been shattered, at an early time, by the ways of the ego. See them now, meeting again in Summerland. She’s very happy to see him, and he feels the same, but he’s also burdened by perceptions of guilt. The ego subliminally whispers to him that she could never really forgive him for his stupidity back then. And so he holds back, his truest affections tethered by a floating sense of unworthiness.

E. How should they proceed?

K. What I’m suggesting is not so new. Whenever we’re attacked by the ego, we do well to “go within” to defuse its poison in our spirits. What’s different in what I’m saying is that this couple should attempt to “go within”, as a joint meditation.

E. Since they have individual minds, how can they do this?

K. I see it this way: they have individual minds, but if they draw near to each other, especially in spirit, their male-female energies will begin to affect the process. And, Elenchus - I'm tempted to make a bold statement, that, you and I know much more about spiritual truth than the average person. And we've also come to see each other as Twin mates. Are these two items mere coincidence? I'd like to think that the "merging soul-energies" for us has allowed a much clearer perception of truth.

E. And "freedom from illusion" - just as mystic Aivanhov predicted it would be.

K. I think it's the result of becoming "One Person."

E. It's almost like two chemical elements creating a new compound.

K. Yes, a new compound as “One Person.” And this veritable new entity, I sense, can begin to access, or come into closer communion with, Mother-Father God in a manner that will escape either one of them as individuals.


Editor's note: I believe that the "One Person" status is best explained by the concept of "rogue waves", a harmonious merging of male-female soul-energies. See further comment in the "waves" article.


E. Krishnamurti reminds us that “truth is a pathless land” with no one sure-fire method to approach Universal Consciousness. In other words, we’ll be shown how to do this.

K. What you’re saying is very important. There is no couple who knows how to do this in any definitive way. They have to open their spirits to the process and allow themselves to be taught. As they “go within” they will be given “sparks and flashes” of insight to direct them. They will begin to sense and feel what is right and what is not.

E. I see two levels of instruction here: what I would call “process” and “content.” “Process” means “How do we do this? How do we access God in a joint manner?”

K. The “sparks and flashes” will teach them how, just as an individual will learn what true meditation is by “following the breadcrumbs” of the tiny spark-insights.

E. And then there’s “content.” In the example of the couple counseling with the Ancient Sage, they would have many questions about their love relationship: “Are we truly in love and meant for each other? Should we get married? Should we have a traditional ceremony or just consider ourselves married? Should we have an engagement period? How long should it be? Should we wait before doing anything? Should we tell our friends and relatives that we're thinking of marriage? Should we be intimate while we wait?”

K. There is no Spirit Guide who can answer these questions. There is no “marriage police” on the other side to report to. And yet, there will be a right and wrong way for this couple to move forward in their relationship – and if they get it wrong, well, there’s no stern judge to condemn, but the penalty will be, the ego will get its way and bring suffering into their lives.

E. This natural consequence will be more unforgiving than any stern judge.

K. And so, they’ll want to get this right. How can they come to know what’s right so as to maximize their happiness? Now, most people don’t know the answer to this; in fact, most people in Summerland don’t know the answer to this – but the answer is, they have to “go within” and allow Universal Intelligence to guide them into the best way for them. This is basic Spirituality 101 for any individual. But what I’m saying is, a Twin couple has the opportunity to enter into a “joint meditation,” by virtue of their co-mingled male-female soul-energies, and, in view of this, they will be able to align themselves with the mind and will of the dual-energy Creator, to a degree not possible with the individual. And again, how do we do this? No one can tell you. “Truth is a pathless land.” You and your mate will have to stumble into a skilful way of jointly accessing the mind of God.

E. And if one is alone, not yet having met the love of one’s eternal life, then the same rules still apply, but on an individual basis.

