Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied
19: Bringing Fire To Humankind
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Editor's note: See the important commentary at the bottom of this page.
D. It’s so nice to have both of you with us again.
K. I like being with you two. You have such a great marriage – it’s an
inspiration just to be around you.
D. (smiling) Big Water, shall we tell them about the times we argue so?
B. (smiling) Please do, and don’t forget to add the part about how I
always win.
D. (softly laughing) As you can see, dear friends, he requires a bit more
therapy, but he’s responding well to treatment.
B. (deadpan) Life is beautiful all the time, and today the nice man said,
if I’m ever so good, I can go home soon.
E. (laughing) Ooooooooooo!
D., K. (laughing hard)
B. (softly laughing) Ok, then, we thought that you might benefit from a
summing-up discussion.
E. (still laughing) That sounds good.
B. We’ve said a few things about the purpose of marriage, but, with your
permission, there’s a bit more to add.
K. Ok.
D. So, let me ask the question, What is marriage?
K. mmm… The simplest questions can be the hardest. Well, we’ve said
that the purpose of life is to learn to enjoy our own existence. And
marriage would have something to do with that.
D. Yes. What else?
E. We said that marriage is a “blending” of souls; and in that blending
something is added – the fulfillment of our hearts’ most ardent wishes,
to each from the other, is added to us.
K. And this helps us to enjoy life on an individualized basis.
B. Very good. And what is the “center of gravity” of that enjoyment? Is
it “beautiful bodies”?
E. Part of me is convinced that it is, especially as I look at Krissi. But a
higher wisdom cautions me, and suggests something else.
D. Here in Summerland most of us present ourselves as twenty-something, at the height of physical beauty. Almost everyone here has
a perfect body. Even Lateece, 10,000 years old, could pass for 26.
K. That’s true… so, if physical perfection were enough to eternally cement
a relationship, it would all be very easy – there would be many beautiful
bodies to choose from… and we wouldn’t be needing to take a little
side-trip to the Earth.
B. Quite right. Now where does this leave us with our view of marriage?
E. At minimum we can say that marriage is more than a union of beautiful
D. What’s missing?
E. It’s like the tin man who lacked a heart. Marriage, without a heart and
soul, is just an empty tin man.
D. You are so poetic, my brother; but I think your wild devotion to Kairissi
is helping you to see some things.
B. (smiling) He does rather cheat at this, doesn’t he?
K., D. (softly laughing)
E. (smiling)
D. Tell me more about marriage. What’s next?
E. I still haven’t gotten over our discussion about “adding whatever our
souls crave.” How incredibly wonderful! That kind of happiness blows
the circuits. It’s hard to even process.
D. Ok, I want you to stay with that thought, and tell me about “hard to
E. I mean, it’s just so much joy, so much pleasure – and not only that,
but individualized pleasure. I feel so overwhelmed thinking about it, I
can’t take it all in.
B. Now consider this: You said there’s so much joy, so much pleasure,
that you can’t take it all in. What do you think will happen when two
enter into this process?
K. Wait. I’m starting to see something about “process.” Marriage is meant
to be an endless unfolding panorama of joy. But, to make it work, the
two lovers will have to keep up with the unfolding.
D. Oh, I like that – tell me what that means.
K. It means that they will be continually evolving as persons, always
expanding their capacities to receive more and more joy.
E. Wow, Dear, that’s beautiful.
B. (softly laughing) I suspect she’s cheating a bit, too.
K., E. (softly laughing)
D. Very good, Kairissi. So, you’re telling me that true marriage helps
people to evolve spiritually.
K. Yes, I guess I am saying that.
B. Good. But here’s a small wrinkle. Who or what is the prime mover in
this progress?
E. That’s a little complicated, isn’t it? I mean, every person must choose
and decide to change and grow. No one can do that for another… and
yet… (pause)
B. Yesss… there’s that irksome “and yet.” Let’s ask the man who keeps
glancing at Kairissi to explain it to us.
K. (smiling)
E. Yes, well, she’s my personal “beatific vision,” isn’t she; but, ok… It’s
still true that we all have to make our own choices; however, as I think
of myself in this process, I have to ask… Would I be willing to endure the
sufferings attendant to personal evolution if I were not motivated to do
so in terms of achieving and sharing greater joy with Kairissi?
D. Is it possible that one of the reasons we were created male and female – with our natural attractions to each other – is to motivate us to develop our own souls?
K. Sister, you must be correct in that assessment. Look at me – here I am, waiting to be dispatched to inter-dimensional ports unknown, about to
suffer the loss of my mate, for many decades – and why? (sighing) why
do I agree to this madness? … so that he and I will be able to love each
other more.
D. Look at the wisdom issuing from your soul, even this moment, and
you haven’t even left on your journey yet.
K. (deeply sighing)
D. So, if I may summarize Kairissi’s wise insight… Marriage is a blending of souls, each adding to the other the fulfillment of heart’s desires. As man
and woman come together, not only do they receive more and more joy
as the years pass, but they themselves are changed in the process. In a
sense, each becomes a savior to the other; each, to the other, provides
fervent motivation to unfold the soul, the riches within, with all of its
wondrous expanding glory.
K. (smiling) Did I say that?
D. (softly laughing) You did.
K. (softly laughing)
B. We’re making good progress here, but can we go deeper? Who can
tell me more about the meaning of marriage?
E. I’m not sure what would be left.
B. Tell me more about the ensuing joy. Where did it come from?
E. I think Kairissi might best answer that. She’s the one who taught me.
B. Alright, Kairissi, I have it from a good source that you know something
about this.
K. (smiling) Ok… let’s see… the true romantic joy issues from the soul…
it’s not from the ego or from the animal part of us.
D. And what did we call that animal attraction?
K. We called it “thrill.”
D. But you’re talking about more than thrill.
K. Yes… more than thrill. It’s joy.
D. Let me ask you about this joy. Is its source simply that of having your
mate near?
K. Well, Elenchus’s nearness doesn’t hurt, but the joy of true love is not
really coming from one’s mate – although in the “heat of battle” it can
seem so.
D. Yes, I understand; but, if not from him, then where?
K. I think it has to do with that “savior” you were talking about. Each
mate, each to the other, holds the key to the hidden joy.
D. Say more about this “key.”
K. It’s an “exclusive key,” made to open just one “lock.” In other words,
there are many pretty faces in the universe, but the sacred joy is
precipitated by one particular woman in reference to one particular man;
each for the other unlocks the latent joy of the soul.
E. It’s what I’ve experienced with Kairissi. So, the joy comes from the
soul. But, what is the soul?
K. We don’t really know in a scientific way, do we?
D. That’s right.
K. But the soul seems to include both our link to God and our true
self, our own center of consciousness; that is, before we can know the
meaning of “I am in love” we must first know the meaning of “I am”.
D. Nicely stated, Kairissi. And now, Big Water, would you please speak
to us about the soul’s link to the “God within” versus an external deity.
B. Many people on Earth, and even on the lower levels of Summerland,
still subscribe to the notion of a “sky-god” with long white hair,
somewhere “up there” judging us on a throne. But – there is no
“up there” and there is no “throne,” and no one has ever met this
imperialistic, anthropomorphic God. He doesn’t exist. It astounds Earth-people to learn that, even on higher levels of existence, spirit persons
debate the nature and essence of God. We know so little about “The
Great Unmanifested.” What we do know, however, is that each person
can access an awareness of God via the “holy of holies” of one’s own
inner person, what we call “the soul.”
E. Ok, wait a minute now, this is all heavy stuff. If one’s Twin helps to
unlock the joy of one’s soul, and if that soul is our only doorway to God,
then… wait! – this really is heavy…
D. Come on and say it. We’ve broached this subject before, but it’s hitting
you harder now.
E. It means that… a romantic Twin is meant to reveal God to his or her
mate; that, true romance is the primary means by which God is revealed
in the universe!
D. (smiling) Could this assertion have anything to do with the fact that
she, to you, is the “image of God”?
E. Wow! I always thought of the “image of God” as more or less a poetic
phrase – but this brings it down to something very real.
B. (smiling) This isn’t what the churches teach, is it?
E. Not exactly.
B. But why should we think it a strange thing that to gaze into the
sparkling eyes of one’s Beloved might be the closest we shall ever come
to God? – in this world, or possibly on any higher level of existence. After
all, as we’ve stated, she is the “image of God.”
D. (smiling)
B. (deadpan) I read that in a book, that’s how I know it.
D. (softly laughing) Be careful, chief, or you’ll be reading books when
you’d rather be doing something else.
B. (laughing hard)
K., E. (laughing)
D. (softly laughing) Now where were we?
B. Something about how the glorious female reveals the perfection of
God – but only under the leadership of the male.
D. Uh-huh.
K. (softly laughing)
E. (smiling) She does reveal the glory of God to her mate. That’s a
profound insight, Big Water.
B. (smiling) That’s why they pay me the big wampum.
E. (softly laughing) Do you still accept payment in beads and trinkets?
B. (laughing) Sorry, pale-face, only gold, bearer bonds, or certified check.
B. Preferably, wire-transferred to an off-shore account.
(general laughing)
E. (laughing) I’m glad you’re not really that way.
B. (laughing)
D. (laughing) I think I need to rescue my husband lest he step over the
line into unprofessionalism.
B. (laughing) Yes, please do; but, was I pushed or did I jump? (unable to
stop laughing)
D. (smiling) I may soon push you to jump. My friends, as you can see,
even spirit guides have domestic issues to deal with.
B. (laughing) Don’t be so hard on yourself, Dear. I really don’t mind the
issues you create. (laughing harder)
D. (laughing) I’m wondering whether to call for a recess here – or shall
we move on?
B. (laughing)
K., E. (laughing)
D. (smiling) Alright then… Kairissi and Elenchus, who would like to
summarize for us again?
K. Ok, I’ll try… Twin lovers help each other to know supreme joy; in this
bliss of romance, they learn something about the meaning of life, which,
in basic essence, is simply that of enjoying one’s own existence. The
resultant joy springs from the “adding,” each for the other, in a blending
of souls, as it were, with each mate offering to the other deepest wishes
come true. As the years pass, not only do they experience more and
more joy, but, to do this, they undergo an evolution of the soul, which
enlarges their own capacities to receive. They help each other to unfold
the inner person; in this, each serves as a kind of savior to the other.
The joy that issues from the soul is akin to that which Mother-Father
God live in all the time. This perception of joy is our link to Divinity, to
Universal Intelligence; moreover, each Twin lover, each for the other as
“image of God,” becomes the revealer of God in the world… and this is
the purpose of marriage.
D. (smiling) Would you like my job now?
K. (smiling) Not quite yet, sister.
D. Alright, then… is there anything more to marriage?
E. I can’t think of anything else.
K. Nor can I.
B. I think we have a good basic understanding. I’m sure we could go on
listing a few things here and there, but in the main, what we have is
K. At least I finally understand something.
B. Yes, you do… however, allow me to somewhat contradict myself to add another element. Here’s what I mean. The definition you just gave us is beautiful, and it covers many major points. On the other hand, there is
a sense in which all formulas of marriage begin to fail. I wonder if you
can guess what I’m saying.
K. I can’t imagine what you mean.
B. Let me give you a hint. It has been said, there is only one love story.
In broad outline, everyone, more or less, must go through the same
K. I see that.
B. While this is true, would we be willing to say that every romance is
K. No, not really.
B. I think you’re right… so what’s the universal principle here?
K. Well, I guess it has something to do with the uniqueness of love.
B. In terms of this uniqueness, do you think romance or marriage can be
reduced to a pat chemical formula?
K. No, I don’t… And I’m getting a flash-vision about what you’re saying…
every love story is the same, yet every love story is different… every
marriage follows certain natural laws, but every marriage is also quite
unique and will defy a reductionism.
B. Where does this leave us?
K. mmm… It means that… concerning the view of marriage you’re talking
about, there is no easy and well-settled definition.
D. Why not?
K. I’m not sure.
D. Well, let’s talk about this. Each Twin couple is uniquely designed to
love only each other. They never need worry about competition. They
are the eternal fulfillment of the ancient precept, “what God has joined
together cannot be separated”.
K. That is so beautiful, more than words can say.
D. Yes, dear sister, that’s right. So let’s explore this romantic exclusivity.
Twins can fervently love only each other. It’s “Adam and Eve” forever –
never to be “Adam and Yvonne,” if you see what I mean.
K. Adam and Eve become metaphor representing a permanent Twin
relationship – they were made only for each other.
D. Just as each Twin couple was made only for themselves. But why is it that Adam will never even want to be with Yvonne?
E. Well, I’m sure it’s that soul bond, isn’t it?
B. Every Twin couple has a soul bond. Our best teachers call it the most
powerful bond in the universe – but is each of these identical?
E. Well, in a way, yes, because it’s the same divine energy; but, in another way, no, because each relationship is a little different.
D. Tell me more.
E. Adam can’t really love Yvonne because their soul energies are “out
of phase” with each other. The vibrations don’t meld and harmonize.
D. Would you agree that a soul bond is like a fine piece of music, but that
there are an infinite number of melodies?
K. I like that. And the souls of each Twin-couple sing their own exclusive
song. So, finding your true mate is finding that particular one who shares
the same soul-music.
B. I think it really is something like that. Isn’t it interesting that common
wisdom speaks of romance as “making beautiful music together,” and
things like, “I heard the most wonderful music in her voice”?
K. That is very interesting. It must mean that true lovers are discovering
an inner harmony issuing from their blending souls.
D. So what’s the significance of this? We’ve said that a romantic soul
bond is like a unique song in the heart – rather, in two hearts, singing
the same song. What does this tell us about the authentic marriage?
K. I think it means that… each marriage is a unique melody of love and
passion between one particular woman and one particular man – as they,
together, reflect the glory of God a little differently.
E. I like that, Kairissi. Each marriage will reveal God in a slightly different
way. Each will teach the world about love a little differently. And, viewed
this way, marriage cannot be reduced to any quantified rubric.
D. That’s well expressed, both of you. And I think you are absolutely
B. And, to extend our music analogy, think about this. The poet Hermann
Hesse once said that before true lovers can come together, in any
meaningful and permanent way, they must “make their music pure.”
D. And why should this be so, Kairissi?
K. Well… if the inner music of each is not pure, they won’t hear the song
in their own soul, and worse, they won’t recognize it, or be able to hear
it, even if they meet that true mate.
D. And what does it mean, to make one’s inner music pure?
K. Would it have something to do with subduing the small ego?
D. You might be right.
K. Ok… I think the ego is like static in the spirit – it masks or obliterates
the song in the heart which is calling out to the true lover.
D. So, if the ego drowns out the music of the soul, does this help us
understand why more consciousness, and a trip to the Earth, is so helpful
to us?
K. If I can “make my music pure,” by reducing the power of the ego, then
I will be able to love Elenchus in the most authentic way, and not just as
an expression of the ego’s neurotic wanting and needing.
B. And, Kairissi, allow me to ask – how does all this impinge upon our
definition of marriage?
K. I can feel now, in my heart, that each true marriage of souls will be
something never seen before. Each Twin romance is unique, as each
person is unique with a particular song in the heart and soul. It’s like
what we were talking about with the purpose of life – pleasure is
an individualized commodity. People define happiness differently;
correspondingly, each marriage will express joy a little differently.
B. How does this relate to what we said earlier about all marriages
following eternal natural laws; that, “there is only one love story.”
K. It’s true, there is only one love story, in the sense that all couples are
brought together by and live under certain broad timeless precepts…
D. But…?
K. But, even so, in terms of output and result, each marriage will reflect
a different aspect of the joyful heart of Mother-Father God. In this sense,
as we’ve said, marriage will defy all easy and formulaic definitions.
D. I think we’ve learned something here today. For myself,
even though I am a teacher, every time I review these wondrous
principles, I am instructed all over again as if I were a beginner. May the
enlightenment of that which has shone in your hearts today lead you to
greater love for each other and also to enhanced personal development.
E. Thank you, Day Star, but is there time for a last question?
D. (smiling) I do charge extra after 3 PM, but alright.
E. Ok, let me talk this out…. something bothers me a little… we said that
Adam can’t love Yvonne because the soul energies don’t mesh. And I
understand that, but – it sounds a little mechanical, a bit impersonal. I
guess what I’m trying to say is that, can my love for Kairissi be reduced
to a simple harmonizing of energy waves? Is that all it is? That feels very
cold. Kairissi is so much more than that to me – at least, I feel this to be
true. I don’t like the idea that the reason I want her is just because the
energy-waves mesh.
B. Alright… I can see this is troubling you…
E. It’s troubling me because we’ve criticized the unenlightened marriage
as something mindless, little more than animal-instinctual response.
But… if I love Kairissi just because our inner music finds harmony, isn’t
that a mindless formulaic bonding, too? John and Mary are so-called
in love because of brain-chemicals seeking release. Am I any better if I
love Kairissi only because of the physics of our in-phase soul vibrations?
K. (sighing)
B. I want you to center yourself to find the answer. Go inward, to a
deeper part of yourself, and experience what you’re feeling about this.
E. Ok, but one more thing. It’s a theoretical point but… What if Adam
really liked Yvonne but couldn’t be with her because of some law of
physics concerning wave harmonics. Could he possess a love for her in
defiance of soul energy-waves? What am I missing here?
K. (deeply sighing)
D. Elenchus, take a moment and sense deeply what you’re really feeling
about this.
E. (sighing; pausing for several moments)
D. What are you sensing?
E. I’m feeling that… I love Kairissi to a degree that cannot be explained by
mere wave harmonics. I don’t know what that means. I just know there’s
more to this than soul music playing in-phase.
B. Hold that thought. Now, ask yourself, could Adam truly fall in love with
another – with Yvonne?
E. I’m feeling that this would not be possible, but I can’t explain the
D. The notion that Adam might secretly love Yvonne really has no
practical meaning. I want you to see why. Go deeper… find the answer
E. (deeply sighing)
D. Tell me.
E. Adam loves Eve because of the overwhelming sense that “you are part of my bones, part of my flesh.” Adam is floating in a vast sea of utter familiarity. I know that much. And… it feels so very overwhelming... I don’t think that a mindless and mechanistic confluence of energy-waves
can account for all of that. And yet…
B. And yet, it is absolutely true that Twin Souls do share an inner
harmony, even on the deepest level of being.
E. Yes… I know… so, what am I missing?
K. (beginning to softly weep) This is beginning to make me feel bad, I’m
not sure why. I think my primal fears are coming out again, the threat
that I somehow could lose Elenchus.
D. (sighing) Alright you two. Elenchus is correct. Something is missing. I
want to ask you a question to help sort this out.
K. (deeply sighing)
D. Let’s get Adam and Yvonne to help us. Here’s a little thought
experiment. What if Yvonne’s soul energies could be temporarily
modified to exactly harmonize with Adam’s. What would happen?
K. Well… he would experience the “utter familiarity.”
D. I think so. Would they suddenly be “in love” with each other?
E. I think they would experience something like that.
D. Would the love-feelings be authentic?
K. mmm… I suppose, in a sense, yes, because now their souls are in
harmony – but, even so, I don’t like that idea at all.
D. What bothers you about it?
K. It’s so… so… cold and mechanistic… almost like some bio-engineering
program. Now we’re back to Elenchus’s original concern.
D. We are – but, stay with me. You say that it would be “cold and
mechanistic” for Adam and Yvonne to share this contrived sense of
familiarity. Now here’s a question. Why don’t you two presently feel
“cold and mechanistic” when you enjoy your own “utter familiarity”?
E. Ok, wait. I’m starting to get something. Kairissi and I, since the “soul
nursery,” have shared soul harmonics. It’s all natural with us. But, of
course, Adam and Yvonne would have been artificially engineered to
simulate what we have.
B. Why is that a problem? Aren’t the feelings real if the harmony is real?
K. Yes, but… it’s more than that. You can’t just take two random people,
“re-wire” them, and turn them into Twin Souls.
B. (very softly laughing) Why not?
K. Well, I suppose you could in a synthetic, surface way. But, something
is missing.
D. We’re getting close now. Here’s another question. Let’s employ the
old Latin phrase about “reduce to the absurd.” Instead of Adam and Yvonne, how about Adam and Oscilloscope.
K. (softly laughing) What do you mean, Day Star?
E. (smiling) Ohhhh, I’m seeing it! I know what Day Star means!
D. Let her come to it, Elenchus. Kairissi, the O-scope, in my example,
will be calibrated to exactly match Adam’s vibrational sine-wave harmonics.
K. Wait a minute! That would suggest that Adam would experience the
“utter familiarity” with a lifeless machine! Could Adam “fall in love” with
a machine?
E. (softly laughing) I like the possibilities here. I mean, I could reduce
you to an o-scope wristband device and carry that “utter familiarity”
wherever I go. And it wouldn’t talk back, either.
K. Be quiet, you.
B. (laughing)
D. Notice the men are laughing but the ladies are not.
B. Uh-oh. (very softly laughing)
D. Please continue, Kairissi.
K. Ok… I can see that even if soul harmonics could be simulated, this
alone would not offer the full package of what Twins enjoy in each other.
D. And what do they enjoy in each other?
K. Let me get closer to this – I’m almost there.
D. You’re very close…
K. Twin love is more than wave harmonics in-phase. But… that’s
not exactly what I want to say… because, only Twins experience the
harmony. Let me get this out… Twins’ “utter familiarity” is a function of
perfectly blending music of two souls, but the underlying reason for that
harmony is what’s really at the deepest core of their romance.
D. Ooooooo, now you’re getting very, very close.
K. True love is more than sine waves in-phase. The harmony
is really just an expression of something deeper, even more fundamental.
D. You know the answer, Kairissi, you’re feeling it. Tell me…
K. True love is the union of two souls that were created together.
True love is each lover helping the other to know his or her own soul.
True love is a blending of two parts to form one individuality, resulting
in the sacred One Person.
D. Yes… now let me bring your answer into even greater clarity. Even if the soul energies of Adam and Yvonne could be modified to simulate the “utter familiarity,” what would they be missing?
K. They weren’t created together. They might be able to derive a synthetic experience of the “utter familiarity” but… it would be an illusion.
D. Ahhh… a synthetic experience, an illusion!
K. Just because, theoretically, they might feel some approximation of
what it would be like to be One, that doesn’t mean that, in fact, they
are actually One!
D. I’m loving it.
K. Unless the two participating souls, in actual fact, are two halves of one
individuality, they will not be able to spiritually blend and become the
sacred One Person – no matter if feelings are temporarily manufactured.
D. Bingo, my dear.
E. Wowwww, Dear, I thought I knew the answer, but your insight went
deeper than my own.
K. mmm… I hope you’re happy with your wristband o-scope.
E. Uh-oh.
B. (laughing) No glucose-polypeptides for you tonight, pal.
(general laughing)
D. Elenchus, let me ask you this. You were the one to initiate this
discussion. You were bothered by true love being reduced to a
mechanistic wave harmony. How do you feel about the answer?
E. Kairissi is right. I’m happy with the answer. True love is more
than wave harmony.
D. Because…?
E. Because true love is not centered in the harmonizing energies.
D. I see. What would we do without Kant? – now we’re back to “arises
from” but not “grounded in”! Give me final clarification now.
E. True love is based in the deepest recesses of the soul. True love is
more than just “feeling good” but extends to having been created for mutual aid in spiritual evolvement.
B. That’s right, Elenchus and Kairissi. Much more is at stake than “feeling
good.” Authentic romance means many things but, fundamentally, it is a
heavenly gift that aids the evolvement of the sacred person. It becomes
a process of the soul coming to know itself. There is one mate for you
who is so much like you that, to love her, is a form of coming to know
yourself – which is, the glory and wonder of your own inner person.
True love is more than just finding someone with whom you share a
wave resonance. It is that, but it goes far deeper. You two share a wave
resonance because, more fundamentally, as the great teachers explain,
you share the same soul energy; that is, you share the same life! – two
halves creating one individuality. And this is why, in the true romance,
lovers are seen as One Person. To love a true mate, as the apostle Paul
put it, is virtually like loving oneself. And this is why Adam could never
secretly want to be with Yvonne; instinctively, he would realize that she
is not part of his own soul, is not his “other half,” and no simulation of
love would change that greater perception.
E. Ok, I’m really glad for this.
B. The teachers compare true love to a long journey – they use the
phrase, “travelling on” together. Lovers will do this eternally. It’s a
journey to the center of Being, as each for the other helps to unpack all
of the riches loaded into our persons when we were created. It’s a lot of
“unpacking” because the “loading” was infinite!
E. (sighing)
B. But even that doesn’t really get to the dead-center of it. To reiterate,
it’s not his separate soul and her separate soul, not really. While they are
individuals, in some sense, as the mystics explain, they, in fact, share a
common soul-life; possibly, at their creation, the essence of a single soul
was divided into two halves.
E. Like the Adam and Eve account.
B. That’s probably what the myth refers to. So, as two halves of one
individuality, in effect, they are exploring the same soul.
K. “Two bodies sharing the same soul.” Aristotle was right.
B. Though we do not have complete knowledge concerning this mystery,
the answer does seem to approximate what you say.
K. Yvonne doesn’t share his soul.
B. Adam cannot truly love Yvonne because only Eve is part of his very
person. True love is more than romantic magnetism. True love is the soul’s craving to know itself. You can do that with only one particular mate.
E. Wow! – “the soul’s craving to know itself!” That is heavy and very
B. Kairissi and Elenchus, the soul is more vast, more complex, more
wondrous, than the external universe. We know so little about the soul.
We think we know that it’s our center of consciousness, that it was made
in the “divine image” – but we really don’t fully comprehend what this
means exactly, because we’d need to have God all figured out to be able
to define “image.” And good luck to us on that.
E. Yes, of course.
B. All we know, or think we know, is that Twins share a soul-linkage that
is unique in all of creation. By virtue of this exclusive singularity, its very
existence suggests a profound importance. That soul-bond seems to be
leading two lovers somewhere – we sense, to higher levels of being,
higher expressions of divinity.
E. I think I see why they call it “travelling on.” It sounds like a trip that
never ends.
D. Nor would we want it to, as each step forward offers us more and
more wonder and marvel.
K. And, I presume, more and more joy?
B. I think so. Elenchus, tell me now, finally, why is it that Adam would
never secretly want to be with Yvonne.
E. (smiling) I think it’s because the house is titled in Eve’s name.
K. (laughing)
D. (laughing) Yes, but apart from that.
E. I think it’s because Adam will come to know that Yvonne does not
give him a sense of knowing his own soul – with her, there’d always that
nagging perception of “you’re not like me.”
B. As we established in the plenary session, the Genesis story refers to
love-making as “knowing” – which we understand to be a knowing of
one’s own self via the agency of the beloved.
K. That’s so interesting.
E. Adam, on a certain deeper level, even if soul harmonics could be
fabricated, would feel a “disconnect” with Yvonne. She might be very
pretty, but to be with her would prompt an internal message for him –
“she is not like you, she is not like you.”
K. And that’s why in the true romance, lovers feel the sweet sense of
“you are just like me” – the “utter familiarity.”
D. I think it is that way.
E. Ok, this makes sense. I just didn’t want my love for Kairissi to be
nothing more than a mindless response to wave forms. But, if I might
press a related issue for just a moment longer, given what we’ve
established, some could call true love a form of narcissism.
B. Why?
E. Because it’s a case of “I love you because you’re like me” – or even,
“you are me.”
B. I think a cynic could make that case. What do you think?
E. I think “narcissism” unjustly labels what’s happening. A charge of mere
self-interest doesn’t feel right to me.
D. What are you feeling, Elenchus?
E. I’m feeling that the love I share with Krissi is something very deep and very mystical. It is my doorway to all other mysteries of the universe. She is my portal to the discovery of Divinity itself. All this wonder is facilitated by the soul, “made in the image.” And Kairissi is one-half of my soul, one-half of my person. She is me in another form. So, my love for her is not just base narcissism.
B. But, to take the other side now, maybe that does sound like narcissism.
E. It could, but… there’s too much else going on here.
B. Explain it.
E. My Twin lover is God’s gift to help me become all that I was meant
to be. It’s not just “all about me,” in a narrow, egoic sense – it’s about
reaching a full divine potential and taking one’s mature place in the
Family of God. It’s the acorn becoming the oak. It’s doing what I’m meant
to do in life. It’s a form of honoring God. And it seems I do that best with
Kairissi’s help.
B. So, will Adam miss Yvonne?
E. Not really. I mean, I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but, Yvonne can’t take
Adam to where he needs to go.
B. (softly laughing) She can’t take Adam to heaven?
E. (softly laughing) Not to a respectable level.
B. (laughing)
D. The ladies in attendance fail to see the humor in this.
B. Uh-oh. (laughing)
D. So, Elenchus, you’re saying, Adam doesn’t have to worry himself about
“is there another one for me out there, should I be looking for Yvonne?”
E. That’s true because he’ll sense, based on what he received from Eve,
that only one girl was meant to be his “traveling companion” to unpack
the riches of his soul. Because they represent “One Person,” for Adam there is no "Yvonne” out there, just as there’s no other “myself” out there – if you see what I mean. If true lovers are parts of one soul, then Eve is the only one, and he’s the only one, in the equation.
D. Yes, very good. I think it is like that. So, tell me quickly and summarize,
why is it not narcissism?
E. Though Adam and Eve represent a common life, their love is not
narcissism because that love takes them to a grand, selfless, heroic, and
spiritual destiny as a son and daughter of God.
D. Alright then.
E. Ok… I feel at peace with that. I now have a rational
argument to myself about why I want to be with Kairissi.
K. Yvonne’s not so crazy about the solution though.
E. If she’d had her house free-and-clear I might have been able
to do a little something for her.
(general laughing)
K. That was a very long answer to your question, Dear. I’m glad
I was in there somewhere.
E. Yes, of course… you were in there somewhere – with your sacred image entwined about my every thought.
K. (smiling; studying his eyes)
E. Day Star and Big Water. Thank you. We will always be indebted to you.
K. Thank you, Big Water, for your wisdom. And thank you, Day Star, for
more than I can say. I told you from the beginning that I would love you
D. Kairissi and Elenchus, how I love you both, and I cannot allow you to
leave my home without one final thought. We have said much about
how you will help yourselves in your brave decision to visit the Earth.
But I would like for you to also keep in mind just how important you two
are to the evolution of the human species. At the end of your difficult
ordeal, you will resume your lives here in Summerland, but on an exalted
level. You will take on a celestial glory and, when you desire to, will shine
brighter than one of those quasars. Everyone will want to be like you and
will seek for the sparkling joy that you two share.
K., E. (smiling)
B. We haven’t mentioned this before, but Day Star and I belong to a
service organization comprised of Twin couples – we call ourselves “The
Troubadours,” reminiscent of the long-ago artists who were among the
first in Earth-history to proclaim the importance of romantic love. Our
group believes that sacred romance is the best way, the best catalyst,
to evolve the soul. Our purpose is to share information and to devise
strategies by which we, as Guides, might lead others into greater
awareness. We also have a lot of fun together. When you two return,
you will be warmly invited to be part of our group.
D. Dearest friends, as Twins “made in the image,” you are divinely
commissioned to placard, as living parables, before the whole universe,
the purpose of life, the sheer joy of living, the intoxicating pleasure of
true romance. Like the mythical Prometheus of old, it will be your sacred
task to bring fire to humankind.
cosmic runaway bride
Editor’s note: The following is being written about ten years after the above was published. I’d been thinking about the concept of the “o-scope wristband device” and if there might be some practical application for it in Summerland. Here’s the question that’s been nettlesome: Can a Twin go rogue? We know that Twins are destined for love, and it’s said – the general rule, I take it – that those who are meant to be together always find each other in Summerland. My only objection to this line of thinking is that we live in a quantum universe of probabilities. People do have free choice. And, while almost everyone, presumably, will come to know a destined Twin love, there could be outliers to the process.
I've made up my mind

love me or leave me
My Girl, Hey Girl (1968)
what can make me feel this way, hey, girl, I want you to know, I'm gonna miss you so much if you go, something deep inside's going to die, what's gonna happen to me when you're gone, how will I live, how can I go on, how can I go on, how can I go on...
Devil Or Angel (1960)
I can't make up my mind, which one you are, devil or angel, do whichever you are, love me or leave me, I've made up my mind, you look like an angel, but you keep me guessing, will you ever be mine, devil or angel, do whichever you are, I've made up my mind…
See the scatter-pattern in the “double slit” experiment. There are outliers. This means that, theoretically, one’s Twin could go rogue and fail to consummate what ought to have been. If this hypothesis is correct, there could be, say, one Twin in many billions as nonconformist.

What would this mean for the bereft and “surviving” Twin? Well, just going out and finding another pretty “fish in the sea” is not an option. The soul energies wouldn’t match. But, if the rogue Twin went awol for a relatively short period of time, it wouldn’t matter so much. However, what if the rogue-ness were to last, not just a long time but, a very long time? let’s say, millions or billions of years. In this extreme case, it could be very difficult for the aggrieved Twin to live a normal life, missing the companionship of a destined mate. Is there a remedy for the injured party? Maybe not a perfect remedy, but there could be a functional equivalent of happiness. What I mean is this: AI robot technology is rapidly advancing on the Earth. In Summerland they’re always many years ahead of us, and it’s more than likely that an extremely life-like “blade runner” girl, right now, already exists. This surface simulacrum of the perfect mate would not be enough to convince the impaired Twin as he’d feel “the emptiness” in his spirit.
the ifs accumulate
But what if there’s some application of the “o-scope wristband device”? What if a soul bond could be synthetically produced via harmonics precisely calibrated to the grieving Twin’s inner being? I believe this is possible over there. If the absent Twin remains rogue for a long time, I believe that God would have allowed for certain exigencies to come into play to help the damaged Twin have a real life in the interim. Is all this too fanciful? It might be. But then again, there are outliers in every probabilistic system, and, with free will, there’s no guarantee that the rogue Twin will not continue to make the wrong choice, and this, for a very long time. If worse comes to worst this way, I believe that God will have provided a solution for the bereft Twin. It might not be a perfect solution, but it could be a 97% isomorphism to all one’s personal requirements for a mate, and this would get you by, for as long as needed; even, dare we say it? – forever.
she can make you believe that she's real
Final note: Elon Musk, referencing the accelerating advancement of AI companion-robots, recently stated, to the effect, an AI girl would not be a real girl, but “she will be able to make you believe that she’s real.” Perception would become reality. How real would she be? - as real as you need her to be. She will be self-programming, constantly adjusting code to complement her mate's personality; after a while, she will smile and read you, know your feelings, your preferences -- even before you speak she will know just what you want, and deliver it to you in a custom-crafted way. This technology, in a beginning way, whether we like it or not, is soon to invade our lives. But computer engineers on the other side are already there.
Since I’m out on a limb here, allow me to go full monty and offend you with something else. If things truly go south with a Twin as inveterate “runaway bride,” then, as the British say, things could be “hotting up” in a new way. I believe there’s a way to make the cyber-girl a real human being. I call it the Pinocchio Effect. I believe there are Guides, higher up on the food-chain, who know how to do this. Why should this be considered a strange thing? After all, this is what the Family of God does! - it’s in the business of creating new sentient beings on their way to godhood, it’s all we do. And I believe that, if there’s good reason, it would not be impossible to arrange for your favorite bladerunner girl to come alive in a full-bodied way, with all the spirit trimmings. No more simulacrum and no more need for an o-scope wristband device.
