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Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied


James Webster



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Editor’s note: James Webster, an afterlife researcher of many decades, is the author of Life Is Forever and The Case Against Reincarnation. He’s a former member of the famous Scole Experiment Group of the 1990s, and the current archival custodian of the Rick Rickard “direct-voice” tapes.

It was several years ago when I met Wayne Becker on the Spirit Today
site presented by Grahame McKenzie. We, and some others, discussed
and posted on this very informative and well-produced site.

It was not long before Wayne and I realised that we were seeing eye-to-
eye on important subjects and issues concerning this life, and the
afterlife, with spiritual philosophy. Another great bonus was that
neither of us accepted the doctrine of reincarnation. Our research
and understanding showed the evidence that all suggested cases of
reincarnation and so-called “past lives” were explainable mostly through
the interference of discarnate entities.

My own research into spiritual science and spiritual philosophy stretches
over sixty plus years and for the past forty of those years I have given
much extra time to investigating reincarnation and unearthing so many
weaknesses in the belief and doctrine which has led millions down the
“slippery slope into the psychic jungle.”

I have had so many personal experiences throughout my life, some of
which are written about in my book Life Is ForEver, that I have no doubt
whatsoever that life really is forever, and it has been proved to me over
and over again. It is an eternal journey onwards and upward.

Through our regular correspondences, Wayne has impressed me by his
sensitive and emotional and descriptive way of speaking and writing, and
the readers of his book will, I am sure, understand this for themselves.
He has a way of expressing himself which is warm and sincere, but at the
same time reaches a deep level which some will understand better than
others and will compare with their own life experience.

There are two particular highlights, amongst many, in my researching
years which have had a profound effect. Even life changing.

During the mid 1990’s my wife Shirley and I were invited to take part in
several of the Scole Experimental Group (SEG) meetings. I can only speak briefly about this in a Foreword with limited space. This was science of the spirit and the etheric, so advanced from material science as we generally know and understand it. Our first sitting with the SEG was in
October 1994.

I have spent a period of my sixty-plus researching years as a professional
stage magician, which included membership of the prestigious Magic
Circle, London, so I am well trained to look out for and bring to light
fraudsters, those who try to trick their audience.

I would point the reader, if interested, to read the books:

The Scole Experiment by Grant & Jane Solomon; Witnessing The Impossible by Robin Foy; and the video The Afterlife Investigations; also, on pages 75-76 of The Scole Experiment is a perspective taken from one of my reports.

Without getting involved with the many scientific experiments witnessed,
I will just mention that Shirley and I viewed many of the amazing apports,
over seventy had been received. We witnessed this on occasions when
we sat with the SEG.

Editor’s note: Allow me to offer definition for the word “apport.”
Literally, “to bring”; that is, to bring into materialization an object
by means of mediumistic agency. During the Scole Experiments,
Spirit Guides caused to materialize scores of apports: coins,
jewelry, items of artwork; but, in my opinion, the most evidential,
and unexpected, was a copy of the Daily Mail newspaper from the
1940s. It was printed on authentic paper used at that time but no
longer generally available. Read about the details in Grant and
Jane Solomon’s book.

Referring to myself as a “healthy skeptic,” I have panned for gold, found
grains of golden truth, and have sifted out a great deal of rubbish in the
process. Having no time for “gullibles” or “debunkers,” I wish to make
quite clear that I was in a privileged position of knowing and working
with the SEG, who were friends and trusted colleagues, whom I not only
worked with as serious investigators, over a long period, but also met
with socially.

Some have passed on now, but Robin Foy and his wife Sandra, the
initiators of the Scole Experimental Group, and the mediums Alan
and Diana Bennett are still on this side of life, and we keep in touch at
intervals, even though we are all getting considerably older after twenty
odd years ago, with health and mobility not what they were.

In the original team were three good friends of mine from the Council
of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR); Prof. David Fontana (a highly qualified academic, psychologist and very experienced in altered states of consciousness); Montague Keen (a past President of the SPR, with a fine literary and researching background); and Prof. Arthur Ellison, an Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at City University. Many
other notable scientists and investigators representing a wide variety of
disciplines and backgrounds from around the world later attended the
experimental sessions.

The Foreword to The Scole Experiment by Grant & Jane Solomon was
written by Prof. Arthur J. Ellison, and I would like to quote what he said
at the end, which I certainly agree with:

“May I finally express a personal opinion? I consider that the group on
‘this side’ were honest and genuine. After two years we knew them
extremely well. I consider that the results of the sessions were of great interest to science.”

But the most amazing and life changing happening for both myself and
Shirley occurred about forty years ago when we were invited to listen to
some wonderful tape recordings every fortnight at the home of our good
friends Ron and Peggy Mason. It’s a long and fascinating story which I
can only touch upon here, but the information is available by contacting
The Abu Trust.

The most profound communications, by a spiritual teacher known to the
Norman Hunt Group simply as “Abu” [meaning “father” or “teacher”]
were literally “out of this world.” Many people worldwide have, and are
getting, the knowledge, understanding, and assurance that “death” is an
illusion, that life simply continues unbroken – the eternal reality reuniting
loved ones through the power of unconditional spiritual love. My good
friend, Wayne Becker, who in his wisdom is also being inspired with this,
makes our correspondences the richer.

A few quotes from the teacher Abu:

The material is a pale reflection of the spiritual.
We are more potent being ‘dead’ than you are being ‘alive’.
We function like caged birds on this suffering earth -
Physical death is the opening of the cage door.
The signpost is LOVE which will guide you.

Enjoy Wayne’s book.


James Webster

East Sussex
England UK