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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

Revelation’s “bride adorned for her husband” represents a permanent and lasting solution to world evil, and this helps us understand how the true mate offers permanent remedy to the heart’s sorrowing aloneness, in the permanent marriage that “cannot be sundered.”



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Editor’s prefatory comment:

Recently I was editing and rewriting portions of the article featuring Revelation’s “Beast” and “False Prophet”, universal symbols of brutality-violence and deception-propaganda.

As I did, I reviewed comments Adrian had made concerning the symbolism of “the bride adorned for her husband,” descending to Earth as remedy to planet-wide evil. He said that “the bride” represents an ecstasy, a euphoric elevation of consciousness, which is the real answer in terms of transforming our troubled world.

This concept seemed significant. And it occurred to me that the authentic mate, one’s Twin Soul lover, in principle, offers similar benefit. It is she, exclusively, who makes possible the permanent marriage, as Jesus said, that “cannot be sundered.”

The following is excised from the aforementioned article. Kairissi and Elenchus will offer commentary.



I had occasion to discuss this topic with Adrian Smith. He had recently written a piece for the “ultimate reality” page featuring the apostle John’s view of final events in Revelation, “the Bride adorned for her husband.” Adrian said that this view of highest reality, in essence, is an advanced level of consciousness, an ecstasy. This is why the writer chose the image of a Bride to represent a future beneficence for the planet. She is a universal symbol of ecstasy, a rapturous euphoria and elation, a mind-frame that dwells in exalted perceptions of beauty. 

As we discussed these things, I thought of John’s metaphor of the city of God, that “Bride,” that ecstasy, displacing the former domain of the Beast and False Prophet with their mental darkness of "threat", "lack" and "I am not enough".

And I said to Adrian, this is the answer to universal evil. Some people think that we, here on the Earth, with better teaching, more education, societal growth, will eventually, gradually, turn this planet into an oasis of spirituality. But there can be no “gradually.” This is a planet where the system itself is rigged against us - with the system being our own unenlightened minds.

Here, the Beast and False Prophet reign with iron fist, suffuse, to various degrees, all unenlightened thought, and no matter how many times – seven times, and seven times seven [indicating an infinite number of times] – they're beaten back, they will rise again, and keep coming at us, and keep coming at us, because the dysfunctional neediness of the “false self” cannot help itself but to grasp for "more and more".

It's never enough for them. Burdened with this pathological outlook, one is mindlessly compelled to be "number one," to take, to grasp, to "win" at all costs, to accumulate endlessly, to be first, all the money in the world is not enough, to push to the head of the line. It's an insanity. As Jesus said, "they know not what they do." And there will be no peace, in this world, or any world, until this dysfunction of "seeking for more" is remedied in every human heart.

I would just say that those who are deep under and taken over by this kind of heavy misconception of reality are guaranteed to end up in "dark detention." No question about it.

Editor's note: Nothing wrong with winning and seeking for more, per se, and the healthy mind looks forward to an eternity of growth and betterment, but this natural desire to expand and enlarge is hijacked and perverted by the small ego. We have many reports from the other side concerning these blinded materialists when they cross over. They had bet the farm on everything going blank at death, meaning they thought they could get away with taking as much as they could during the Earth visit, but when they’re confronted with the jarring and inconvenient fact that no one dies, moreover, that one’s higher self has not been amused by how the ego has lived, then they’re angry and want to fight. And this bellicose reaction is the reason why so many of the hard-core languidly collapse into centuries of confinement in the “rat cellar.” They could leave the same day - but that would mean admitting they were wrong.

I said that if “The Wild Animal” and “The Lying Teacher” were to be expunged from the world, there’d be no reason to come to this planet of dualism and polar opposites – the good and bad, the hot and cold, the bitter and sweet, on and on -- we might as well have stayed in Summerland with its perfect climes. However, we come here to learn valuable lessons of “waking up” via the harsh terra-environment, and the Guides intend for us to get our money's worth.

the 'lake of fire' is a symbol of a planet-wide purging and cleansing, a burning away of all things ungodly - but the 'fire' will be found only within a mind that 'comes to the light'

Editor's note: See the "Gospel of Thomas" whose Jesus continually speaks of the "light" within. This is the cleansing "fire".

The Beast and False Prophet do not give up, I said to Adrian, because human egoic neediness is never satisfied and does not, and cannot, ever give up. The small ego cannot be reformed, but only transcended.


Doctor Strange (2016), The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton)

“We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them.”


thrown 'alive'

This is why the metaphoric Evil Duo is thrown "alive" into the lake of fire. The writer makes a special point of "alive." They’re thrown "alive” because they never give up, and will go down fighting - not by a gradual, incremental program of the world becoming better and better; no, they’ll be gone - snatched in their mid-stride, right in the act, amidst fervent untoward activity, like Pompeii's unprepared victims taken at the dinner table - in one blinding flash, one incendiary instant, of blazing cosmic insight of enhanced consciousness, of "coming to the light": that unforgettable and shattering euphoric moment when the Bride of ecstasy arrives; and with her delightful advent, all things become new, permanently. Once we have the real thing, there's no going back, because we'd never want to.

This Bride, this joy, this euphoria, to Revelation's way of speaking, is a life fully attuned to God. While the now-neutered small ego ever survives in dormant state, as this is part of our humanity as free choice, it will never again dominate. The Bride, this new, higher level of consciousness, alone, expunges evil from the cosmos. We now have sturdy incentive to "live above" potential evil within, as the Ancient One said, and this, on a lasting basis. We would never go back.

And the coming of the Sacred Beloved, one's destined eternal romantic mate, is a perfect pictogram and microcosm of this larger orientation of one's life. The writer of Revelation knew this. It is the authentic eternal marriage, as Jesus said, that "cannot be sundered." It's not going away. With the Bride's arrival, one's person becomes sated with well-being - no more malaise of "I am not enough." As such, he would never go back to living without her. Yes, absolutely, it is the eternal marriage that "cannot be sundered."


As the great mystics such as Krishnamurti teach, the world doesn't need "more time," a gradualism, to become perfect, but only an accessing of the non-temporal, one eternal moment of timeless clarity.

Education, more information, alone cannot remove the fears and insanity of people. In the history of the world, no educational program or religious training or weekend "sensitivity seminar" has ever been able to eradicate one atom of the "heart of darkness."

But, the question will be asked, is not the world a safer place than a thousand or two thousand years ago? Have we not abolished slavery and the burning of witches or child labor in factories? and similar advances.

Yes, to some extent, there are certain improvements, and we welcome them. But the essential "heart of darkness" remains untouched, poised for its next resurrection.

The dysfunctional ego might be put in a strait-jacket, and hedged about by a system of carrot-and-stick constraint, but it has not surrendered. It will come back to attack society under new guise, new cleverness, to get what it wants, as it attempts to circumvent the newly-minted socially-unacceptable norm.

Today we have new forms of slavery, new oppressions, new arguments to convince us that "good is evil"; we burn witches in new ways, children are treated as chattel in new ways, and new power-structures inflict their whim upon us - as much as they can get away with at the moment - as "the truth" is vilified and trampled in the streets, just as it's always been sullied and spat upon.

Real change, as historians Will and Ariel Durant came to see, comes only by way of philosophers and saints. It is only when we're led to a higher level of consciousness that fears and insanity begin to lose their grip on the human psyche -- only then might the illusion of "I have not enough because I am not enough" be snapped. This manumission, alone, and no other factor, becomes the end of evil.

And this seems to be the writer of Revelation's vision with “the Bride,” an ecstasy, a new civilization, displacing the reign of the symbolical Evil Duo. This ecstasy, the joy, of living in the flow of abundant life, of partaking of the mind of God, of the happiness of simply being alive, is what finally defeats the Evil Duo and cleanses the world by fire. They’re burned up, in a single moment, by the flames of piercing insight; one charring instant of cosmic clarity - and they're gone, forever.

The end of the symbolical Beast and False Prophet is not a single universal event. Their demise, the end of their influence, comes to each one of us, each heart and mind, on an individual basis.

Each one of us must represent “the end of evil in the world” – for we are the world, we are society, the ego lives in each one of us, and until we cleanse ourselves by the immolation of better awareness, the Evil Duo retains foothold in the cosmos, and stands ready to come back one more time, indeed, "seven" times [that is, an infinite number of times; see the original writing].


Kairissi. I feel myself a little mesmerized by the process of how we grow in understanding.

Elenchus. We've spoken of the "sparks" in the head

K. That’s all true but what I mean is, you can be minding your own business, attending to a different subject, but then, bam, out of the blue, comes a profound new insight on another topic.

E. It’s a good example of “creative discontinuity.”

K. I like this new idea. It’s deeper than before.

E. I like it, too; very much.

K. Tell me what you see, Elenchus.

E. First, I like the parallelism. A euphoria, an ecstatic ratcheting-up of consciousness, is the solution to world evil, and it also becomes one’s personal salvation with the coming of the true mate.

K. This is absolutely wonderful, and I missed some of this before. But keep going.

E. I’m thinking of the dysfunctional super-rich of the world. They might have a net worth of hundreds of billions, but it’s not enough for them. Some of them have moved on from money and now want power over people.

K. I doubt if they realize how diseased this is.

E. No, they think they’re superior, and this prompts them to believe that they have a right to rule over others; as such, almost all of them turn into totalitarians.

K. They believe they know better, and that the plebs, the sheep, need the leadership of their exalted intellects.

E. Some of them combine a grab for political power with gathering mammon. Some are trying to corner certain commodity markets, attempting to buy as much as they can in the world. Some, with these purchases, are attempting to eventually disrupt supply chains, which, if successful, in the ensuing social calamity, would allow them opportunity to amass more power in exchange for loosening control of said horded commodity.

K. (sighing) They have no idea how they’re perverting themselves. Without a doubt, they believe that there’s no afterlife, and so they think they can rape and pillage to heart’s content with no consequence. What an abrupt “slapping up the side of the head” is coming for them when they land in the “rat cellar.”

E. Think about what they’re really trying to do. They’re trying to silence their own unrelenting demons, a nettlesome and disconcerting craving for “more.” It never lets you feel good or be happy. And what’s this existential dishevelment actually about? As we peel back the layers of repression, we find, at core, it’s just ordinary garden-variety fear of death. This, of course, plagues every unenlightened human being, but because of their near-unlimited resources, they "go loud" and play it on a grand world stage.

K. Consider the dictators of history, from the ancient world to recent times. They weren’t more evil than most people you meet on the street, but if you have an army of millions to cover your back, and the wealth of an entire country to extort, you can do things that the insulting neighbor next door can’t get away with.

E. But here’s how this relates to the author’s insight. If you’ve got this poisonous craving of “I need more” that won’t let you go, how do you deal with that? How can this – which is the root of all evil – how can it be extirpated from the Earth?

K. Historically, people have gone to war, and that’s how they’ve dealt with it.

E. It’s the lesser evil compared to allowing a tyrant to make slaves of the whole Earth – which is what they would do if they could have their way. But how can evil be removed from the Earth in a permanent way?

K. Yes, permanent, because, after the righteous war of putting down the tyrant, a new generation comes along and now new despots rise to take their turn, and so we’re off to the races one more time to protect civil liberties.

E. With the spiritually immature, civilization is potentially lost every thirty years.

K. As the Bible says, “And a Pharaoh arose who knew not Joseph.” Each generation loses so much and has to regain its bearings anew.

E. And this is the endless iteration, the “seven times” spoken of in Revelation, that is, an infinite number of times.

K. As long as the craving for “more” is not quashed, it will continue.

E. And so this craving, this inner disorder, is key to understanding the entire ship-wreck. And notice how the writer of Revelation contrasts this inner chaos – exemplified by the Beast and False Prophet – contrasts it with the ecstasy and euphoria of attuning oneself to the mind of God.

K. This is the great parallel thought here.

E. Dysfunctional egos cannot be forced to give up their fears of “not enough.” Not even killing them will do it. In that case, an angry spirit, continuing on, will attempt to influence and disrupt world affairs in a quest for revenge.

K. There’s no end to this blood feud, if the problem is approached on that level.

E. Only the ecstasy one experiences at the coming of the “Bride” changes one from the inside out. We’re not talking about some short-lived bio-fever associated with mere sexual thrill. This misses the point entirely. The "Bride" is a symbol of an elevated level of consciousness.

K. I think the excerpt from the author’s writing explains it sufficiently. We refer the reader to that. The point is, when one finally accesses the life within, the inner riches, one experiences an elation simply to be alive, just to be a son or daughter of God. And this ecstasy will constitute the salvation, the expulsion of evil, concerning the perennial bedevilment of planet Earth.

E. And let us take careful note of the enthralling apposition. When one’s true mate appears on the scene, the joy and sense of well-being goes off the charts, taking both of them to higher planes of spiritual maturity -- evil can't exist in that rarified celebratory atmosphere -- and, more viscerally, they're swept to superlative levels of pleasure of simply being alive, simply sharing life together.

K. Elenchus, just a final word from me. I think it's poetically marvelous how what we've seen today supports Jesus' statement for the marriage that "cannot be sundered."

E. It is wonderful. Jesus means that the true marriage is permanent, cannot be altered, because you can't change the underlying soul-bonds.

K. And this principle of permanence is written all over Revelation's assertions - how evil will finally and irrevocably be removed from planet Earth.

E. Both teachings, of Revelation and Jesus, are all about eternal, immutable, consciousness-based delights.

K. I really like this, Elenchus - it's the permanent solution to world evil based on positive soul-energies, and it's the permanent basis of true love and marriage based on positive soul-energies.

E. mmm... Maybe there's just one soul delight, variously expressed.

K. (smiling) I like that.




E. Dysfunctional ones on the other side, discussed in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side,” offer their own version of how evil will be removed from the Earth. They think that with more information about the afterlife people will voluntarily decide to “be good” and then soon we'll enter a "golden age." They always talk about a golden age coming.

K. That’s fairly pathetic. They say things like that about utopia because they, themselves, have not yet discovered the inner life, and so they have no idea how things really work.

E. In the channeled writings spanning the last 150 years, these “insane 500”, especially after some major war, come out with their grandiose prophecies that world peace is about to break out everywhere. They repeatedly made predictions like this after WWI.

K. And then we got WWII, three times as bad, and now today’s slide toward totalitarianism.

E. What this shows us is that unless one accesses the life of God within, one is flying blind, with neither compass nor instrumentation.

K. They crave to be teachers, but cannot even direct themselves.