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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

Reincarnation is "against public policy"



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Editor’s note: The concept of “against public policy” was presented in “The Wedding Song.” Therein, the focus, as the Spirit Guides have used the phrase, was “sins” and “crimes” against “holy romance.”

Some of the material there will serve as background to our present topic, and so allow me to reprint the earlier discussion:


Twin Soul lovers and "public policy"

Editor’s note: What is this talk of “crime”? Are there police officers in the sky who regulate such matters? And why this concern about violation, or affront, or infidelity? We thought a wedding day was supposed to settle all that red-tape, and now you tell me about legal complications? And hasn’t it often been said that, in Summerland, the regulations are so slight and subtle that one is hardly aware of any governance at all? Aren’t we totally free in Summerland? Between consenting adults, can’t we do what we want, as long as no one is harmed? But now we’re given the “third degree” with this heavy talk about crime and violation and infidelity.

Words like "crime" could make us feel nervous; usually, punishment is in view. But there is no punishment in the afterlife, only education. This acknowledged, some of this education, if one is recalcitrant, could be unpleasant; but only if we insist on "cutting class" and refusing to "hand in our homework." When the Spirit Guides talk about "crimes against holy romance," they mean to say, "It's too bad, you could have had joy, but now your happiness will be delayed, and it won't be good times for you."

A long time ago in law school, a certain phrase could be heard in lectures: “against public policy.” In the article “Constructive Assent” we’re reminded of an elemental feature of contract law, that of, a “meeting of the minds.” This is what makes a contract, not a signing of papers, as such; the signed papers merely constitute evidence that, subsuming it all, there exists a meeting of the minds. But what about certain agreed upon activities that harm society; for example, drug dealing, prostitution, or sex-slave trade? Transactions in these areas might be underwritten by consent, by a meeting of the minds, but any contracts issuing here have no standing in court, are not enforceable. Why? – because these are illegal contracts. And why are they illegal, despite a “meeting of the minds”? They’re illegal because these contracts are “against public policy,” against the greater societal good. And it doesn’t matter what people agree to here, it’s all deemed to be criminal activity.

Why did Mother-Father God create Twin Souls? In the Word Gems writings we find several answers. But one of these supports “public policy,” the greater societal good. In an afterlife testimony featured on this page (above), Robert James Lees states that Twin couples will eventually form "groups" of Twins, a kind of societal latticework of Twins, creating a basis of community in the next worlds. Many say something similar here in our world with families as the “nucleus” of civilization. This means that Twin couples become integral part of a divine plan, eventually, to unite all of creation in a spirit of harmony and oneness.

Terms such as “crime” and “sin” and “infidelity” and the like imply a hidden standard, one that’s been violated. But where shall we learn of these rules and laws meant to direct one’s conduct? We’ve already established that in Summerland there are no policemen, no law courts, no official constitution or flag to pledge allegiance to. That what? How are we to know? And how can we be held accountable for “crimes” and violations of which we’ve been given no notice? If we’ve entered into contracts, even in this world, concerning which we offered a “meeting of the minds,” how were we to know that God and the Guides frowned upon certain agreements?

It called natural law. And even the Romans knew of this. Natural law runs everything – at least, in the “good neighborhoods” – in Summerland. This is the domain spoken of by the apostle Paul, his “law written upon your hearts,” the “life in the Spirit.”

Natural law, the “law written upon the heart,” is no push-over. It is far more strict and unyielding than any written law of our world; as we use the phrase, it’s being “hard wired” to do, or not do, something. With natural law, we pay every penny's worth of infraction, with no mercy. If we’re on the right side of natural law, an easy sense of peace and joy suffuses one’s spirit; but, if we step over the line into egocentrism, and do it long enough, a certain cloud of insanity will enshroud one’s sensibilities; ask anyone on the lower levels of the “rat cellar” or even among the “insane 500.”

On this page, you have seen many testimonies from the other side concerning Twin love. And when the Spirit Guides speak of “crimes” or “sins” or “infidelities” relative to holy romance, it does no good to decry, “the clergyman at church said it was ok, and we signed the papers to seal our agreement.” But, as we’ve seen, illegal contracts, "against public policy,” are not only unenforceable, but are void on their face. This means that, even if two willing parties agree to something "against public policy,” they’re still doing something illegal. But, we already hear the further clamoring din of protest: “But everyone in this world is doing it!” And the answer is, “And everyone who does is suffering.” Natural law is unconcerned about geography and operates unfailingly within the human spirit, no matter its current zip code.

Each of us was created to be with one particular person; that one person with whom we share a soul bond. Only in this "union of spirits," this higher-level "meeting of the minds," can authentic marriage exist. Yes, we know, we were too young and stupid to know any better at age 23 – but that didn’t mean we wouldn’t suffer. And we’ll continue to suffer, as the Spirit Guides say, for our “crimes” and “sins” – against divine “public policy,” against the law written upon our spirits -- until we rearrange our lives to reflect natural law, and not the base cravings of the “little me” ego.



Reincarnation is against “divine public policy,” against the law written upon our spirits – this means, like “crimes against holy romance,” that it does not conform to the will of God, to God’s long-term plans of happiness for us.

How does it work? On the main-page, you’ll find 50+ articles explaining why “R” is a bankrupt idea. It cannot offer the spiritual maturity its promoters claim for it. Mere experience, without something more, can never evolve the soul.

What is the “divine public policy” in this case? Each individual has a non-negotiable mandate to explore the inner self, to discover the “true self,” and to neuter the effects of the “false.”

There’s no way around this. We're informed by Spirit Guides that this is the number one priority on God's list for us to accomplish while on planet Earth. And experience, per se, notwithstanding the claims of “R,” cannot do the job. Reincarnation is against “divine public policy” because, if it were a choice, millions and billions would choose to jump into the existential hopper for one more life, rather than facing the music of what they’ve made of themselves; millions and billions would much rather take a spin-of-the-dial chance on another incarnation – thus side-stepping the hard work of sacred introspection in the “small quiet room” – rather than remaining in the Dark Realms' rat-cellar.

This evasiveness would be like somebody in prison, facing severe penalty, but circumventing justice by innumerable and incessant appeals to higher courts. But there’s a limit to avoiding the great mandate.

Avoidance would be against “divine public policy,” because an extra 100,000 lives would forever postpone the mandate to begin the hard work of “the long dark night of the soul” – which puts us on a path to repentance and a new life. Grasping for a "legal loophole" here as salvation will not happen. It won't happen because it's outside the purview of "divine public policy."

To those who refuse the mandate to face oneself, there’s always the sewer-pit option, if that’s deemed to be better. Strangely, many do choose it - for decades and centuries.



Editor's last word: