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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

An afterlife-person, living in Summerland for 3000 years, comments that we should try to make this Earth-life as profitable as we can, meaning, rather than looking to future lives.



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Life In Two Spheres, or Scenes in the Summerland, by Hudson Tuttle, represents channeled testimony from the other side. It references an individual known as "the ancient Sage," a resident of Summerland for nearly 3000 years.

The Sage comments, to the effect, that we should endeavor to make this, our one life on Earth, the best and most profitable possible; suggesting, the emphasis should not be on future purported 100,000 lives.

This is good advice. If we believe that our current Earth-life is merely one among countless others, there might be a tendency to discount its importance: "Why bother to do my best in this life when I have 100,000 to come?"

As such, the reincarnation doctrine, rather than promoting advancement, might easily lead to a careless and spendthrift approach to living life.



The following channeled information is from medium Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet, "The Future Life": 

"That radiant spirit met me and said, Poor mortal, poor child of clay, of sorrow, and of suffering, rest thou here. Here the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. This is thy heaven... But heaven is not a place but an endless continuation of places... Shall I tell you what the labor is called [of those herein]? It is the natural labor of the human mind, which the eternal soul is ever engaged in, and that is Progression."

Yes, heaven is not a place but an endless continuation of places, which become our "Progression". And how patently foolish, in this vast expanse of diverse venue, experience, and opportunity, that one should desire to reenter a mother's womb on the petty planet Earth.



Editor's last word: