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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

Psychic-mediums channel the testimony of celebrities in the next world who speak on the subject of sex.



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Editor's prefatory comment: 

Below, I’ve offered a question-and-answer session which summarizes 2 hours of youtube video.

Psychic-mediums Regina Ochoa and Jeanne Love facilitated messages from transitioned celebrities. The subject was sex in the next world.

Kairissi and Elenchus offer comments on the channeled testimonies.



messages from the other side informing us what life is like over there

These top psychic-mediums, Regina Ochoa and Jeanne Love, with others, have created a website, “Cosmic Voices,” featuring channeled messages from transitioned ones.

These communications describe, from personal experiences, life in the next dimensions.

See the website, ‘Cosmic Voices’



Question: People wonder if there’s sex in the next world. Can you tell us about this?

Answer: “It’s plentiful.” But it’s different here. When you transition, you’ll have a “heightened sense of sensitivity and awareness. Everything is brilliant.” And this increase in sensibilities can create great pleasure. And I know you want to know about orgasm, and do we have it? “We get that question a lot.” For us, when we’re in a certain frame of mind, “all of life is orgasmic.” And so, “do we have sex” they way you do on Earth? We could, but “we don’t need it.” We have something better.

Question: How often is this kind of pleasure available?

Answer: You mean, “do we have a constant state of euphoria?” You can have it “at all times,” if that’s what you want. But it’s not a union of bodies the way it's done on Earth.

Question: How does it work?

Answer: We call in “merging.” It’s a merging of personal energies, which is far more erotic than a union of bodies.

Question: Let’s say there’s a couple. One's gone to the next world, the other remains. Can the one over there visit the mate still on the Earth and share this merging?

Answer: “Absolutely.” This happens all the time. And the mortal mate benefits the most.

Question: Is this merging something you would do with just one person in your world?

Answer: It depends. And it has to be with consent. I have merged with a great number of persons here just for the pleasure of it. Sometimes I might see an attractive person and want to merge but the other is hesitant, so I just move on because there are scads of others who'll want to be partners. I belong to a large group of friends who merge with each other a lot, and sometimes all of us merge at the same time, all together. It’s up to you, and what you want to do.

Question: How does this kind of group-love make you feel? Is there no exclusivity?

Answer: Well, I have to admit, it can be a problem. As I said, I like the freedom of merging with any attractive person, but, if I really like someone, and that person merges with others, then I guess I don’t like it. But, there are many others to merge with.


Kairissi. I think the first thing I’d like to say is that the above interview is not one of my favorites.

Elenchus. You’re not totally impressed.

K. I’ve been more thrilled.

E. Alright then. Let’s also add that because of, what we consider to be, less-than stellar wisdom, we won’t be offering a link to the aforementioned youtube videos.

K. It’s not our purpose to speak against personalities. People are what they are at the moment, and everyone can change; however, in the meantime, we feel embarrassed for these so-called celebrities and do not wish to attach a name to certain improprietous statements. By the way, the dictionary says “improprietous” is a non-word, but it totally fits here, so I’m using it.

E. I won’t get in your way – you have that tone in your voice.

K. It's the same one I had when we were seven. But anyone who wants to search out names here can easily find the youtube video, so we’ll leave that to them.

E. What comes to mind first for you, Kriss?

K. In reviewing the testimony, I feel like I'd taken a wrong turn and just entered an ancient Greek bacchanal festival: “more wine over here, waiter!”

E. More wine and more women.

K. The urge to merge. An orgiastic spirit enshrouded what they were saying.

E. I’ll tell you what these testimonies remind me of. On the WG site somewhere, there’s channeled testimony from Oscar Wilde.

K. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the great afterlife researcher and writer of “Sherlock” fame, said that these transmissions constituted some of the most evidential other-world material he’d ever come across. The acidic high-literary wit of Wilde remained intact, of the sort the average medium could not counterfeit.

E. And many of the remarks brought through by Ochoa and Love represented the polished skills of the transmitting celebrities. We don’t doubt that the speakers were not who they said they were.

K. It should be pointed out that, just as in the case of Wilde, who described his shadowland environment, these celebrities, or some of them, we suspect, do not dwell in Summerland proper but in some sort of lower immature-maladjusted level where people merchandize each other.

E. These are not bad people, as such, but they are not wise and mature people. We're reminded of the testimony of the ancient Chinese man of the Flint reports:

'they are not content in themselves, they always want more and more'

The Chinese man speaks out against an entire class of would-be teachers, seeking a following and a name for themselves, who make appearance at the Flint sessions:

Many people who come to these [Flint] meetings do not have an open mind, though they profess to have it. Their minds are full of their own importance, full of their own pre-conceived ideas. Even those who preach from your platforms, who profess to be spiritually-minded are full of their own importance. And the little knowledge they have got is twisted and contorted into such ways, that it cannot give a true picture of things spiritual… they are good souls, in intent and purpose, but they are not great souls, not highly advanced souls… they are not great souls in wisdom or spiritual understanding, they are not a great people of realization of truth…  But we realise that the majority of those who are so-called spiritually minded, are far from being spiritually minded. Oft-times they are immersed in their own vanities, they are immersed in their own ideas and ideals and they are not content for themselves. Always they want more and more… [they] have a little knowledge, but are vain and say that they have all knowledge... some have a [small amount] of truth but they distort it for their own purposes...

Editor's note: They are “good souls,” says the ancient Chinese man. They might live in or near your neighborhood in Summerland. They will smile and offer pleasantries, and they would help you if they could. However, in spite of the conviviality, they’re quite insane, out of tune with their own sacred selves.

To say that these people are “good” means, as we discussed in the “morality” article, they have good intentions. They believe their own propaganda that what they do is the right way... There might be good intentions, but the goodness is very shallow and brittle and not founded upon knowledge.

K. Let us take note here that their intentions might be good, but it's a goodness that has no depth, and if you probe and question, it will collapse.

E. Kriss, for the benefit of our readers, let me play devil’s advocate. What exactly is the problem with what they call “merging”? There’s no flesh-on-flesh in play here. What is the issue?

K. No doubt, "merging" represents what is meant to be an advanced form of sexual union. Many other afterlife-speakers have referred to it, often as a kind of melding or "I became" the other person.

E. But is it meant to be used indiscriminately?

K. I see many problems. By the speaker’s own admission, we infer that “merging” represents an intimacy of mind and spirit which is not meant to be promiscuously shared. We know this because of his negative reaction to love lost. He said that he didn’t like it when the one he really cared for was “merging” herself all over town with every flirtatious wink.

E. This is not like shaking hands or a polite hug.

K. It's extremely intimate.

E. Sexual union, if you're not just one of the "beasts of the field," is supposed to mean something, picture something. It's not designed for a wild party on Saturday night, but for Twin Souls to represent the ultimate reality and oneness of Mother-Father God

K. It's meant to be utterly exclusive. But there’s another reason why all this red-light district merging is off the rails. There’s a neurotic spirit of mind coming through from these "celebrities", and it's very obvious when you listen to the youtube audio – a kind of frantic, frenzied, “I don’t have enough” and “I must go hunting for one more willing body to fill up the emptiness in my heart and soul.” This spiritual deficit, this inner craving for “more,” comes through loud and clear.

E. Loud and clear, but not to this crowd. To them it all seems normal, that this is how life should be lived, one grand party and a big laugh.

K. We spoke of this in the “levels of consciousness” writing; how, no matter where one is on the ladder of enlightenment, even on the basement level of “shameless,” everything seems normal and wholly appropriate.

E. It's very jarring - this element of “we’re all very normal here, we’re doing really fine,” and those who disagree are just boring Victorians.

K. I was struck by how often they tried to say that their jokes and attempts at humor were a kind of evidence, to themselves, that they were sane. They would even say things, to the effect, that if you can’t laugh or make a joke, then nothing is worth doing - as if wisdom, honor, spirituality, and service counted for nothing. Making jokes and laughing became their “sacred cow,” something, they implied, only an out-of-touch Puritan would disagree with.

E. There’s often an element of truth in this kind of propaganda. It is true that laughter, learning to look on the humorous side of things, is a mark of intelligence. But, if that’s all you have, and all you do, then, as Art Mokarow used to say, there’s something wrong with you.

K. Their jokes and humor – one began to feel this palpably – served as mask and cloak for their out-of-control egos, desperately trying to justify a way of living. And, yes, a “sacred cow”, in that “how could anyone condemn us if we’re smiling and making jokes?” But, as Shakespeare warned, one can “smile and smile” and still be quite dysfunctional.

E. This shopping and hunting expedition, for one more person to devour as pleasure-prize, quickly becomes pathological. It’s a dehumanizing way of perceiving others - dehumanizing to both perpetrator and victim - reducing them to a status of "not a person", mere recipients and objects of stimulation, thrill, and gratification. We spoke at length of this in the two Kishnamurti writings, here and here.

K. The greatest tragedy is that, if you live this way, you will never find the real love, the authentic romance – which, as the mystics inform us, “offers complete rest to the soul.” And this "complete rest," a sense of wholeness and peace attendant to true love, is precisely what these celebrity-attendees of the bacchanal festival do not have.

K. Another item worth mentioning. Many times we've talked about “alternate realities,” of how a “group think” dynamic can reify whole worlds. Some of the celebrities also talk about this “consensus-based” precipitation of environment.

E. It’s very ironic that, though they know of this principle, it never occurs to them that they themselves live in such make-believe world.

K. They think they’re normal, that all of Summerland is, or should be, as they are. But, most of these deluded, these merchandizers of others, do not live in Summerland proper, the "real world," but in some “bizarro” setting where it’s the right thing to sexually devour whomever you fancy.

E. It’s the way they lived their lives before transitioning, and so they continue with the hedonism they've known.

K. And I might just add, how do we know that many of these "celebrities" do not reside in the best "neighborhoods" over there? No one is allowed into the main sections of Summerland if they're likely to proselytize, get in your face, proposition and bother you. This is basic natural law 101.

E. Speaking of this general issue, Father Benson said that anyone doing this over there, in the good "neighborhoods," would be immediately "swept away."

K. Thus endeth their excellent adventure, and no joking and laughing would exonerate.

E. Too much sexual thrill can become an addiction - just as it is in our world.

K. No one should be condemned or thought less-of for having an addiction. But what this clique of "celebrities" does not seem to understand is that addictions are not automatically healed merely because of a change in one's zip-code; in fact, if humor becomes a form of repression and denial, one sinks farther into entrenched psychological disorder.

E. It's all quite terrible. If you come from the Earth-world, where virtually everyone is egoically insane, where everyone worships you as a god, and if you buy into this pink-cloud illusion, then you begin to think of yourself as far "better" and "above", if not invincible.

K. And now, having moved into the "castles in the sky," almost everything you think, say, or do is off-base and unreal. 

E. And those with any kind of maturity in Summerland are not laughing, and they're not impressed. They're not laughing because addictions speak to mental habit-patterns gone awry, and, in a world wherein "thoughts are things," much more so than on Earth, addictions can be even harder to overcome.

Editor’s note: There are many reports from the other side concerning celebrities of the Earth-world who suffer rude awakening upon transition. The moment they cross to that new world, their celebrity status is stripped for them; meaning, no one with maturity over there cares an atom for such things. The fact that the celebrities-under-review herein are still enamored by, still attempt to live in the wake of, their past laudations is prima facie evidence that they do not presently reside in Summerland proper but in some shadow-world wherein there is attempt to maintain dysfunctional Earth customs. See more discussion of celebrities' instant demotion on the "Summerland" page.

Editor's note: Concerning this unceremonious demotion, the loss of celebrity, Father Benson comments in "Life In The World Unseen":

"My own earthly reputation had been of no very great magnitude, but I
had managed to carve a niche for myself among my co-religionists.
My transition had been calm and peaceful, and unattended by any
unpleasant circumstances. It was no wrench for me to leave the earth
world. I had no ties but my work. I was, therefore, greatly blessed. Edwin
told me of others whose passing was extremely unhappy, and whose
spiritual state upon their arrival here was still more unhappy. Many, who
were great upon earth, found themselves very small in spirit."


K. I noted, in the interview, amidst the pervasive-and-evasive tactic of humor, they would refer to each other as "my favorite alcoholic" or "my favorite drug addict." This was supposed to be hilarious. But making light of this does not mitigate the serious consequences. Even in that world, indeed, even more in that world, addictions devolve to little more than escape from reality, an attempt to sedate the pain in one's life. And healing, especially over there, will be very painful and, for the hard-core, take a very long time. These good-time-charlie celebs are in real trouble, but they can't go there yet.

Editor’s note: Over the years, in my investigations, more than once -- and so I think it might be something accurate -- I’ve come across a psychic report of Elvis Presley’s self-redemption in the next world. To his great credit, he wanted absolutely nothing more to do with the bright lights and fanfare, the glittered music-world false images. It is said that, at least for a time, he was working with a group of loggers, doing manual labor, overcoming his own addictions, and trying very hard to ground himself in things that are honest, true, and real. Very good, Elvis, and this is something we can all commend.

E.  And if you try to permanently live in this artificial, narcissistic bubble, this pumped-up high, then, for a while, you'll insist you're feeling fine, with high-fives all around, and "we're all laughing and are so jolly, and so we must be sane and normal."

K. Until it doesn't work for you anymore; like all addictions, there's a crash coming. What they haven't learned, or admitted, yet is that existential crisis is waiting to meet them.

E. Existential crisis, in a subliminal way, already lurks within. Further, it seems that they all believe in the fraudulent reincarnation, which, as we've discussed elsewhere, is a repressed desire to be rid of oneself, a result of the ego's self-loathing. And, beneath their surface gaiety, we can feel this throbbing self-loathing.


There are thousands of philosophical groups in the next world, each of them selling its idea of how to live life. And we’re looking at one more here.

In the "Emerson" writing, we addressed this phenomenon of philosophical groups over there. There are many thousands of them. Each group would love to convert you to their particular view of how the universe works. To quote from that article:

I’d been rereading Father Benson’s first book, “Life In The World Unseen,” and he speaks of a certain troubling incident [concerning potential proselytizers over there]. I thought I might bring it to our attention.

Talk of false teachers [and their groups] in Summerland might cause concern for some. But, for the clear-eyed, there’s nothing to worry about. No one will ever get in your face and try to forcibly “convert you” to a local group’s modus vivendi. They’re not allowed, at all, to do that - Father Benson explicitly says, "they'd be swept away" into a dark place if they tried that. So, you can come-and-go as you please, wherever you like, visit any “neighborhood,” and you’ll be welcomed, people will always be helpful, smiling. This is absolutely true because, despite sometimes-unenlightened personal views, people would not even "allow themselves" into Summerland if they were of an overtly predatory, churlish, or imperious frame of mind. However, there are subtle ways that "canvassing for support" might occur.

The hedonistic pleasure-mad former-celebs, whether they know it or not, have created one more philosophical group to espouse existential meaning and purpose. For them, if it’s not sex-and-wild-times, then there’s no point. This reference to "no point" is virtually a direct quote from them.

All of these thousands of groups, if you try to disagree with them, would say there’s something wrong with you. The new “holy infallible doctrine” of these celebs is one of free and "plentiful" sex and no-tomorrow, just live for the next wanton merging. It's all pretty disgusting.


E. There was one statement that I thought very interesting, and very good. And I’m hoping that it will help us sometime. I speak of the transitioned mate visiting the one still on the Earth, and, together, experiencing love “Summerland style.”

K. Are you planning on leaving soon, buddy?

E. I always thought that I’d be the one to exit first, but I think it will be you now.


Editor's last word:

On the "dualism" page, we discussed the nature of pleasure; that, while there's a higher version, much of it devolves to mere bio-chem stimulation:

What we call "pleasure" is the brain's reaction to certain stimuli which evoke positive sensation. Humans are hard-wired to recognize, as “pleasure”, particular stimulus-reaction sequences, but other organisms, a goose, for example, will not "raise an eyebrow" at these sensory awakenings. In other words, much of what we call "beauty" and “pleasure” is a positive, near-autonomic, response to species-specific stimuli.

A great deal of this “incitement to riot” is bio-chem prompted, just a trick Mother Nature plays on each life-form, to encourage reproduction, the perpetuation of the species.

impetus to life

Pleasure serves as impetus to life, moves us forward, "makes the world go round," supplies reason to act; however, if lower-level pleasure becomes an end in itself, if that's all we have, we're led into dysfunction, imbalance, a lack of proportion.

Editor's note: the above-referenced "celebrities" become poster-children for pleasure that has become an end in itself at the expense of higher-order perspective.

increasing the authority of the body over the mind

Susana Wesley: "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself."