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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

the Course In Miracles speaks out against the error of "R"



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Editor's note: see the Word Gems page devoted to the "Course In Miracles." The following is taken from the opening paragraphs:



The Course purportedly is channeled information from the other side. The unlikely receiver of messages was a professor at a medical university. It seems that this was a totally new and unexpected experience for her.


The narrator within the Course claims to be Jesus. The lessons are presented in "mashal" style, the same teaching method employed in the New Testament parables; meaning, the pedagogy offered by the Course is designed, in the main, not to impart information but understanding.


The Course asserts that "this is a course in mind training" and does not seek to establish another religion of the Earth; that, "a universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary." This "universal experience" is accomplished by opening one's spirit to God who will teach us directly; until we follow this path, we remain in a form of spiritual insanity and darkness. As such, this "is a required course" for all human beings, destined to become godlike; "only the time you take it is voluntary." The essence of the sought-for right-mindedness is made possible by "removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence" within the hidden inner person. Not everyone will study this book, as such, but everyone, if they wish to be sane and escape the ego's suffering, will become student in this universal classroom of sacred evolvement.



Editor's note: The following is a section from my notes concerning the "Course." Direct quotations from the book are featured in italicized red lettering.


time, space, world

The real purpose of this world is to use it to correct your unbelief [in the perfection of the true self].

Editor’s note: The Course offers many references to the temporary nature of time, space, and the world. We entered this "4-D" universe for the strategic purpose of maturing ourselves, with time, space, and the world as provisional stage-props to that end.

Time is under my direction, but timelessness belongs to God. In time we exist for and with each other. In timelessness we coexist with God.

no enormous amount of time required

... a [mental] state of readiness [is no] more than a potential for a change of mind... You may think this implies that an enormous amount of time is necessary between readiness and mastery, but let me remind you that time and space are under my control.

Editor’s note: This is a very important comment by Jesus. He asserts that "you are afraid of what your spiritual sight will show you," meaning, people believe they will find out that they’re a bad person if they “go within.” And even when they begin this introspective path, they fear it will take a very long time to clean up all of problems inside. What I’ve just said constitutes the essential argument made by those who insist that reincarnation is necessary to spiritual evolvement: “I’m so flawed that it will take much time, a thousand life-times, to turn myself into a good person.” But this is not true, at all.


Time is a belief of the ego, and so the lower mind, which is the ego's domain, accepts it without question. The only aspect of time that is eternal is now.


Only the ego believes in "I need more time to be perfect." Time, with innumerable lives, has nothing to do with coming to awareness of the inner spiritual riches. The world of Spirit is timeless. When evolvement happens, it does so for the “miracle-ready” mind in one hot moment of timeless cosmic clarity: "I was blind, but suddenly I see."

This is Jesus’ whole point when he says not to worry about huffing-and-puffing our way through endless ages of self-development: “time and space are under my control.



Editor's last word:

See the article on "Metaparadigm" for more discussion on the ego and its illusions.