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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


One of my most astonishing discoveries
about the afterlife: there is no "religious"
culture over there - no harps, cherubs,
hallelujahs, thrones, nor any obvious
reference to arrant "churchianity." It's a
normal world of real people, living real,
normal lives, enjoying real work and social
activities. And those on that side still have
their debates about what God is like and is doing;
and even argue about whether God exists.



return to the main-page article on "God"


The following direct-voice mediumship testimonies from inhabitants of Summerland were obtained by Randall and French:



"You ask me who and what is God? I answer, God is universal good. I mean the spirit of good that is in every man’s heart, though it is sometimes covered with dust and dirt… God is the life, the spirit entity of each man… The word 'God' is used by us. It is the thought-term of good."

Another spirit-person said this:

"We have tried to explain the personality of God to you before. We have said that we do not know absolutely. Many spirits think that God has personality; others, that God is but the combined soul of men, risen to the sublime height that makes them one with the universe. Spirits, just as mind [of mortal people] on Earth, form ideas from experience. I myself do not think there is a God other than this great united force for good."


"Of the thousands of spirits we have contacted in our [40] years of research, not one has seen God!"  


Dr. Carl Wickland, MD, Gateway Of Understanding:

There are many blind religious spirits whose minds are saturated with the belief that after death they will immediately find themselves in the presence of a visible, personal God. Such concepts are illogical since God is Spirit, not a spirit, (see John 4:24, Revised Version Margin,) and is at no time visible either to mortals or spirits...

It should always be borne in mind that life, intelligence and all that belongs to life are always invisible, although perceived through material manifestations. Sir Oliver Lodge, in an address at London, stated in effect that

"we cannot appreciate electricity or magnetism or even light except by their effect upon matter. Our eyes do not tell us about light itself, but about the material body which is illuminated. Our knowledge of light is an inference from the behavior of matter. The function of matter is to manifest and display to our senses activities which themselves have an existence apart from it. All we see of each other is the body organism; all the rest is inference - not by the brain but by the mind. Reality is in the region of the unseen."

Of the thousands of spirits we have contacted in our [40] years of research, not one has seen God!

Spirit, like intelligence, is invisible. All advanced spirits describe an all-pervading Power expressed through lofty, inspiring ideals and indescribable harmonies permeating all things.

Such harmonies or spirit vibrations are not discernible to blind, religious devotees who have not added understanding to their faith. 



no one, here or in the spirit world, possesses absolute knowledge

Franchezzo: "It is a mistake to suppose that in the spirit world there is any absolute knowledge which can explain all the great mysteries of Creation, the why and wherefore of our being, the existence of so much evil mixed with the good, or the nature of the soul and how it comes from God.

"Each spirit can only transmit such portions of truth as his development has enabled him to understand...

"Spirit is infinite and all-pervading. God is in all and over and above all, yet none know his nature nor what manner of essence he is of, save that he is in everything and everywhere...

"In these subjects and their explanation are involved and required a knowledge of the limits of the universe itself which has no limits, and the nature of that Supreme Being of whom no man or spirit can know the nature, save in so far as we can grasp the great truth that he is Infinite Spirit, limitless in all senses, Unknowable and Unknown..."



Editor's last word: