Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Is the wisest information on love and marriage available only from the most ancient of entities, on the very highest levels, on the other side? |
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When I was a newcomer to the field of afterlife information, I’d fall into the trap of thinking, “Well, this report is from someone actually over there, so they must know what they’re talking about.” But it’s not quite that straight-forward.
Several years ago I was discussing this issue with James Webster. I said that there’re a lot of reports from people who’ve recently crossed over and, more often than not, they want to tell you about how they’ve now figured out all mysteries of the universe; that, “reincarnation is true, and we’ll be heading back for another trip to the Earth pretty soon now.”
the consensus view, the herd mentality, is a poor indicator of truth
But James was one of the first to help me understand that, just because you cross over, doesn’t mean you know anything. Your frame of mind, and your level of knowledge, is basically the same, and this will be true for quite a while after transitioning. Further, James said, so many of the reports merely reflect a consensus view of a particular “neighborhood.” Everyone in that sector believes the same thing, and so the new-arrival thinks it has to be just that way and nothing else. This “herd mentality” is very evident in “the Flint 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side.”
But then there’s another class of teachers, or would-be teachers, over there who claim a right to august deference on the basis of having been there for a long time; plus, they want you to know that they’ve descended from a very high level of existence just to offer their teachings.
In earlier times, I allowed myself to be swayed by this sophistry. In principle, these were the same claims made by the new-arrival bunch but with the added juiced-up feature of “We’ve been here for a very long time, and now we’re very exalted, and so you better listen to us.”
Is this a valid argument?
living in a bigger mansion, with better landscaping, won't make you a wise person
As you get into this area of afterlife research, you will find certain brotherhoods, sisterhoods, or philosophies, or special interest groups that are built entirely on claims of “We’re on Mount Olympus, you're way down there, and we know what's best.” On the Earth, we have lots of religions whose founding Infallible Gurus, it is said, enjoyed a unique revelation from God – but, in essence, this same dynamic of arrogating to oneself an exclusivity is going on concerning ancient ones who claim to be reporting from “the highest levels,” from worlds of real estate with better curb appeal.
You’ll want to read the aforementioned writing, the “500 tape-recorded testimonies,” for a full discussion. There are other teachers over there, however, who are not drinking this kool-aid, are not impressed with these claims to superiority, and, moreover, frown upon these “holier than thou” teachers for their pomposity.
Editor's note: Being on the other side has many advantages, to say the least. We cannot truly know the beauty of the Summerland gardens from our side, or very much at all about the marvelous environment. However, when it comes to spiritual discernment, one's "zipcode" offers no advantage. Understanding spiritual issues becomes a function of "opening a channel" to God, and you can do this from anywhere, any world, wherever you happen to be right now. This principle is true today and will continue so a million years from now.
from the Flint 500 tape-recorded messages:
an ancient sage, a Chinese man, purported to be thousands of years old, a modern day Jeremiah, warns us about unqualified teachers offering a false view of reality
He wouldn’t give his name, didn’t want notoriety, but the sitters believed him to be either Confucius or Lao-Tzu. This could be true. Along with only a few others among “the 500,” he struck me as very wise and insightful.
'they are not content in themselves, they always want more and more'
The Chinese man speaks out against an entire class of would-be teachers, seeking a following and a name for themselves, who make appearance at the Flint sessions:
“Many people who come to these [Flint] meetings do not have an open mind, though they profess to have it. Their minds are full of their own importance, full of their own pre-conceived ideas. Even those who preach from your platforms, who profess to be spiritually-minded are full of their own importance. And the little knowledge they have got is twisted and contorted into such ways, that it cannot give a true picture of things spiritual… they are good souls, in intent and purpose, but they are not great souls, not highly advanced souls… they are not great souls in wisdom or spiritual understanding, they are not a great people of realization of truth… But we realise that the majority of those who are so-called spiritually minded, are far from being spiritually minded. Oft-times they are immersed in their own vanities, they are immersed in their own ideas and ideals and they are not content for themselves. Always they want more and more… [they] have a little knowledge, but are vain and say that they have all knowledge... some have a [small amount] of truth but they distort it for their own purposes...
there is no such thing as directly receiving messages from highest origin
“It is extraordinary how it is that people who have not the slightest knowledge, who have not, within themselves, the slightest indication of spiritual progression, who expect that they shall receive from the higher spheres, great souls to come to them, to work with them. It is only true that you would [wish] these [higher] souls come to you [to teach], that you [imagine yourself to be] worthy to receive those souls that will be able to work with you accordingly. It would be impossible for certain souls to come and to work. I have heard it said that, in certain circles, certain souls come, of very high origin and make direct contact. I deny this. I say that this is an impossibility - that you do not, and cannot, receive from certain souls on very high spheres, a direct contact. Because I know there is no one in your world who has spiritually progressed to the state that they can tune in. It is not possible. It is an impossibility.
we can receive, in a meaningful way, only what we're spiritually attuned to receive
Editor's note: notice the earlier phrase "tune in".
"Man can only receive that which he himself has made possible by, not only his thoughts, but by his actions, by his very way of life. You may receive and do receive - which is quite a different thing - messages from highly evolved souls, but it is done through a system of relay. It is other souls on lower spheres [acting as the mentor] they act, as it were, as the instrument. They transmit the message of spirit through the sources of instruments, to you. But the direct contact; when I hear, as I have heard it said, that there are people in your world who have received direct contact with Jesus and other great souls, I [have] to say this is not true."
Editor's note: They are “good souls,” says the ancient Chinese man. They might live in your neighborhood in Summerland. They will smile and offer pleasantries, and they would help you if they could. However, in spite of the conviviality, they’re quite insane, out of tune with their own sacred selves.

The ancient Chinese man reminds us of something Chief Seattle once said, to the effect: “We don’t know what the whites want. They’re never satisfied. They just want more and more.”

See this page for the wisdom of Chief Seattle.
How enlightened was Chief Seattle. We gasp in dismay as we contemplate all that we lost when we failed to embrace the wisdom of this man. There is a place for technology, but just as “art is not enough” (see below) neither is scientific so-called progress. We should have been willing to learn from our spiritual elders.
Brother John of Glastonbury: We in the spirit-world are often appalled at how so-called 'servants of God' become proud and puffed up, thinking themselves to be so important and better than others.
Brother John of Glastonbury (1393-1464 CE), one of the "sane 500," a former monk during his Earth-life, in effect, speaks with T.S. Eloit on the problem of "servants" ruining themselves in an orgy of hubristic pride:

Here is a rough transcript of Brother John's teaching, recorded 3.10.1961:
"We in spirit are often appalled by how those with whom we work become proud, and now see themselves as better and above the common man or woman; how they in themselves feel so important. The ego builds a barrier making it difficult for us to work with a 'servant,' and the message is distorted or falls to the ground because of the pride. I want to warn them of the dangers that lie within themselves when other people praise them and say how wonderful they are, and they come to believe it, causing them to become materially-minded and unbalanced. Some mediums, in boastful pride, give the impression that they know all about the world of spirit, that they have all the answers, but this is not true, never true, as there is so much that cannot be revealed during your time on Earth."
Editor’s note: In my youth, as a young man, some of my teachers would say that the way to avoid pride, especially for ones who have been given office and power, is to have suffered. This seemed reasonable at the time, and there is an element of truth to it, but, without something more, it all fails.
The problem is, the ego can become proud of its suffering, can boast about how “I suffered so much, far more than you, and this is why you should elect me, or give me the chief seat, or listen to me," or some other perk that the ego craves to fill the neediness in its shriveled heart.
We learned in the “Prometheus” discussions that suffering per se will not produce a godly character. There’s a missing element. It all needs to be based on a clear perception of both the “true” and the “false” selves. With this in place, no matter how much power or notoriety one might achieve, there will be no delusion of “I am better than you,” no pious chanting of "I thank thee Lord that I am not like other men." Just ask Lateece.
And here’s what I’ve come to see regarding this grandstanding and self-exaltation:
God doesn't play favorites, on any level
God has no favorite kids. There are no Gurus. There’s a level playing field of opportunity for all. And there is no such thing as a “highest level,” but only in their self-aggrandizing dreams.
the yellow ribbon of attendance - congratulations, you must be so proud
Those who, in fact, are wisest in the Astral Realms have become so not because of years of residence – mere years might win you a “yellow ribbon of participation” but, of and by itself, will mean nothing. True wisdom, true spirituality, true advancement, is a function of bringing to the surface of personhood the hidden soul riches within, of attuning ourselves with God’s mind, and nothing else; certainly not mere years on the job.
Editor's note: There's a saying: "Did you have 30 years of experience? - or 1 year of experience repeated 30 times?" It's an important distinction.
Elsewhere, I’ve recounted the story of what happened to me when I first began to investigate psychic-mediums. So many of the readings, and from different sources, would tell me, “You have to learn to trust yourself” or “You have to start trusting yourself a whole lot more.” You can read the account on what my thoughts were at the time, but here’s the larger principle that would take me many years, not only to understand but, to accept.
where the real action takes place
I would learn that this emphasis on "trust yourself" issued with design - because, among authentic teachers, reflecting cosmic reality, it is the sacred self where the real action takes place.
As I said, God has no favorite kids. Egos, wherever you find them, will try to convince you that they are special and better than you. Everyone, if we learn to “open a channel,” will be taught directly by God. No one has an inside track.
But here’s what "God has no favorite kids" really means in practical terms:
If we begin to “open a channel” by entering a “small quiet room” of transformation, then, over the coming months and years, we will begin to see things, and discern things, and know things, which might surpass the knowledge even of some on the other side who’ve been there for thousands of years but have "cut class."
Some people over there think that living in a “higher” world with better real estate, greener grass, prettier flowers, will automatically allow you to penetrate mysteries. It doesn’t work that way.
geography is not spirituality
Editor’s note: Not everyone in spirit realms pompously claims “We’re on Mount Olympus, you're way down there, and we know best.”
Here is an other-side report expressing the truth that God cannot be known as a function of one's neighborhood, that geography is not spirituality:
Channeled testimony via the mediumship of W. Aber, presented in the book “The Guiding Star”:
“We see so many thousands of Earth people coming to this side without any knowledge, or even idea, of what awaits them … Every day, every hour, every minute, and almost every second, we see them coming into a strange and, to them, unknown country; and too, so many who have been told about future life, have been taught wrongfully. They do not find what they were told they would find here.
Editor’s note: As reported elsewhere, my father, communicating to me via psychic-medium, employed virtually these same words, to the effect: “Nothing here is the way I thought it would be; nothing here is the way the Church said it would be.” And the tone of his message denoted, “The Church made fools of us.”
"They grope about, wanting to know of God, wanting to know of Jesus, wanting to find their Saviour, [but they are disappointed]. They never learned that God is on Earth as much as anywhere. That they could see God and hear his voice, the same on Earth, as they ever could anywhere, [as God is as real, on Earth, and] to be seen before, [just as much] as after, death. God is in everything -- the lily of the valley, the buttercups and daisies. He shines in the twinkling stars, in the god of day, the queen of night, and speaks in the wild tornado and is in the voice of the nightingale. God is law. God is spirit, [God is singular pervasive reality and can be found everywhere, equally, in the universe].”
Editor’s note: We would do well to consider carefully this astral-realm message. It flatly contradicts the opinions of the spiritually unbalanced we encountered in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side”. The implications stagger us as so much of what passes for accurate information about the next worlds is errant, offered by those who are egoically off-kilter. All of the widespread emphasis, in a thousand reports, that one must strive to achieve a better world, or higher level, or loftier habitude, is so much flim-flam. We don’t have to huff-and-puff to make our way to some “seventh level” to find God, because God is to be found everywhere.
Think of it this way. Consider a Dr. Schweitzer, or many others, who have voluntarily taken up residence in a third-world country to serve the medical needs of the disadvantaged. Granted, accommodations might not be five-star, the amenities, somewhat lacking. And, yes, these doctors could be living in a penthouse in New York, working at prestigious hospitals. But, they do what they do as a matter of free will, and they live fulfilling lives. Compare this example to mature persons who decide to remain, to set up house, in Summerland. They opt for this in order to more readily serve their less developed brothers and sisters on a so-called lower plane. In this foregoing of “moving up” to a “higher” world with flowers of more intense color, is there a diminishment of access to God? We suggest that the reality is quite the opposite.
