You’ll want to read many of Mark’s articles wherein photographs of people and landscape of the astral realm are featured.
my observations:
We’ve spoken of Father Benson’s Summerland of English cottages and small farms, nestled near a university town. All that is well and good, and it’s what I prefer; however, the astral realms are gigantic in their spatial dimensions, stretching untold millions of miles, and in some of those far-flung “neighborhoods” we might find elements that are quite alien to us. Tom Campbell spoke of this factor, which might be relevant to anyone who is preparing for “advanced” OBE exploration.
And so it is with many of the regions Mark has encountered via reports received. Some of the inhabitants featured in the articles are not necessarily in Summerland but in worlds or regions inferior or lower-level than where we want to go. Also, in line with this, the behaviors and attitudes of ones in some of these areas are not necessarily "saint like" or perfect.
I offer this caveat for the newcomer to this field of enquiry.
photos sent, via electronic equipment, from scientists on the other side
Marie Mreches, an ITC researcher, who passed to the other side, continued to work on the project. What we are looking at, as per Marie’s own testimony, is an image of her emerging from an ocean in Summerland after she went for a swim.
Lovers in Summerland at seaside.
A country scene from Summerland.
when does the soul enter the body
Afterlife researcher Mark Macy, focusing on communications via electronic equipment, has received comments from spirit entities concerning abortion:
Mark's team asked scientists on the other side whether the soul of the child enters as soon as the cell has developed in the woman’s body. Swejen Salter replied:
Yes, at the moment the body disappears here and the conception has taken place on Earth, the soul has entered the cell.
Anne de Guigné (pronounced “geenyay”) was a remarkable French girl who died in 1922 at age 11. Today in the spirit-world she is head of “The Group to Protect Newborn Life.”
Mark says that this "portrait" of Anne was produced on the other side, "painted by spirit artists." It was "then delivered to a computer on Earth."
Anne sent Mark’s associates the following letter, received on two different electronic devices, unconnected to the internet:
As a little girl in France I got very ill. I was an important source of information (for higher beings monitoring her life on Earth). Through spiritual insight and prayer I learned from the omnipotence that I was better able to understand the things I needed to know here on the third level and could do more for mankind from here than on Earth.
I desired the change into a multi-dimensional world and was allowed a fast passing over to a world some memory of which was still alive in me. It is the same beautiful world you have heard about from others like me.
There are 35,000 to 40,000 children dying daily on Earth. My task became clear to me. Together with other scientists, physicians and theologians I am in charge of a group for the protection of all newborn life. We are particularly concerned about those who have to die as children.
As you know, the concept of guilt does not exist here. However, we do not understand your overall attitude towards these entities who voluntarily walk the path of incarnation and are part of the all-that-is.
In particular it is your consciousness that bears the responsibility for your children, not only by evolutionary law but also by the natural laws of the all-that-is.
Be aware therefore that the wars and violent events caused by you, and from which particularly your innocent children suffer, are not sparing you part of the so-called purgatory [ie dark detention]. Just the opposite. Every debt you shoulder by sacrificing your own flesh and blood to wars is adding to the misery, the suffering that awaits you.
The more you create your own hell on Earth by your criminal deeds and negligence, the less it will be diminished for you here later. Therefore consider carefully what you do and be aware that everything will be observed and weighed.
We know that those among you who are actively pursuing ITC in a positive manner, are not evil people. We want to encourage you to oppose crimes against the defenseless. You can do this by leading an honest life in accordance with spiritual cooperation.
Anne Guigné is greeting you, especially your children.
the afterlife will be more real, more physical, not less
Victor Zammit: “We sometimes hear people claim that they know, without a doubt, that in the afterlife you don't have a body. They feel sure that you don't eat or drink, and you float around as a kind of blissful disembodied awareness. [However] people will find themselves in a world that is very physical and similar to life here. This is [why] we sometimes hear that there are people who don't realise that they have died because everything is so solid and earth-like…
Editor's note: See the work of Dr. Wickland who spoke to wayward discarnates via the trance-meddiumship of his wife. These earthbound spirits, only with much debate, could be convinced that they were so-called dead.
“Out-of-body explorers are unanimous about the fact that the lower levels of the astral world are solid and earth-like. Jurgen Ziewe has been having out-of-body experiences for hours at a time in full waking consciousness for over forty-five years. He explains that we need to get used to the fact that our afterlife will be more real not less real, more physical not less physical.”
Editor’s note: It is more real because, when you find something you really like, you can stay with it, even unendingly, if that’s what you want; unlike our world wherein all good things live under constant threat of perdition and then pass away. See more discussion in the “holodeck” writing.
Here’s a preview of some ITC contacts that were especially mind-boggling or evidential or controversial. (There’ll be a lot more of these contacts in later articles in the series.)
The Seven
This is one of The Seven finer beings who facilitated and protected the ITC bridge between the spirits at Timestream and the INIT association that I helped the Harsch-Fischbachs launch in 1995. The couple received this picture through their TV in 1996.
