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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

A man truly in love says, of the woman he adores, "you are my life" - what does this mean?



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Elenchus. It’s a strange thing. When we find a gold nugget of truth, it’s never “over and done.” As we revisit the insight over coming days, perceive some additional depth, now it becomes something new.

Kairissi. It’s as if that gold nugget might be approached ten different times, or a hundred, and, each time, with expanded perception, it’s almost like a new subject.

E. The truth is multifaceted, offering endless unfoldment of its riches.

K. What are seeing, Elenchus?

E. Many times over the years I’ve used the phrase “you are my life.” Today, as these words passed through my head, it seemed entirely new.

K. (softly) What do mean when you say that I am your life?

E. It occurred to me that we cannot live without a sense of beauty in our lives and spirits. It's not optional fare but stern requirement. Now, when I say this, people will object: “That’s an extreme statement. Lots of people do quite well without beauty in their lives.” And I would say, so it would seem – but only to a point, and only for a while.

K. (silence)

E. When life is full of activity, when we’re able, for a time, to distract ourselves, to dull our higher sensibilities, to repress, we can charge off into our projects and mundane business and cajole ourselves to believe that we need no sense of beauty for our spirits. However, as we discussed in the “will you survive the terror of living forever” writing, without a sense of beauty, we will fall into existential crisis.

K. And some of that beauty will also issue as “seeing the face of God.”

E. It’s really the same thing. Again, when people are distracted by the “thousand things” of this world, they desensitize their higher perceptual faculties and close-off their true desires, and true needs, on the spiritual level. This can be done, but only for a while. To live this way, on a permanent basis, is to court and invite an incoherency.

K. And this is why there are many millions on the other side, even in the so-called “better neighborhoods,” who join the ranks of the psychologically off-kilter. We spoke of this in the “500 tape-recorded messages from the next world” writing.

E. And I was thinking of all this today. And then I was given a flash insight into the real meaning of “you are my life” – to a degree I’d never seen before.

K. Am I your life, Elenchus? – and what does this mean?

E. One’s Twin-Soul mate offers a wide variety of blessings – but, today I saw that she becomes the summation and focalization of Beauty to his mind and spirit; further, as we’ve said, in her “made in the image” capacities, she reflects, for him, the very “face of God.” We need this, not just today but to survive eternal life, the endless ages to come. Without one’s Twin mate, one will succumb to the “terrors of living forever.” Without this sense of divine Beauty, offered by the sacred Twin, one cannot endure but will drift into insanity. Little wonder then, he is led by a desire to "worship and adore" her. And, therefore, to exclaim “you are my life” is no mere poetic flight but hard and unforgiving reality.

K. Elenchus, all this applies equally to Woman; and -- if I may say – even more intensely. Her natural domain is love, beauty, and feeling; and these elements of the heart allow a heightened sense of devotion for her counterpartal other – Man as wisdom, distinguished and noble. She, too, swoons with “you are my life”; again, it is a vision of the divine Beauty, the "face of God," but centered upon truth, strength, and honor.


I don't have anything, since I don't have you

Since I Don't Have You

I don't have plans and schemes
I don't have hopes and dreams
I don't have anything
since I don't have you

I don't have fond desires
I don't have happy hours
I don't have anything
since I don't have you...







Editor's last word: