Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
The Holodeck Worlds
How We'll Find Wholeness in Summerland from
the Traumatic Sufferings of Planet Earth
K & E Concluding Remarks
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Elenchus. There was a time when the prospect of having adventures in a ‘holodeck world' was something I looked forward to with great anticipation. This may sound strange, Kriss, but it’s become much less important to me.
Kairissi. I’m glad you brought this up, Ellus, because I’ve had similar thoughts recently. I wouldn't mind adding a comment or two, but you go first.
E. Well, this will sound strange to our readers because we’ve given this whole subject a big build-up.
K. Just look at the title. We’ve featured this as “how to find healing from the traumatic Earth-experience.” I mean, if it’s that important, who wouldn’t want it, and so why are we taking a step back from it?
E. We must hasten to clarify. Everything that was said about the holodeck worlds is true. We can enjoy what they have to offer as much as we like, and there’s no problem with that.
K. (smiling) So, everyone’s waiting now to learn what’s not to like about this.
E. There’s nothing not to like – it’s just that, we might find that we don’t really need, or even want, the holodeck worlds after all.
K. I think our audience remains unconvinced, so we’ll need to talk about this.
E. Let me also say, you and I are not trying to convince anyone to do this or that. For those who want the holodeck worlds, they’re there to enjoy.
K. It’s included in the “price of admission” to Summerland, no extra charge. But tell everyone why you’ve had a change of heart on this.
E. Allow me to share with our readers some background on this. For a long time I'd looked forward to what the holodeck worlds have to offer.
K. And we should add too that lovers who lost each other while on Earth might have a special reason to enjoy these worlds. Recall that Spirit Guide Abu said that lovers could actually simulate, not just growing up but, growing up together.
E. That’s a pretty big draw. And for lovers who grieve that they “missed out on this” and “missed out on that” during their growing-up years, they could simulate it all in a very real holodeck world.
K. Thereby “overwriting” the hurtful years of loss with new memories, new experiences, of doing all things together with a lover during their lost early years.
E. On the surface, that sounds incredibly compelling. And I’m not saying that people should not experience the holodeck worlds. All I’m suggesting is, it might not be necessary to do that to feel emotionally healed.
K. I too, for many years, longed to “relive” in a simulation world our lost growing-up years. But here's what I’ve seen within my own spirit recently. I suddenly realized concerning what we’ll really need when we get to Summerland.
E. Please say more on this, Kriss.
K. In a moment of spiritual perception, I envisioned us having crossed over to Summerland. Having done so, we would now be living in the “real world,” enjoying our real lives, of loving each other, living all of life together – service projects, university studies, space travel, parties with friends and close relatives, and other activities. All these externals are more than wonderful; however, in my “vision” of seeing us together, I felt overwhelmed by a sense of, “I'm with you now, and you are ‘enough’ for me.”
E. “Enough” – that is a beautiful word.
K. I “saw” that, you and I, together, are “enough,” and that I needed nothing else in my life. Well, you and I will have a long to-do list for our daily lives in Summerland, lots of things that we want, but all of those activities we'll do for fun, or adventure, or enjoyment, or to serve, and none of it will be for the purpose of trying to help ourselves feel whole and complete. I already feel whole and complete, because I'm with you, and you and I, together, are “enough.”
E. Thank you, Krissi Dear. In my own meditations on this it occurred to me that, in the many WG writings which point out the error of reincarnation, we continually stress the principle that mere experience, more “content” for the mind, can never heal or mature us. And yet, if we’re not very careful, we can inadvertently slip into a mode of thinking which intimates that unlimited experience in a holodeck world will in fact heal us from the trauma of the Earth-mission.
K. That is incredibly ironic. Reincarnational theory entering through the back door. What does this mean, Elenchus, concerning a proper use of the holodeck worlds?
E. They should be viewed as a form of personal enjoyment, recreation, and education. The term "healing" can refer loosely to enhancement due to more knowledge, but I'm using the term to mean an increase in spiritual maturity; and knowledge and experience, per se, can never offer this.
K. The holodeck worlds can also be used as a honeymoon-venue for lovers, a “clinging world.” And this would fall under the category of personal enjoyment.
E. And that’s fine. And I think we'll want to do that. But if we begin to think that experience alone will heal or mature us, in the highest sense, then we’ve slipped over the line into the same error that the reincarnationists make.
K. Let me clarify my own thinking on this. I had looked forward to healing my sorrowful heart by simulating growing-up experiences, things that “should have” happened. But, in my “vision” I saw that I was already healed – because, just to be with you is “enough” for me. To restate: My vision constituted, not more content for the mind but, a ratcheting up of level of consciousness. I was able to mystically access our spirit of “One Person.” And when I did that, I felt whole, complete, and “enough.”
E. Thank you, Dearest, and I'd just like to say that, when we get over there, we may end up doing many of the holodeck adventures we've dreamed about, we might even simulate some growing up together; but, now, when we do, it won't be about becoming "more" or "enough."
K. It might be helpful to state once again that "content for the brain" might enhance the psyche, but it will have zero effect on the essential inviolability of the soul.
Editor's note: For further discussion on feeling "enough" regarding romantic love, see these articles:
Kairissi and Elenchus discuss how lovers' perceptions of existential beauty lead them to ultimate intimacy and oneness
Touching foreheads, entering a condition of "no you and no me," a quality of sacred silence, the Dazzling Darkness, with no space or separation, an Omega-Point intimacy
The Mystical Experience: 'silence your ego and your power will rise'
Part I, Existential Beauty: Noting a sunrise as messenger of a new day is not the same as discerning the dawn as dreamily enchanting. The sublime awareness allowing for such is untainted by utilitarian concern.
Part II, Existential Beauty: Consonance with the whole: “What is good is in consonance with creation as a whole and therefore also with the world of men. Whenever we see the Good and the True in perfect accord, the Beautiful stands revealed.”
We feel uplifted at the singing note of a bird, a blossoming rose, and with a woman’s grace and loveliness. But can any of these bring about a transformation of heart and mind? Is her mystical allure a basis for authentic love and marriage?
Plotinus, On Beauty: Why do we judge certain objects, sounds, ideas, or virtues to be beautiful? Is beauty symmetry and proportion, a charm of color, a display of light, or more than this? Is beauty in the thing itself or merely our estimation of it? Does beauty represent a translucence, a shining through, of a remoter principle? Plotinus, probably more than any other of history, attempted to explain the mystery of beauty.
Over the years on WG, we have referred to Twin Soul love as founded upon “soul energies.” However, as Tesla asserted, to know the universe, one must think in terms of “energy, frequency, and vibration.” As such we may be able to further clarify Twins’ affinity as oscillating waves of Consciousness.
plus some extra notes on the Dazzling Darkness in:
Aloneness 1-Minute Essay