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Afterlife Evidence

    Dr. Richard Ireland



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#70 Dr. Richard Ireland and his astonishing psychic abilities; offering very detailed information.

Dr. Richard Ireland (d. 1992)

He seems to have been the first to offer psychic demonstrations on television; for example, The Steve Allen Show in 1971.

With his eyes taped and blindfolded, multiple times, he would respond to scores of written questions from the audience, without seeing the writings. His answers were very detailed, great specificity, often, uncomfortably so for the questioner.

In one instance, he addressed two young lovers, and revealed their secret intentions to be married; revealed, not just to the audience but to the couple themselves, as they’d not yet openly discussed this. She was very embarrassed.



from Dr. Ireland's website, maintained by his son Mark:

Skeptics would contend that Richard could somehow see through multiple layers of thick medical tape and three black blindfolds and therefore presumed that he could read the questions submitted by the audience. (Skeptics were invited to inspect the tape and blindfolds before their use and during application). In reality, no individual could have provided the insights that Richard shared unless they were truly clairvoyant. He correctly provided first and last names of friends and relatives (both living and deceased), furnished accurate dates of pending births, identified phone numbers and addresses, confirmed professions and spelled out other detailed circumstances involving people's lives, which were thought "secret". Quite often, Richard would answer people without ever unfolding their paper and would also address issues that were not even written down. In a typical demonstration Richard would usually give a "psychic reading" to half of those in attendance (roughly 50 people in a group of 100) with uncanny accuracy and specificity.


see the video of The Steve Allen Show appearance, plus several other interviews


Editor's last word: