Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Anna Wickland
Editor’s Report: Two Native Americans in the spirit-world speak through trance medium Anna Wickland. They explain how their natural religion of the Great Spirit “found within” offered substantial advantage to them as opposed to the White’s orthodoxy of “God out there.”
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Dr. Carl & Anna Wickland
During the early 1900s, Dr. Wickland worked as a psychiatrist and paranormal researcher; a member of the Chicago Medical Society, and director of the National Psychological Institute of Los Angeles. He specialized in cases of schizophrenia, paranoia, depression, addiction, manic-depression, criminal behavior, and phobias of all kinds. His wife Anna, a trance medium, allowed him to speak to, and help, discarnate entities which troubled his patients. For over 30 years this husband-and-wife team communicated with thousands of confused, disoriented spirits and documented their findings:
"Spirit obsession is a fact - a perversion of a natural law - and is amply demonstrable. This has been proven hundreds of times by causing the supposed insanity or aberration to be temporarily transferred from the victim to a psychic sensitive who is trained for the purpose, and by this method ascertain the cause of the psychosis to be an ignorant or mischievous spirit, whose identity may frequently be verified."
Editor's note: The following transcripts have been excised from "Thirty Years Among The Dead."
Because of their simplicity of life and religion and their knowledge of the
laws of Nature, the American Indians are seldom bound in spirit after
leaving the earth plane, and are often sent, as was Silver Star, Mrs.
Wickland's Indian guide, to guard sensitive mortals.
Mediums so often have Indians as controls, guides and helpers because
Indians have no beliefs or dogmas to overcome when they pass to the spirit
world. From early infancy they are taught regarding The Great Spirit and
The Happy Hunting Ground.
They believe in The Great Spirit of all Things, and the Medicine Man has
taught them how to control Nature.
We Indians are sent to earth to guard mortals because we know the law of
protection, and so we are often the doorkeepers to protect mediums from
earthbound spirits.
The pale-faces die from all kinds of diseases but the Indians do not. There is
little sickness among the Indians; they live in Nature and they die a natural
death. So when they come back to control they bring an influence of strength
and health.
Indian spirits seldom obsess people; they do not make people crazy because
they know the laws governing the control of a mortal.
I am a Chippewa Indian and was born near Shell Lake, in 1883, on an Indian
Reservation, in Northern Wisconsin.
I was four and a half years old when I was hurt on the head by a fall and
passed to the spirit side of life, and when Mrs. Wickland cast a horoscope
for me she found that death resulting from an injury was shown.
I came to Mrs. Wickland in 1893 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I am the
Doorkeeper. When I first controlled Mrs. Wickland I could only talk the
Chippewa language and what English I know I have learned while being in control of Mrs. Wickland. Different persons in the circles have taught me English.
Some people think Indians do not know anything because they have not had
much schooling, but they have true love for The Great Spirit and a true love
for helping others.
Of course there are evil Indians as well as good Indians, but the bad ones are
only those who have no understanding of The Great Spirit, and most of their
bad habits are acquired from the pale-faces.
Before the pale-faces came to America there was no fear among the Indians.
The Indians of different tribes fought with each other but were fearless.
Then the pale-faces came and hunted them down like animals. Fear and
anger crept into the hearts of the Indians and then came trouble and war.
Many pale-faces wanted Indian land and some stole the land from the
Indians, and then the Indians got angry and fought. They thought all the
pale-faces were the same and then came trouble.
If the pale-faces had treated the Indians kindly in the beginning they would
never have had wars with them. Treat an Indian with kindness and he will do
much for you.
The Medicine Men are those who study Nature's forces and have power over
them, and the Indians are often able to make rain. When they pray they use the higher forces of life.
They do not do what the pale-faces often do - pray with the mouth and only talk. They say little, but dance around in a big circle and concentrate.
Sometimes they have a Snake Dance. They have learned to charm snakes so
they will not bite, because the Indians have no fear.
If the pale-faces would overcome fear they could do wonderful things.
In olden times the pale-faces had no fear, but they were scared by the stories
of hell and the devil and this fear grew so that the people lost control of
Nature's finer forces.
There are no religions in the spirit world; all are brothers and sisters in
Truth. All are alike in the Higher Life after they have an understanding of The
Great Spirit.
Another one of Mrs. Wickland's guiding spirits is Movilia, an Eskimo, who
brings strength and power to the circle. He lived in Greenland and was a
traveling lecturer, doctor and entertainer, a Medicine Man of high order with
a profound knowledge of Nature.
He journeyed among his people as an organizer and a philosopher,
accompanied by his wife, a poetess and singer, and his children, who danced
symbolical dances.
Some of the Eskimo songs, when given through Mrs. Wickland by Movilia
and his wife, have been recognized by an Alaskan traveler as being a part of
certain Eskimo ceremonies. These Eskimos do not speak English but one
evening Movilia brought another Eskimo who acted as interpreter for him
and told us something of the Eskimo religion.
My name is Esovilia Chevilia, Eskimo, and the ones for whom I talk are
Movilia and his wife.
We believe in the Great Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge, and that we
are a part of that Great Spirit, and that when we pray from our hearts we
shall receive what we ask for.
The Medicine Man is the one who knows the Secret of the Universe, the
Secret of Love, the Secret of Knowledge and the Secret of Wisdom and
It is in that Spirit we live, and each tries to do the best he knows how.
Sometimes there comes a missionary who thinks we are not Christians and
that we do not live right, and does not think we love God, as they call The
Great Spirit.
We love the Great Spirit of Love, the Great Spirit of Truth, The Great Spirit,
and we worship Him. We do not believe, we know. We know the truth and
we know that we are a part of that Divine Spirit that is within us, and when
we are in contact with that Great Spirit of Truth we have much in our hearts.
We can understand His meaning of Life, His meaning of Love for His
children here on earth.
Some of the missionaries who come to us say that Christ died for our sins.
Dear friends, we do not have sins for Christ to die for, for God is Love and
Power; He is Wisdom, Knowledge and Truth. We are a part of that
wonderful Being. When we are a part of that wonderful spirit how could we
be full of sin?
We could not fall away from Him because we are a part of Him; we live in
Him and are a part of Him. We could not get away from Him because He is
everywhere. He is the whole Universe, the whole Love, the whole Life of
How can anyone think we could believe in such a doctrine that He, the Great
Spirit that knows everything, is everywhere, and knows the past, present and
future, could, in all His power and greatness, let us go down and down and
fall in sin? How could He?
The missionary says we must be born in His image, and must believe in
Him, that He died for our sins, and if we believe that we will go to Heaven
when we die.
We pray to the wonderful Spirit that you call God. You have dogmas and
dogmas, and creeds and beliefs. We put ourselves in rapport with that Great
Spirit and we believe in His power. We try to get the power from the Great
Spirit for healing and for other purposes. We have Hope in that power; we
have Wisdom in that power.
The Christians believe and believe that they fall in sin and that somebody
must raise them up.
If you step outside of the Law you know what will happen. If you put your
hand in the fire you know you have broken the Law and must suffer. If you have the belief that you have fallen in sin you have transgressed the
Law and you will suffer.
We must find the Great Spirit within, not look outside. Find ourselves and
we will find Him, for we are a part of that wonderful Mind, that wonderful
Power. Let us all try to get in rapport with Him in His wonderful, wonderful
When you are in rapport with the Great Spirit you will feel happy. You have
then learned your lesson and will go on your way and not overstep the Law.
You will get out of your ignorance.
You travel on the pathway of Life; if you walk out of the pathway you may
remain as long as you wish, but you must finally get back on the road again.
What made you go from the pathway? You overstepped the law of Nature.
You finally get so weary of breaking the laws of Nature that you will ask,
“What am I here for, and where am I going?”
Then you will find you are a Truth-Seeker; you will knock and the door will
be opened. You will look within, instead of, as before, without.
You have been living in the material with all its dogmas, here one, here
another. And then there is so much condemning. You are all Christians, and
yet you condemn and fight, and fight each other, and you have so much
This condition will continue until you ask yourself: “What is it all about?” Then you will try to find out. When you seek for things from your heart, you
will find. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Ask God to manifest Himself in
your heart before you leave the broad road of Experience for the narrow road
of Reason.
When you get on the narrow road you will feel happy and contented, and you
come into the Glory of the Infinite. There all is beautiful. There is no
selfishness. The narrow road is only for Love, Kindness, Knowledge and
Wisdom of God.
The Christians look for God outside; we look for God within ourselves.
Within ourselves we look for the Great Spirit. We do not have so many
creeds and dogmas, and so many religious speculations. We do not have to
speculate for we know.
One gets the truth one way, one another, and so they go, all divided, nothing
definite. People must change, for they have had enough of dogmas. Let them
get more of the Wisdom of God, on the narrow road of Reason, and find
themselves. When they have found themselves, they will have no sorrow and
no unhappiness, because they will be happy with the Love of God.
When they love God they will love others, for they cannot keep it to
themselves. You want your friends to love God with you. You want them to
see the glory of God.
We never saw such a thing as you Christians call The Devil; we call it
Selfishness and Ignorance.
Find yourself now. If you do not you will have to stop here, there and
everywhere. When you have that beautiful knowledge all is happiness. You
must experience this feeling within yourself before you can teach it to
This is the Religion of the Eskimos.
I was a Medicine Man on earth, and I was also a teacher.
Eskimo Movilia was the one that came to me and wanted me to say to you
what he wishes to say. I have only repeated what he told me to say.
We have no wars. We try to live as near Nature and the Great Spirit as we
can. We are not a pretty people, and we do not have so much changing as
you do in dress. We have our beauty within us. Prettiness is only skin deep,
so we do not care.
The Christian has to be awakened through suffering and trouble. Then you
begin to look for what is called the truth. You think that Jesus died for your
sins. He could not, and He did not.
The sins that are committed now are many more than when He was on earth.
Many things have been discovered that were not known then, so how could
he die for something that was not known? I think that is very strange.
God made us and He knew. When you find God within yourself you cannot
do wrong. You sing and are happy, and happiness is something we all want.
We had one man come to us and preach. He took away with him one of the
best men we had and tried to bring him up with your Christians. He returned
to us a ruined man, full of diseases. We do not have such diseases, because
we live up to the highest laws of Nature. He came back and told us how you,
who call yourselves Christians, live.
We all felt so horrified to know that the Christians were so diseased in mind
and body. That is what the Christians did for our fellow Eskimo.
So I felt that I wanted to come and tell you of our religion. Let all in this little circle find themselves and God, because you and God are one.
Here is a big light, say a candle, which stands in the center. Around it are
smaller candles, but they are all a part of the same material as the larger
candle. You take the smaller candles and light them from the big one, then
you have the spark of Life. Can you then understand what is meant by being
a spark of God? When you die, as the Christians call it, you only blow out the candle. The tallow has gone back to the elements.
Find God within you, then you have Power, Strength and Love, and are
learning to get Wisdom. Then you have learned to get strength and conquer
material, to conquer sorrow and sickness. You cannot be sick for you have
the light of understanding, and the more understanding you have the more
strength you have.
All of you here are a part of that Universal Light, and you must all have that
light from the candle. Do not worship the candle, but worship the Light of Understanding and God. Do not let anyone come in your way and make you
think you cannot reach God.
The Christians do not truly understand God. They must have somebody to
talk for them - their “Savior,” as they call him. They worship Christ. “Christ” is Truth, and when you find Truth, that is “Christ.” Worship God.
When you understand how to worship God you will have strength and power,
and success will be yours.
We say: “Find God within your heart and all else will come to YOU.”
We do not believe, we know.
Have the true knowledge of God in your heart and you will be happy. Good Night.