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Afterlife Evidence

    Bigelow Institute for   Consciousness Studies



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#72 The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies

Victor Zammit reports:

"In 2023, BICS issued a second contest, the BICS CHALLENGE PROGRAM. Sixty-seven hand-picked, certified mediums, comprising six teams in three countries were funded $390,000 over a nine-month period to connect with the afterlife to answer four key questions including Has the Spirit World failed to enhance human spirituality on Earth since 1857 as evidenced by the dramatic rise in wars, violence, and uncontrolled technology at the expense of human spirituality?”

The questions were numbered. The mediums were given only the identifying numbers, not the worded question. The mediums were asked to present these coded “questions”, if they could, to other-side entities. Not every medium was successful in this, but many were.



Victor Zammit: "Each team's final report has been published on the BICS website":

Robert Ginsberg and Prof. Stephen Braude, An Examination of Wisdom Consistencies Ostensibly Communicated to Accredited Mediums from the Spirit Realm.

Dr. Melvin Morse (Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness), An Investigation into the Current Status of the Spiritual Progress of Humanity as Ascertained by Interviewing Nineteen Mediums.

Grant and Jane Solomon (Campion Consciousness Research), Asking the Other Side: Employing Experienced Mental Mediums to Question Discarnate Wise Sources.

Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant (NeuroMeditation Institute), Repeated Measures Wisdom Acquisition from Discarnate Consciousness with Gifted Mediums.

Carol Williams (Carol Williams & Associates), Medium-Led Multi-Team Communication with the “Other Side.”


Editor's commentary

This investigation was called, by the organizers, “triple blind.” Not only did the mediums not know the nature of the questions, but others involved in the process were also kept in the dark. Read the details in the reports.

One thing that’s virtually certain, the stringent control measures, beyond reasonable doubt, precluded any fraud or tampering with the process; especially, with so many participants.

This means that it is highly likely that the answers received were, in fact, from discarnate entities on the other side.

Even this much is very valuable as it provides a good deal of solid evidence for the existence of the afterlife.

However, all this acknowledged, the proffered answers from the many communicating entities will disturb popular notions of heaven and how the beings there interact with the Earth.

I would encourage you to read the reports for yourself, but allow me to highlight some of the major tenets of the messages:

The afterlife entities do not speak with one voice. They do not present a monolithic corporate single view. Just as there are a multitude of opinions in any city, so, too, are there numerous viewpoints over there.

The beings said that it’s not their job to “save” the world. They influence as they can, but this is done for willing individuals, while the mass of humanity resists spiritual knowledge.

There was great disagreement on the subject of reincarnation. Some were opposed and said it didn’t happen, but others supported it. We've discussed this contention elsewhere.

Many of the spirit-reporters, with not much dissent, spoke of a time of trial and hardship coming for the Earth. Some offered approximate dates, but there was no strict consensus on timetable. Some saw earthquakes, tidal waves, and volcanoes, or world war lasting seven years, with the Earth mired in pollution, all of which resulting in the perishing of a quarter to one half of the planet’s population. Some said that this could occur very soon, but others saw it happening in several years. Some were unsure. However, "the ‘four-year mark’ is repeatedly mentioned." Editor’s note: Afterlife entities can be wrong in their predictions. For example, after WWI many predictions were made about the Earth soon entering a “golden age” of peace, with knowledge of survival available to all - they couldn’t have been more wrong as totalitarianism now threatens the whole planet. However, lack of sightedness has to do with being out of touch with the “true self.” Those entities who base their future-seeing on a more-solid foundation will also have clearer views of what’s coming.

Why might this time of trouble be coming? There are various reasons, but one spirit-respondent put it this way: "[It's] due to a mindset that listens to external authoritative influences rather than their own internal guidance system ... every human has free will and some souls are just not ready to make the choices needed for survival. The forces from the other side are providing the tools for survival, but it’s up to each individual to grab and use these tools." Editor's note. See the focus on things "external" as opposed to the guidance within. On Word Gems we have repeatedly discussed the perils of cultism, be it the political, religious, or corporate version. When people surrender critical reasoning faculties to some Dear Leader, then "internal guidance systems" go offline and, increasingly, they become more detached from reality, more spiritually insane. Dystopia is the result.

They say they can't see the actual future, no one can, but they can observe current trends, much better than we; like offering a weather report, they can determine probabilities. Editor's note: We cannot visit the future as it's not a real place with hard edges but only a mass of shifting potentialities; therefore, popular ideas of time-travel are a fantasy.

And one small point, but profound. They corrected a common New Age fantasy, “everything happens for a reason.” No, it doesn’t, they said. In a quantum universe, chance and randomness, to a certain degree, are built into the system, and to have everything for a reason would mean that everything would have to be controlled, and this is not how the universe works. Much better, they instructed, “everything happens for a lesson,” everything can teach us, if we open our spirits to being taught. And, significantly, this is virtually a direct quote from A Course In Miracles, “All things are lessons God would have me learn.”

And here’s a really good item. Others have said this and I’ve quoted them in other articles, but it was stated that just because a person goes to the other side doesn’t make them wise. One's zip-code or geography is not the same as advancement. We become wise by “going within” and accessing that internal guidance system, our link to God. What this means, they said, is that some people on the Earth, right now, are more advanced, and more wise, than some of the teachers over there, and some over there learn from us! This is good encouragement to everyone. No need to wait to enter Summerland to become mature and wise. Do not be intimidated by any who attempt to dazzle with “rank” or “authority.” There is no rank or authority in the universe other than possessing, and inhabiting, the truth, with one's sanctified mind. And this can occur, via our link to God, wherever we are in the universe, even right now, on planet Earth.

There were many other points offered.

As I reviewed all this, I was strongly reminded of the research presented in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side.” While most or all of the reporters were attempting to be of service, it was clear that too many of them were materialistic in their thinking, and knew little of the “true self”, authentic spirituality, and the internal guidance. Some did know of the “true self” and spoke of it, but they seemed to be a minority.

The dysfunctional ones reporting tended to view the Earth as a battleground of good and evil, a grand cosmic struggle, with evil getting the upper hand. This is nonsense, a comicbook notion of reality, and we've discussed this at length elsewhere. The truth is, there is no struggle, no need to panic, there is no divine plan going off the rails, we're all in a classroom, learning some every hard lessons, ones that could be learned more easily, but the majority here will not have it so.

My overall sense: Many of these messages originated from “neighborhoods” close to the Earth’s vibration and did not reflect highest wisdom. I do think, however, that the predictions, generally speaking, for coming tribulation are accurate – because the signs for this are obvious, and one does not need to be psychic or a spirit-entity to perceive this.

We cannot continue on the present path. What this means is unclear, but our way is unsustainable.


Editor's last word: