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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

This world is like a processing plant, designed to produce products according to very narrow and specific criteria.



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This world is like a processing plant, designed to produce products according to very narrow and specific criteria.

It’s not designed to fulfill all needs and desires; nor is it the place to experience all pleasures and sought-for outcomes. It’s a world constructed on dualism, a system of contrasting opposites: the hot and the cold, the good and the bad, the sweet and the sour; on and on.

This jarring program of antitheticals makes for no “fantasy island” of easy wish fulfillment, but it is good for one thing. It turns us into sentient beings, persons, in our own right; not necessarily “good persons” all at once, but “persons,” nonetheless.

This “processing plant” analogy may not be the best; maybe our time here is more like a k-12 educational program. I say this because, if we fail to learn what we need to learn while here, we don’t go back to kindergarten with a “cookies and naptime” environment.

Instead, the solution is remedial learning; that is, make-up, catch-up classes. We can “finish high-school” by completing a GED, but not by going back into the lower grades. That’s an option no longer available to us.

it’s remedial work, all the way now

As we’ve learned, there are ways to “catch-up,” to enter into “remedial” learning. This is done via “spirit attachment,” usually, in the form of linking oneself to a close relative still on the Earth, and gaining the minimal requisite experience to understand the nature of evil and mortality.

But, in so doing, we do not go back to first grade and learn our ABCs as a six year-old again.

This would be a highly inefficient way of proceeding; for, as we've seen and discussed elsewhere, Nature does nothing in such manner, but always moves forward in the most efficient path possible. This well-established principle of science, all by itself, disallows any chance of "R" being true.



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