K. Instruction on how to “go within” is sprinkled over many articles on the WG site. Readers can find the information here:

The Krishnamurti lectures (annotated with Editor’s comments)

The true and false selves

Surrender and acceptance

Life: 1-minute essay

How to sit quietly in a room alone


E. I’d like to offer another perspective on what we just discussed. I think what we said is correct, but it can be viewed in another way. I’m thinking of what Krishnamurti said about the subject of “choice.” He said that, when it comes to any important decision in life, we should not make a choice, but, instead, we should allow the answer to come to us. It should percolate upwards, we might say, from the depths of being.

K. Yes, “allow the answer to come to us.” In other words, we’ll want to make sure that it’s our “soul’s choice” and not the choice of the ego. All this, as you say, is well in line with what we’ve already said.

READ MORE of Krishnamurti's lecture on "choice"

final thought

K. Elenchus, this whole area of “freedom from illusion” is such a minefield – almost no one gets it right. I mean, look at the world, look at the afterlife messages: it’s all filled to the brim with private opinions, all these egos running around saying, ‘look at me, see me, see how I’m right, everyone’s wrong, and only I know what’s real!’

E. Surveying both worlds this way creates a very troubling prospect. And so, the question will be begged, how do we know we’re right? what makes us think we should be taken seriously?

how to escape the mosh-pit


K. And the answer is: we have no special claim to veracity, we’re right in there with the entire mosh-pit crowd – if – we attempt to find truth on a materialistic externally-oriented basis.

E. I know you don’t mean this, and we’ll talk about the difference, but some will say, well, this is just what the religions of the world dictate: “don’t rely on your own judgment, that’s just pride, deny your own mind, and let God, the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, a Near-Death Experience, what Mother Mary said in a vision, or some holy external voice from heaven, tell us what to do". But, set us right on this, Kriss.

K. As we’ve said, the world and the next one, too, is filled with people who have latched onto some Dear Leader’s particular formula for salvation. And that’s why we have a hundred thousand answers to “what’s real and true?

E. And so, make it very clear, to all, concerning the path forward.

K. Moments ago, we spoke of “not making a choice” and “let the answer come to you.” In other words, we have to rise above the chattering demands of the ego and allow God to teach us individually. If we try to wing it, and be clever, and come up with our own philosophy, we can guarantee that we’ll get it wrong. There will never be “freedom from illusion,” in this world or the next, unless and until we closely align and attune ourselves with the mind of Mother-Father God.





Freedom from Illusion, Part I

Freedom from Illusion, Part II

Freedom from Illusion, Part III

Freedom from Illusion, Part IV

Freedom from Illusion, Part V

Freedom from Illusion, Part VI





Editor's last word:

On the Critique Of Pure Reason, Preface B page, a lecturing professor suggests that Kant is addressing the “problem of reality.”

How do we know that the objects of the universe, which, some say, come flooding into our minds, accurately represent reality? How do we know that we’re the right kind of thing for reality to flow into? How can we know that our thoughts, our representations of reality, actually mirror the images of reality? How do we know that we are in fact in touch with reality? that, the kind of things that we think about are actually the things that exist in reality? To take ourselves seriously here is to presuppose that our cognitive abilities are equal to the task of apprehending the real world.

Just above, K & E spoke of “a hundred thousand answers to what’s real and true.” Everyone has made claim to interpreting all that goes on around us, this “problem of reality.”

Here we are, putting forward one more version of “what's real”. All of the hundred thousand are based upon “I don’t have enough”, “I am not enough”, “the universe is meaningless”, “there’s a shortage of good things and so we must fight to survive”, “there is no future, certainly, not a good one”, and other expressions of horrific dystopia. And so why should a claim of there is good news for all, there is true love in store for all, there is Twin Soul love coming for all of us – why should this be taken seriously?

All of the hundred thousand interpretations derive from looking within the human heart and seeing nothing but emptiness. But our contention is, look again; this time, without the “static on the line” which is distorting one’s vision.

It is not an emptiness but an abundance which is to serve as basis of our visions of the future. How can we know this? Look carefully within, and each of us will become the evidence of this proposition.