Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
A Course In Miracles
you cannot change your mind
by changing your behavior
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There are entire religions, belief-systems, philosophies built around the proposition that we can induce fundamental change to our minds, hearts, and beings by changing our behavior. The Course makes an extremely important point in its assertion here.
The edifice of Reincarnation theory is constructed on the premise that more lives, more experience, more modifications to behavior, will eventually yield the perfect mind, the perfect person. But this is gross error. None of these externals has the power to change the mind, heart, and soul one iota.
In “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” I speak of the “kumbaya” principle, that of, “if we can all join hands and sing and try very hard to love our brothers and sisters, then we can make a better world.” This too is patent illusion.
The dysfunctional ego wants to believe, and preach, that external action can bring about personal change. Why does it say this? – because it has no power to change the mind and spirit, it will focus on that little which it might modify, things external, one’s modus vivendi.
The Course In Miracles states that it is a “course in mind training.” But changing, elevating, evolving one’s mind cannot be effected simply by changing one’s conduct in the world. A change in behavior is the natural result of changing one’s mind but, fundamentally, cannot be the cause.
You will want to study carefully the referenced writings herein for a more complete discussion of these important principles.