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"The years have altered nothing, dulled the senses, nor discredited the magic." Walter Benton
Editor's note: the following represent some of the best-available sources of afterlife and personal-development information:
Attorney Adrian Smith has been a good friend since college days, 50 years ago. I often seek his insights and quote him on Word Gems. He’s written the "Foreword" for my books, and he's recently published a book of his own, “A Prison For The Mind,” available on Amazon. You’ll want to follow his blogsite for most recent thoughts.

Adrian was interviewed concerning his book, how forms of totalitarianism are eroding our traditions of personal liberties and rule of law.
I invite you to survey a transcribed excerpt of Adrian’s discourse.
www.aliveinside.us - Music can heal the despairing soul as no other balm or medicinal agent. It might reawaken us to life and love lost, vivify the battered human spirit, offering hope of celestial tomorrows rooted in untapped human potential. All this we sense to be true. But, even more, in recent years, one man has been engaged in a private crusade to bring music, the personal songs of one’s life, to dementia patients – with astonishingly wonderful results. See the website.
Dr. Susan B. Barnes is an international medium, communications professor, radio commentator, and spirit artist. She is the owner of the Spirit Art Gallery in Cassadaga, NY where she regularly teaches art classes. See her website: www.spiritartgallery.net
Susan is a certified medium trained in the United States, England, and Canada. She is a member of the Spiritualist National Union and teaches on the SNUi. She has passed her CSNU in demonstrating and continues to work on SNU credentials. Her work has been featured in the Psychic Observer, and she's written eight books including Visual Communication: From Cave Art to Second Life and Spiritualist Basics.
Editor’s note: It’s difficult to find a competent psychic-medium. You might have to try a few. While not every reading can be successful even with a gifted sensitive - you often need to have a few readings to obtain something meaningful - occasionally, with a gifted psychic, one might receive communication to rock your world, of stunning evidential authenticity. I'd like to recommend Sue Barnes. She’s among the best I’ve encountered in the last 25 years; additionally, Sue is easy to talk to, down-to-earth, the kind of person you’d like to have as a friend. Give her a call to schedule a phone-reading: (585) 314-9362
Khan Academy, free education videos for the world on most subjects, free AI tutor, free resources for teachers; excellent service by Sal Khan, founder.
Eckhart Tolle and "The Power Of Now"
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Cambridge biologist
Dr. Dean Radin, Institute Of Noetic Sciences
Dr. Eben Alexander, brain surgeon, near-death experience survivor
Dr. August Goforth, New York psychiatrist, author of "The Risen"
Dr. Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, near-death experience researcher
Dr. Amit Goswami, professor of quantum mechanics
Leslie Flint, Direct-Voice medium
Father Robert Benson, "Life In The World Unseen," volume one
Swedenborg, featured on the "Afterlife" page, wrote of his visions of Summerland. And there is a group of dedicated individuals who seek to promote his philosophy and psychic visions. You may want to view their youtube videos and website, swedenborg.com.
Forever Family Foundation: "When Bob and Phran Ginsberg joined a support group for bereaved parents following the death of their daughter, Bailey, in an auto accident on September 1, 2002, they were informed that the subject of life after death was not suitable for discussion as it did not relate to coping with grief. 'We found that odd,' says Bob, a 65-year-old semi-retired insurance agent residing in Huntington, N.Y., 'as we believed that the only thing that could provide comfort to bereaved parents was the possibility that their child still survived.'"
Editor’s note: This young man might be the very best teacher I’ve ever come across. It's a bold statement, but Dr. DeWitt is a gift, transforms teaching into art-form, makes the complex simple to apprehend. Here’s a sample lecture explaining what a “mole” is in chemistry, and you'll remember what he says. Listening to him is an event.
Dr. Tyler DeWitt, MIT grad, one of the best teachers

Word Gems is my private collection of the best gold-nuggets I’ve discovered in all fields. It’s not easy to find something good, and not often am I tempted toward superlative in this search, but Tyler DeWitt is really something.
Just sample his many youtube videos and read the reviews, and you’ll see what I mean – tens or hundreds of thousands of comments from grateful viewers who rate him the best teacher they’ve ever found.
How does he do it? Certain characteristics meet us in his lectures:
He’s extremely knowledgeable regarding topics under review. Like all great speakers and writers, he has something worthwhile to say.
He’s humble, doesn’t talk down to you, assumes no prior knowledge on the part of the listener. Also, he treats you as a friend, is warm, smiles, and you can tell he loves his subject.
He doesn’t waste your time by writing on the board but masterfully employs pre-arranged visual aids; this alone is wonderful.
He explains his terms, gets to the essence of concepts, uses analogies, offers examples.
His use of a split-screen, allowing us to see both the teacher and the material, makes it easy to listen.
A good teacher is a “gift from the gods” and will facilitate an expeditious assimilation of knowledge. After reviewing Tyler’s work, you might be led, as I was, to assert, “If I’d had you as a chem teacher in high school or college, my life could have unfolded differently.”
You can easily find Tyler DeWitt’s videos on youtube. No matter what your field of interest, he helps all of us envision what a good teacher looks like.

The Dazzling Darkness is a concept representing a frame of mind untrammeled by the dysfunctional ego. Therein, freed from base-alloy animal inclinations, one might apprehend not only the identity of one’s true mate but also a realization of the living presence of God in one’s life. READ MORE

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