There is nothing wrong with attaining to more beautiful worlds. But to suggest that doing so somehow constitutes “earning a merit badge” offering better access to God is pure egocentric fantasy. Mature ones, like doctors serving in third-world countries, may decide to remain in Summerland, the initial port-of-entry, for a hundred years, or a thousand, or permanently – that’s up to them and what their inner guidance dictates. But, in any case, is this a real detriment? In the coming worlds, they say, the concept of distance virtually has no meaning as an advanced person can teleport him or herself, in a heartbeat, anywhere in the universe.
revisited: geography is not spirituality
Editor’s note: As I’ve stated, some of the channeled afterlife testimonies from persons over there reveal a significant lack of understanding concerning human nature. Some are quite naïve. They think that more information will make people more mature. As such, many of these like to predict that things will be getting better in our world because more and more people will be learning about the afterlife. There were many of these “prophecies” about a hundred years ago, after WWI. They couldn’t have been more wrong, as we view the carnage of the later twentieth century.
How do they make mistakes like this? In the same manner that we might make them. They haven’t “gone within” to discover both the “true self” and the potential evil of the “false self.”
Here is a classic example of all this. Afterlife researcher Michael Tymn reports on the Spirit Guides who sent messages to Stainton Moses in the latter 1800s:
“William Stainton Moses, an Anglican priest who became a gifted medium, was told by spirits that they overestimated their ability to help out, not anticipating so much abuse and ignorance on our side. Thus, they withdrew.”
This is quite telling: “overestimated their ability to help out, not anticipating so much abuse and ignorance on our side.”
But this was all foreseeable had they studied the Krishnamurti lectures. Note, too, that these Spirit Guides considered themselves very advanced and highly evolved. But “geography is not spirituality,” and living in the “seventh heaven” won’t help you a particle to see more clearly.
The point for all of us is that, never be impressed by “I’ve been over here for a few thousand years, and I really know.” It doesn’t work that way, and all of us, each one, can “go within” today and begin to perceive what escapes certain “exalted ones” on the other side.
the unique gifts of the spirit
And here’s something else for us to take note of. The apostle Paul began to see this 2000 years ago in his discussion of “the gifts of the spirit”: everyone, each of us, if we learn to “open a channel,” will eventually be given a special gift from God; which is to say, that each of us will begin to reflect the mind of God in a unique way. This ability, when it manifests, will be just for you. And when you learn how to use and develop it, everyone will want it. But they’ll have to seek for their own gift from God.
This article is written within the context of authentic marriage as Omega Point. There are many dysfunctional ones on the other side, even among those thousands of years old, who disdain the concept of marriage. We talked about this in “the 500” writing. But the point for us is this:
As we “open a channel” and allow ourselves to be taught by Spirit, we, ourselves, without aid from a "higher real estate world," will begin to sense, and intuitively know, more and more as the months pass, the nature of true love and marriage, and, eventually, the identity of the one with whom to share this marvel.
- Edward C. Randall: "Mortal needs spirit suggestion, but spirits, indeed, of mortal thought, have just as great a need." Editor’s note: We have realized that persons of the Earth are inspired by those on the other side, but this channeled comment, from one in Summerland, suggests that spirit-persons might also learn from us. By what principle? There appears to be two modes of inspiration: (1) we influence the thoughts of each other; most commonly, spirit-persons, at times, guiding the thinking of those on the Earth; however, (2) all humans, no matter their present location, are to “go within” and be taught directly by Universal Intelligence. When we do, and if we happen to reside in the mortal flesh, we might be able to see things and know things that have escaped the attention even of ones on the other side.

Concerning trusting oneself as the locus of real action, I’m reminded of Einstein’s warning that unmindful deference to authority is one of the greatest enemies of the truth.
Also, in contrast, here’s a quote from Charlotte Dresser’s books. Her sister and friend on the other side are channeling information, and they comment on their observations of someone who has made great progress over there, and they think they know why:

Trust yourself - your true self. This is how God communicates with you and teaches you. Geography is not spirituality and cannot help you in the most important areas of life.