Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
We feel uplifted at the singing note of a bird, a blossoming rose, the purple hues of a sunset, and with a beautiful woman’s grace and loveliness. But can any of these bring about a transformation of heart and mind? Is her mystical allure a basis for authentic love and marriage?
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Jiddu Krishnamurti
1895 - 1986
In his 17.December.1969 lecture, Krishnamurti offered the thought-provoking comment that, contrary to popular belief, any form of external beauty cannot bring us peace of mind. He stated, to the effect,
Have you ever listened to the note of a bird? You can ride on that movement, the movement carries you, the tonality, the sound itself brings about a certain quality, a feeling of great sensation, but that doesn't bring about a transformation of your heart and mind.

Kairissi. This is a provocative statement by Jiddu. I immediately want to disagree; and yet… as quickly, I stop cold.
Elenchus. I know what you mean. When we hear that bird sing, especially, in the very early hours with the dawning light, its singing can strike us as altogether peaceful and quieting. However, as we must hasten to admit, the effect is but momentary. No real change takes place in our troubled spirits.
K. This realization is very disconcerting; because in that rapturous moment of the bird’s jubilant song, we do feel enchanted, we feel more alive. We wish we could freeze time and just live in that glorious instant. But the moment passes; and so does our enchantment. And then it’s as if we’d never heard our feathered friend’s “hymn to the morning.”
E. And all of this raises the unsettling question: What about all the other aspects of Nature’s peace and beauty that the whole world longs and seeks for?
K. The vacation home by the beach or in the mountains; the flower gardens; the paintings; the concerts, the poetry; the pets we like – all these items people crave in order to capture a measure of peace and tranquility. And yet, do those who enjoy any of this command for themselves greater repose and equanimity, in any meaningful sense?
E. Or for any duration of time? As Krishnamurti points out, none of this leads to a transformed heart and mind.
K. Coming to mind is the movie "Into The Wild," the story of young college grad who journeyed to the Alaskan outback to fill his senses with every glorious note of nature in the raw. But, the enthrallment didn't last long.
E. Very soon, despite also reading Jack London and Thoreau, certain hidden forces, within his own person, began to wear him down again, even in the midst of a wilderness paradise.
K. And, of course, the big example here is that people want to marry a beautiful person, believing that the gorgeous mate will “make me happy” and provide a lifetime of pleasure and comfort.
E. Billions have tried this plan, but has it ever worked for anyone in the history of the world?
K. For some, in part, and for a short time; but why has it failed? We witness that bird singing, that dazzling sunset, and also the beautiful face, the beautiful person, and we do feel the uplifting sensation, we do feel better – but only for very fleeting moments. And so, we all ask, why can't this beauty save us?
E. Along with the singing bird and the sunset, I’d like to add this photo to the list of "beauty" enchantments.
K. They appear to be at a Christmas party.
E. It’s an artist’s conception of what everyone is driven to seek for: that perfect moment of sublime happiness with a gorgeous significant other.

K. This guy just stepped out of a female fantasy of Mr. Perfect; his tie, well in place, with suit perfectly pressed; his smile, just right. Women would be afraid to approach him, lest they be struck dead by the gods.
E. And she’s too beautiful to be believed; a flawless porcelain doll that’s escaped the china cabinet. Who would dare come near the goddess on her lofty pedestal? Her attractiveness has a certain sharpness to it – actually, her perfection reminds me of you.
K. (sighing) But, there’s an air of unreality about them. Like just awakening from a wonderful dream and you’re trying to hang onto to the stunning image, but it all fades as quickly as it came.
E. Let’s look at Krishnamurti’s statement again:
Have you ever listened to the note of a bird? You can ride on that movement, the movement carries you, the tonality, the sound itself brings about a certain quality, a feeling of great sensation, but that doesn't bring about a transformation of your heart and mind.
K. I think the problem is, even among those who count themselves religious or spiritual - we don’t really get it. We’re still very materialistic in our thinking. We do believe that something from afar, something "out there" external to the “inner riches” of the soul, can save us.
E. So John marries pretty Mary...
K. They probably met at the perfect Christmas party, and fell into a swoon.
E. ... and now he really believes that her incredible beauty can change and overcome the near-constant disquietude of his heart and mind.
K. But she never even gets close to being his salvation - not for more than a few seconds - nothing external, no external beauty of any kind, ever gets close. So, tell me Elenchus, there is for them that momentary sense of elation. There is that at least. This would indicate a “crack in the granite”, as it seems that something is getting through. Explain for everyone what this means.
E. Some of this enchantment is just Mother Nature's bio-stimulation, chemicals in the brain, precipitating an excited state. But some of it could be more. The best that the singing bird, the splendid sunset, the trip to the Alaskan outback, the vacation home in the mountains - or the beautiful girl - the most that any of these can do for the mind is to “open a portal” to enlightenment. It’s an opportunity, but most allow the chance to pass by.
K. In that rapturous moment of stunning beauty, the ego, the “chattering in the head,” is silenced for a second or two, and in this existential quietude, the peace of God rushes into our spirits to fill the void.
E. We could have had this at any time and saved ourselves a trip to Alaska...
K. Or an empty marriage...
E. Yes, the empty marriage, that's the big one... We could have avoided much trouble in our lives if we’d learned how to “go within” and meet God in the sacred silence of the inner person. But most do not allow this.
K. John could actually stumble his way into enlightenment with the help of pretty Mary. But, 99% of the time, he’s still too materialistic in his thinking and sees Mary, and himself, only as a body. The “union of spirits,” as “The Wedding Song” uses the phrase, suggests that enlightened lovers will allow themselves to “enter the portal,” provided by each for the other.
E. And this is the “drawing life and giving it back again” which the Song refers to.
K. It's such an important subject, Ellus, and yet, who knows of these things?
E. Almost no one, and that’s why virtually the entire world is suffering in its materialistic concepts of life and love.
K. Some people work very hard to surround themselves with beautiful things, and they do this for good reasons. They believe that artistry and fine things in one’s environment will “make me a better person.”
E. It’s very deceptive, isn’t it? In a sense, it’s true, for a little while, it does help, but, from another viewpoint, it can never take us to where we need to go.
K. I don’t think the author would mind if we use his work as an example. But consider this. The Word Gems site is a small library of tens of thousands of inspirational quotations; plus, hundreds of inspirational articles.
E. The author has worked with all this, “lived” in this,” for decades.
K. And so, if it were possible to “pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps” simply by immersing oneself in beautiful thoughts, poetry, and inspirational writings, then all of this should have been a great advantage to the author.
E. But he would be the first to make clear to everyone that “living in a library” of wisdom literature does not, of and by itself, make one a spiritual person.
K. It could “open a portal.”
E. Yes, it could “open a portal,” but you have to be willing to walk through the portal.
K. No one will be “dragged kicking and screaming into the kingdom of God.”
E. And just because you “live in a library” of inspirational writings, it's not an advantage in any exclusive sense. All of us, every last one of us, have “portals” around us every day of our lives – the singing birds, the flowers, the stars at night, the loving dog or cat, a beautiful little baby, on and on – but, again, with any of these, you have to stop and consider and be willing to “walk through the portal.”
K. I think people who work in the arts might be especially prone to deception here. Writers, especially inspirational writers, can trick themselves into believing that mere spatial proximity to beautiful things will change their minds for the better; but, not necessarily. And so it is with other artists: photographers, painters, poets, and others. They might tell themselves that they love nature, love beautiful things, beautiful ideas, and this may be true, but this augmented sensibility, of and by itself, as Krishnamurti pointed out, will not evolve and transform the heart and mind, will not make us more spiritually mature.
Editor's note: Another example of "spatial proximity to beautiful things": In my youth, I thought that if I could memorize the biblical book of Proverbs I'd somehow be transformed into a wise and good person. I started the memory work, but soon gave it up as I realized it was having no profound effect. In his autobiography, Ben Franklin informs us that he tried a similar project. He attempted to make himself perfectly virtuous by focusing, one at a time, on a list of character traits, trying very hard to do the right thing all the time. He too abandoned this misguided avenue to perfection. The Scribes in Jesus day actually did accomplish memorizing the Torah, could even tell you the middle letter in the whole book, but without moral benefit to themselves; they ended up killing Jesus. Not to say that no effort is required, but becoming a truly good person is not accomplished by firm resolve, lists, and memory work, per se. See more discussion here and here.
E. This discussion is part of a book on the nature of love. Will you summarize for us, Kriss?
K. Your true mate, when you find him, when you’re finally allowed to be with him, is meant to “save” you, as many teachers assert. But this “saving” is not one of external healing balm. And he cannot be saved by her, the "beautiful body," though he proclaims, with utmost superlative, that she is “most this" or "most that" in the universe. Something else is required.
E. Tell us of that “something else”.
K. He must not view her materialistically, he must not see her primarily as a body. He must fall in love with her mind, heart, and soul, if what they feel for each other is to mean anything more than the call of Mother Nature. I think the writing “Will you survive the terror of eternal life, part 2” said it well. Each to the other, in their “made in the image” official capacities, must reveal the “beautiful face of God.”
E. This is very important. They, each prompting the other, must “enter the portal," and therein they will find God, their true selves, and true love. They will yet find God in the mystical eyes of the “made in the image” beautiful mate.
beauty is not in the thing
Jiddu Krishnamurti, September 24, 1967, London: “Like love, beauty is not the cultivation of thought. A thing of beauty is not beauty. Beauty is not in the thing, in the building, in the person; but there is that beauty which is not the result of conditioning, in which thought in no way interferes.”
The sense of beauty is an opinion, a judgment, concerning the good and the true.
Beauty issues not from one's “hardware” but “software,” the “programming.”

See more discussion in the “waves” article.
K. Elenchus, as a final note – it’s quite ironic. John chooses pretty Mary because, in her presence, momentarily, his spirit is quieted and seems satisfied.
E. Like hearing the bird’s song at dawn.
K. But it's temporary, and usually he experiences no profound soul connection with her. Now contrast this with a hypothetical situation. A fellow knows a girl who, in terms of externality, does not give him comfort. She’s prickly, she’s nice sometimes but too often a churl. And so he learns to avoid her. However, even though at the surface of life he “doesn’t like” her, he also senses, so strangely for him, a deep inner connection, a deep yearning for her, that won't subside. His soul, not his ego, has fallen in love with her; though his outer person denies, stands guard, and is wary.
E. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Editor’s note: There’s another huge example to instruct us here – Summerland! It’s a world of utmost beauty. Father Benson, making a rough estimate, says things like, Summerland is a hundred times more beautiful than what we have on Earth.
Now, there are a lot of people who might imagine that living in Summerland – like living in the pristine Alaskan wilderness -- by the mere habitation itself, will transform its citizens into mature and spiritually-minded persons.
However, as we discussed in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” writing, there are multiple hundreds of millions in Summerland who languish in dysfunctional, materialistic states of mind. They have made zero advance, in terms of higher evolvement, though they might have lived in ultimate nature-beauty for decades or centuries. Something else is required.
Special note: a very close sister-concept is that of the fraudulent reincarnational doctrine which preaches that much experience can mature the soul. This too is way off-base.
While all aspects of truth are related, the following articles are most germane to the subjects of the Dazzling Darkness, the Mystical Experience, and Existential Beauty:
Kairissi and Elenchus discuss how lovers' perceptions of existential beauty lead them to ultimate intimacy and oneness
Touching foreheads, entering a condition of "no you and no me," a quality of sacred silence, the Dazzling Darkness, with no space or separation, an Omega-Point intimacy
The Mystical Experience: 'silence your ego and your power will rise'
Part I, Existential Beauty: Noting a sunrise as messenger of a new day is not the same as discerning the dawn as dreamily enchanting. The sublime awareness allowing for such is untainted by utilitarian concern.
Part II, Existential Beauty: Consonance with the whole: “What is good is in consonance with creation as a whole and therefore also with the world of men. Whenever we see the Good and the True in perfect accord, the Beautiful stands revealed.”
We feel uplifted at the singing note of a bird, a blossoming rose, and with a woman’s grace and loveliness. But can any of these bring about a transformation of heart and mind? Is her mystical allure a basis for authentic love and marriage?
Plotinus, On Beauty: Why do we judge certain objects, sounds, ideas, or virtues to be beautiful? Is beauty symmetry and proportion, a charm of color, a display of light, or more than this? Is beauty in the thing itself or merely our estimation of it? Does beauty represent a translucence, a shining through, of a remoter principle? Plotinus, probably more than any other of history, attempted to explain the mystery of beauty.
Over the years on WG, we have referred to Twin Soul love as founded upon “soul energies.” However, as Tesla asserted, to know the universe, one must think in terms of “energy, frequency, and vibration.” As such we may be able to further clarify Twins’ affinity as oscillating waves of Consciousness.
plus some extra notes on the Dazzling Darkness in:
Aloneness 1-Minute Essay