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Reincarnation On Trial

The Missing Supermen



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Dr. Carl Wickland, Gateway Of Understanding:

If reincarnation had been a fact through the ages should we not find evidence of it in a goodly portion of superior human beings who had advanced to a high degree of knowledge and development? But there is no evidence of such supermen; only a general average is noticeable among mankind. Were the theory true that re-birth is required for attaining perfection, should there not be more evidence of perfected souls among us than is discernible - aside from the number of self-hypnotized individuals who imagine themselves to have attained that goal?

I think the good doctor makes an excellent point. The Earth should be awash with thousands or millions of people who've taken this trip a great number of times - therefore, we should see a good deal of spiritual perfection.

Well, where is this race of spiritual giants then?

Dr. Wickland continues: "As the above was being written, a spirit visitor, Madam Katherine Tingley, who had in earth life been a staunch advocate of reincarnation, unexpectedly controlled Mrs. Wickland and expressed her present views on the subject of reincarnation and the new life."

"I came here today because your writing about reincarnation made an opportunity. Why should reincarnation be taught? I see now that the theory of reincarnation is only a hindrance to progression. I am Tingley.

"When I passed out I had knowledge of the change and had understanding. But passing out is not a pleasant experience for everyone. It is pleasant for those who understand, but very different for those who cling to earthly things.

"For many, when they waken, there is a wall, a gray, cloudy condition, a neutral state where the soul remains until it realizes the change it has made and where it is.

"The physical body is an overcoat for the spirit body; all through earth life you are building the spirit body; when you pass from the physical you throw off the overcoat. The spiritual body is only a form for the soul to manifest through - the Theosophists would say 'an astral shell.'

"When realization of the change from the physical takes place (this may occur soon after transition or after an extended period, according to the light or strong attachment of the spirit to physical habits and ideas) the soul still holds the old ideas which it had in the physical existence.

"Spirit bodies can be of very coarse material or they can be of very fine vibration. Those with coarse vibrations and strong physical attractions may sometimes be seen, as in haunted houses.

"When one who has learned to build the spiritual body through understanding passes from the physical, the spiritual body has light and strength, and when the awakening comes such a soul progresses.

"Pure Theosophy, the pure Hindu philosophy, does not teach reincarnation. It teaches we are one with the Maker and we must develop in ourselves an understanding of the higher life.

"Theosophists sit and meditate but they only enter a coma state; they live in a negative condition. They meditate and want to be spiritual; they desire to become 'Masters.'

"To sit in the silence and meditate is dangerous; you really contact the neutral gray sphere. You become negative and lose the world; your spirit tries to enter what the Theosophists call the 'Astral World.'

"In this state you see nothing, you know nothing, since that is the condition of the next sphere, which is also a place of rest.

"But as long as you have your physical body, the soul is not yet ready to go into this negative state. Other souls who have passed out of the physical and do not yet understand themselves may then step in. Some are trying to 'reincarnate' and with this thought they float around. These are the ones Theosophists call 'astral shells! They do not want to progress in their spiritual bodies, so they drift about, not really as developed spirits but in a negative condition.

"This gray sphere, the 'astral plane,' is real, but spirits do not progress there. There are many kinds of spirits in the gray, neutral condition; it is a laboratory and spirits there have not yet strength or power.

"The first stage in this sphere is a gray, negative state, the second stage is one in which you waken to a realization of a change and must decide about development.

"The first and second states are conditions in which old ideas are thrown off. If you are ignorant you think only of your earthly home and go back to be near earth life.

"If you understand, you progress. In this state the sun of understanding is rising. It is like the light of dawn, like the peace and harmony of a beautiful morn; it is a wonderful awakening. You will then seek God within.

"The third state [Summerland] is one of homes and home life. Every soul wants a home, companionship and harmony. This is the waiting place where you may wait until your friends and relatives come. You may then progress or you may remain there, for it is very beautiful, with music, art and harmony. Or, if you feel you have left something undone on earth [as a visiting spirit] you can make it your work to carry out some mission. There is no development until selfishness is overcome.

"Why should we, after passing through the first two stages of the gray sphere, go back to earth when we can develop into the bliss where all are as one? Some say 'lost in God'; yes, that is true, but it is not loss of the individual. I cannot describe how harmonious is the state of this third sphere, where all can be if they wish.

"I have told all this only to show the folly of trying to reincarnate when the [natural] law ... is always to go forward and upward through many stages of development and progress in the higher realms."



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