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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

Editor's summary comments concerning reincarnational belief in the ancient world



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My friend Bob Feland, WWII veteran, passed on, comes to mind right now.

He was awarded the Silver Star by General Mark Clark for bravely walking through a minefield to rescue his wounded friends. On another occasion, a duty fell to him to enter a trench that had taken a direct hit by a shell, and now his fellow soldiers were simply gone. Bob sorrowfully recounted, “they were turned to butter.”

And Elijah would have been turned to butter, as well, had he actually been taken, flesh-and-blood, to the next world. This detail alone informs us that the entire story of his “translation” is apocryphal.

How do we know this? Well, to state the general rule, our present knowledge of the afterlife changes everything. We’re no longer sleepwalking in the dark; or, do not need to be. We know a lot about how things work over there.

However, in terms of our said-displaced friend Elijah, we know he did not journey to the next dimension with a mortal body because, in a hot moment, the fleshy covering would have evaporated. Atoms and molecules over there vibrate at a much faster rate than in our world. This out-of-phase disparity would have immediately created a sense of shattering and dissolution for any hapless mortal venturing over the line into the rarified atmosphere of that world. As the apostle Paul said, “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God,” and his statement makes for good afterlife physics 101. See more discussion on the “Summerland 1-minute” page, under the heading, “why Summerland cannot be invaded.”

But I should not dwell on these unrealities of the biblical text. I’ve already outlined the inherent problem elsewhere and you can read of the inexactitudes for yourself. In this summary of “reincarnation in the ancient world,” I would simply bring to our attention that the major precepts under review in the associated ten articles cannot, of and by themselves, offer us any degree of certainty concerning the reincarnational question.

Those of you who might be new to this subject, especially those of a religious nature, might be displeased with a questioning of traditional values herein. I do understand. I studied the Bible in a scholarly way for 30 years. And it’s not pleasant to view one's investment of time and energy as something less than profitable.

But, concerning the ancient world, many believed in reincarnation; and so it continues on, today. What propels this desire to believe?

I see the supporters of “R” falling into two camps:

(1) those who don’t like, but have little knowledge of, this pernicious doctrine; are disgusted with the prospect that they might be required to return to the Earth’s conflicts; however, right now, they can see no way out of it and, reluctantly accept their fate to return. This was my situation, about 25 years ago. But then there’re

(2) those who crave to come back, accept “R” as their de facto religion, have identified with it,  and, if you speak against it, they will hate you, just as if one had vilified some dearly loved patron saint.

This second item is the real problem of “R.” But we need not remain unschooled in terms of why these things are so. There are very clear heads on the other side who see it for exactly what it is. And they inform us that the rabid true-believer in “R” is led by the “false self,” the small ego, which is perpetually held in terror by “I don’t have enough” because “I am not enough.” This is the "worm at the core" of the entire issue.

People crave to come back because, on some level, they regret having botched this trip to the Earth. And now they fear “I will never find happiness and all that I want because I ruined things, or others ruined it for me.” So now they want another throw of the dice. “Maybe I’ll get lucky this time.” This is the “reason behind the reason” for keen adherence to “R.”

This is an old story, extending to ancient times, with the unenlightened desperate for that new hand of cards to be dealt wherein they might thrill to four aces.

But there is zero option to come back. It’s not a choice. Just as we're not allowed to decide to become Peter Pan or one of Santa’s elves, we cannot come back to planet Earth for another life. And yet the New Agers blithely speak of one's choice to return, as if it were enshrined in the Bill Of Rights. But there is no such option open to us.

The only real and substantive choice is that of bringing to the fore the “true self,” the inner riches of the soul, allowing us to become more and more like Mother-Father God.

In a hundred articles on the main “R” page, we've discussed all sorts of nuances of this problem. But, no matter how high the mountain of evidence, the hidden fears of people will not allow them to give this up. Not yet. They want it too much. They see it as salvation.

They want to cling to the reports of Ian Stevenson and Michael Newton, as if these were dispositive and apodictic to the case. They do not want to talk about all the other findings. For example, the 40 years of research by Dr. Carl and Anna Wickland. This is shunted to the side and ignored. Or the many hundreds of direct-voice reports, via Sloan and French, who decry, from the afterlife, the "one solid falsehood" of reincarnation. - along with a chorus of many other afterlife reporters, several of them on the other side for thousands of years, who warn against this errant concept.

True-believers in “R” instead tend to plant their flag in so-called “evidence” that’s as convincing as the Ptolemaic sky, with the sun, assuredly, traveling around the earth. Who could doubt it? We see the sun traversing the sky, east to west, each day. What could be plainer? These shallow, surface arguments, intellectually dishonest, are a product of a very selective winnowing of the data, and a closing of the eyes to that which opposes.

On the “Sensibility 1-minute” page we find a great many reports of those who had crossed over, but in a pared-down, cultish frame of mind. A stultifying of critical-reasoning faculties. They'd been so accustomed to shutting their eyes and ears to an objective review of the facts that, upon entrance to the next world, they could neither see nor hear.

The Wicklands, for 40 years, directly spoke to discarnate frantic ones trying to reincarnate, and we can read the reports. Everyone needs to think about this. 75% of those crossing over spend at least some time in a dark place.

See the “true self” page for instruction on how to right oneself.  


Final thought:

Some might be tempted to dismiss all this with, "I'll wait until I get to the next world and then I'll see what's real and what isn't."

This could sound reasonable but, it actually doesn't work this way. Without a sturdy inner guidance system in place, one might be even more confused over there.

As we learn from the "Sensibility" reports, to adopt an expediency, whether it be apathy, or cynical disengagement, or a strategic wait-and-see approach, is, in itself, an attempt to game the system, which creates darkness in one's spirit. Anything less than sincerity, a whole-heartedness to find the truth and to serve Mother-Father God, creates this mental darkness.

See my report, "500 tape-recorded messages from the other side." Over there, strangely, we find what I call "the insane 500," an entire class of many millions, the materialistically-minded, who drift into various degrees of greater insensibility.

One will never arrive at the solution to "Is there such a thing as reincarnation?" merely by the scientific method and the five senses. These are important but will not be conclusive because it's possible to doubt anything.

The answer here must be mystically discerned, we must "go within", to receive the whisperings of the sacred soul, informing us what is real.