By the time we founded INIT in 1995, my colleague Maggy Fischbach of Luxembourg and her husband Jules Harsch had been in contact with the Timestream Spirit Group for about a decade. The spirits were talking through Maggy’s radios, calling her on the phone, and delivering images through her TV and computer. It was a magical time, especially when a high-pitched, precise voice introduced itself through the radio as a superior “gatekeeper” for the communication bridge being developed between the couple and their spirit friends.
It soon became clear that the bridge would not be possible without the support and protection of The Seven finer beings who displayed unimaginable knowledge and power, as well as unbounded love and patience. The spirits at Timestream, most of them having lived lifetimes on Earth, sometimes called them “People of the Rainbow” because of the vivid colors and light they emanated when visiting Timestream at level 3.
The Seven themselves apparently have a “home frequency” around levels 4 and 5, that spiritual frontier where subtle form melts away into formless, brilliant consciousness (as the pictures above suggest).
Jules Verne Palace
One particular picture of a spirit-world palace was probably the most controversial of the ITC contacts Maggy Fischbach received, as we’ll see in a moment. But first some backstory….
The late French sci-fi author Jules Verne sent Maggy three contacts in the spring of 1994, when she attended an afterlife conference in Paris to share her research.
The first was a long letter delivered by FAX (excerpt below), which she could share at the conference.
The second was a portrait of Jules Verne standing in front of a pegasus, with an inscription, “What I see here far exceeds any fiction that I could produce!”
The third was a picture of an elaborate spirit-world palace where Jules Verne says he awakened after he died in 1905. (This is the controversial picture that we’ll examine in a moment, but first…)
Jules Verne’s letter and pegasus picture. Before the Paris conference Maggy had received a letter from Jules Verne, through her FAX machine, in which he described waking up in paradise after suffering a most painful death. Here’s an excerpt:
… I suddenly realized with amazement that I no longer had pain—anywhere—and that my blindness had completely disappeared, which allowed me to observe, among other things, that I was in a sumptuous palace bringing to mind the splendid residences of the rajahs, with walls constructed not in sandstone but in resplendent white marble. The opulence of many mirrors reflected the blaze of the solid silver furniture. The mural paintings showed courtiers and girls who were dancing, and I noticed a pleasant freshness emanating from a number of little fountains surrounding luxuriant green plants. My hearing, now completely restored, finally permitted me once more to savor the melodious warble of the countless birds.
This picture of Jules Verne and a pegasus at level 3 accompanied the letter. Timestream delivered both the letter and this picture through Maggy’s FAX machine.
I then heard music so soft and sweet that I cried with joy. Slender, fine and exquisite creatures, reminding me of my Honorine when she still possessed all the beauty and freshness of her youth, and who, molded in their orange and blue silk garments which contrasted with their tanned skin, invited me to sit upon the soft pillows and inquired as to my desires and wishes.
They spoke to me in a language that up until then I had never heard but, strangely, I understood immediately—and I was even able to answer them in the same idiom. (It was only later that I was informed that it was the “Language of the River” that each one acquires as soon as one arrives here.)
For a long time I thought I was dreaming, and it was only after weeks and months—which somehow seemed to me to pass like the flight of swallows—that I finally understood that I was deceased….
Editor’s note: I communicated with Mark stating that this landing-place world in which Verne found himself did not seem to be Summerland, as such, but some “lower” level. Mark agreed.
Jules Verne’s palace picture. After getting that magnificent letter and pegasus picture before the conference, Maggy probably wasn’t too surprised when she got home and found another picture from Jules Verne in her computer. The surprise came years later, when we learned that this picture of a spirit world palace was almost identical to a 1928 photograph of a temple in India.
Maggy Fischbach received this picture (left) in her computer shortly after speaking at an afterlife conference in Paris in the spring of 1994. The picture shows a palace in the astral worlds where Jules Verne says he awakened after his death in 1905. The other picture (right) is a very similar photo of the new Badri temple in Calcutta, taken in 1928 (photo from Alamy). I added the red arrows to point to distortions in the spirit picture.
The two pictures are so similar (nearly identical!) that it’s natural to assume it’s a hoax. I considered that possibility when the 1928 photo was found.
But since then, weighing all the evidence over the years, I’m confident that it’s a genuine spirit picture… not a hoax. Here’s my reasoning:
I observed Maggy conducting herself always with honesty and sincerity moreso than most people I’ve ever encountered. That sort of deep, inherent honesty apparently resonates well with our win-win, live-and-let-live friends at level 3. And resonance with finer spirit, more than anything else, is what can sustain an ITC bridge like INIT’s. In fact, it’s the mark of any gifted medium who channels finer truths into our world.
In one of her many telephone chats with our spirit friends, they tried to explain to Maggy the challenges they faced while sending pictures to Earth. In a nutshell: The “physics” of their world is different from ours. Anyone who’s ever stubbed a toe knows that material things in our world are hard and unforgiving. In their world, human bodies and other structures (trees, houses…) are rarified copies of the dense structures on Earth. They’re like living energy holograms that to us might seem unstable… fluctuating… subject to change. Even so, the capricious things in their spirit world seem as solid and real to our spirit friends as our rigid reality on Earth seems to us.
Trying to convey their reality to us in ways that seem normal to us (pictures of dense structures, voice messages and text in earthly languages, etc) is fraught with technical difficulties. Even though they have eyes, ears, and mouths like ours, information is passed among them telepathically for the most part… in what they’ve sometimes called “the Language of the River.”
Most important, everything in their world is formed by consciousness. When they send information to us, it’s first “stabilized” by the consciousness of finer beings like The Seven. Then, as the information comes into our world, it’s affected by our consciousness. The pictures and messages we receive are shaped to some degree by humanity’s expectations, perceptions, memories, and so on. A spirit picture of Abe Lincoln or Olof Palme, for example, once received on Earth, might look as they appear on popular currency. A picture of an elaborate temple at level 3 might come through resembling the famous Badri temple in Calcutta.
It’s my understanding that everything in our material universe—whether a person, a planet, a galaxy, a molecule, or an elaborate temple—has subtle (“spiritual”) copies of itself in subtle realms. For every fine material thing in our world (anything that thrives in win-win, live-and-let-live conditions), there’s presumably a subtle facsimile in the spirit world at level 3.
Hopefully we’ll get a more complete understanding of these spirit-world realities and ITC challenges in later articles in this series, but for now a closer look at one of those distortions in the palace picture might give us a clue.
The first thing you might notice is that the “distortion” seems to be multiple exposures—as if someone carelessly passed a handheld scanner across this part of the picture—and if you look closely there’s a man dressed in a suit included in the exposures. Was the spirit group trying to show someone (maybe Jules Verne himself) sitting in a tree admiring the temple? (A playful thought.) Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t think our spirit friends at Timestream ever explained those distortions in that particular picture. But I have no doubt that they sent the picture to us as an ITC contact, despite the “technical difficulties” they evidently experienced in the process.
Phone Chats with the Late Konstantin Raudive
In the 1990s I received a series of phone calls from the late Konstantin Raudive, a Latvian psychologist and avid researcher of EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). During his lifetime he’d recorded more than 70,000 short, often clear spirit voices on audiotape. After his death in 1974, he said it was his calling to continue the work from the other side—to make contact with researchers still living on Earth.
Over the years, since his death, Konstantin has made contact with (I suspect) hundreds of EVP researchers around the world, and in the 1990s he joined the Timestream spirits who were making more miraculous contacts with members of our INIT group (chats through phones and radios, pictures through TVs and computers, that sort of thing).
When he first called me on the phone in 1994, I was floored… feeling like I’d suddenly been transported to paradise. The next day I installed recording devices on all three of our landline telephones, so if he called again I’d be able to capture it for posterity. Well, he called several more times in the coming years, sometimes just leaving a message on our answering machine, but sometimes we were able to chat.
In one particular phone chat (below) he gave me technical instructions for the communication lab I’d set up in our basement, which was built around three broadband radios from Radio Shack. Konstantin referred calmly to technical things about my radios that only I and a few trusted colleagues knew about. He even mentioned technical stuff that even we didn’t know about.
Hm, it was actually two consecutive phone calls that morning. In the first call Konstantin said something like, “You need to pur-CHAZE…LF converter.” The message was short and muddled, and I had no idea what he was talking about… probably because I was a bit depressed and lethargic that morning. Well, that call perked me right up, so when the phone rang again a few minutes later I was pumped and ready:
In all of my conversations with him, Konstantin came across as a fascinating fellow—bright, kind, respectful, and very precise with his messages.
The main thing I learned from my experiences with Konstantin was that all spirits aren’t like him. Most of the spirits at level 3 are refined and supportive like that, but there are a lot of troubled spirits stuck in Earth’s shadow who are just the opposite—dull, cruel, impolite, and confused. Konstantin didn’t explain that to me. He didn’t have to. It’s just a fact that I’ve learned from experience, and from the experiences of countless other afterlife researchers.
In a nutshell, it’s important to focus on finer spirit. Spiritual refinement is important in any afterlife research. Indeed, it’s important for anyone living on Earth.
That gets us to the real meaning of ITC. A genuine ITC bridge involves people on Earth who can resonate mentally and emotionally with each other and with our finer spirit friends at level 3. It’s a win-win relationship of trust, friendship, and mutual respect.
That’s what this series is about… so stay tuned. ??
Note: I’ve devoted the last half of my life largely to ITC and what it’s taught me about the cosmos. Through the 1990s I did a lot of…
I’ve learned a lot, thanks mostly to many enlightened spirit friends who were delivering amazing information to my colleagues and me through our phones, radios, TVs, and computers in the 1990s. I think I was actually recruited (by our spirit friends) into the work because they knew I’d be committed to the project, with whatever talents and energies I had, till the day I die. And after that, who knows?… (And please don’t say, “The shadow knows.” ?? )
Anyway, in my later years I’ve mostly been staying home to write it all down on this website. Now (2023) I’m organizing it better while fostering a closer connection to the source by meditating a lot and trying to polish up my rough edges. The work goes on… — mhm