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exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Reincarnation On Trial

the Great Brahma speaks out against reincarnation



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Dr. Carl Wickland, Gateway Of Understanding, writes:

In Illuminated Brahminism, a communication transmitted by the spirit Ranga Hilyod, the ancient Indian teacher called the Great Brahma, an explanation is given of the original Brahminical doctrines and "the perversion of a great truth into a malign superstition... which has become a source of the most pestilent spiritual mischief."

"There is one effect of the doctrine of reincarnation of the souls of the dead that is felt with direful power in the spiritual world of India. Myriads who have left the physical life hover over the mortals of that country seeking for opportunities to become re-embodied, in order that they may realize the promised relief from their imperfect development in the former earth life. They are earth-bound to a degree that infects the mental atmosphere of its people with almost hopeless despair, for however intense may be their desire, they are never able to obtain the fancied reincarnation."

"Could India emancipate herself from the tyranny of the idea of reincarnation, she would rise in the scale of spiritual enlightenment far higher than she rose in the age of the Vedas or when Capilya or Gautama led her hosts toward the heavenlyparadise. She must do this or she must remain the prey to vile superstitions, and her moral nature be degraded by the mental influx of myriad hosts who strive in vain to realize the truth of the dogma."

"I taught that one God alone was Supreme, and the true object of adoration and praise. I taught that from this Being proceeded all that had life and existence in the world of spirit or mortal being. I taught that to this Being all who passed from physical life would return, but I never taught that returning to the presence spiritual of the great Om would result in the annihilation of the individual or his inability to return to Earth as a spirit."

"I did teach that all spirits could return to Earth to manifest, and influence mortals, and I also taught that such a return would be determined by the mental bias of the individual."

"There were those who could not understand how a spirit could come to Earth without being re-embodied in physical life... To suppose that in the statements which I left on record as to the nature of the soul there is or ever was any basis for the present theory of transmigration, is to pervert a great truth until it has become a most grievous error. I taught that the pathway of the race was upward, not downward, and that the world of spirit held in itself the power to emancipate all souls from the thralldom of spiritual slavery."

"Whenever any great soul arises upon Earth, manifesting the attributes of wisdom and love, such a soul does not lose its power of expression upon Earth, for there will ever be correlative spirits born there through which the higher developed mind in spirit can give expression to its own existence... As individuals they can only return through the power of the spiritual transfer of thought, which enables them to register upon the mentality of mortals the wisdom that pertains to the world of developed mind."

"The law of spiritual unfoldment is this, that the better the conditions, the wiser and purer the life; and while it may be necessary for the spiritual entity to lay its foundation in planetary life, the sooner it can escape from bad conditions there the more likely it will be to have a beautiful development.


the better the conditions, the wiser and purer the life

Editor’s note: A radical idea, this, directly contradicting views of popularly-conceived reincarnation: "the better the conditions, the wiser and purer the life." Notice the implications. We did not come to this world to gain ultimate wisdom and fullness of life. We came here merely to open our spirits, "to lay the foundation," that we might gain enough awareness, conciousness, to start the real process of soul evolvement.

It seems that this world's program of duality, the light and the dark, the hot and cold, the joy and the pain, etc., is to be experienced here, in "planetary life"; however, this is mere introduction, an orientation, to the real classroom of the "wiser" and "purer life" yet to come. Traditional reincarnation says that we must suffer, in multiple lifetimes - the more, the better - suffer our way into great wisdom and exalted being; but, it's an upside down view concerning natural law.

“It may have to stay in the mortal environment for a season to perfect the form powers, but when that is once accomplished no necessity exists for further imprisonment upon earth, for all that earth can teach is what pertains to the physical senses rather than to the spiritual life, and to condemn a spirit to return to it after once having had its nature developed in that direction would be to degrade rather than exalt the soul, nor could anything be gained by it"...

"By the law of spiritual evolution, the spirit once having had its formative stages in earthly or planetary life has no more necessity for returning to that condition than the developed bird has to reenter the shell of the embryonic period.

"The law does not call for the return to the environment of earth after its escape from the atmosphere of earthly thoughts, nor does it ever need to express itself again in the realm of earthly embodiment. Its pathway to Nirvana is away from earth, and happy the soul who is freed from the idea of ever having to tread the path through mortal life again.”

The communication, "Illuminated Buddhism," purported to have been psychically received from the spirit, Siddartha Sakya Muni, [who] presents the following views of reincarnation:

"When the error went forth from what was considered competent authority, through the Brahmin priesthood, that metempsychosis was the destiny of the spirit, the mentality of India was so poisoned by it that for centuries there was no improvement or desire for relief except in annihilation"...

"The myriad victims (of this error) have been seeking the relief from consequences that result from the notations of the natural law of spirit unfoldment and have crowded back to the earth, seeking in vain to become reincarnated over and over again, hoping against hope for generations... By inductive transfer of thought (these spirits) have infected the mental World of the mortals of India with a hopeless despair... and the nation has sunk under the burden of this weight of ignorance."

"The only incarnation that will give relief is the embodiment of spiritual light upon a basis of scientific demonstration, and the only metempsychosis that will avail its people is the lifting of the soul from the belief or desire of any further experience in the world of physical life to the infinite unfoldment that awaits the spirit in the worlds immortal. It is there that the true metempsychosis is to be experienced."

"Developed spirits who have attained the states of freedom from desire and the disposition of benevolence do not wish to ever return to the atmosphere of earth, but on the part of those who are ignorant devotees of transmigration there is agreat tendency to cling to earth... The hope of reincarnation is entirely vain and serves no good purpose, but retards the spirit from going forward in the spheres of unfolding thought. When the spirit is freed from its earthly form it should be able to go onward in the spheres of eternal unfoldment."

We need to realize that this mundane existence is but a primary school for the unfoldment of consciousness and other innate mental faculties and that at "death" the spirit, freed from physical cares and hindrances, enters the next school where greater opportunities are available for progressive attainment and understanding of God's Plan.

If mankind will set aside prejudice and, in place of the dogmatic cults and isms which, aside from any moral precepts they may contain, are in so many instances only opiates to the soul, open-mindedly co-operate with the Intelligences from the next school of life, who are ever eager to convey the assurance that they are not "dead," it will revolutionize the world's conception of the Creator and the creation of which we are a part and afford an intelligent understanding of the meaning of life, the lack of which is keeping the world in doubt and despair.When this inter-communication is fully established, then, and then only, will humanity begin to discern the fundamental wrongs of the prevailing system of economics which hitherto not been fully comprehended.

It will reveal that the enlightenment of the soul, as it passes through this mundane sphere, is the primary objective and that experiences pertaining to the physical life are only a means to that end.



Editor's last word:

On this "Brahma" page we find exceedingly important principles, ones that offer much hope and comfort to us. I've already commented, in part, concerning these, but allow me to reiterate and offer bullet-points, both to further encourage and to underscore the gravity of revelation; also, it should be noted, that the following precepts are not private opinions, unknown to the main, but represent a consensus view from many afterlife reporters - in my opinion, the best and most sane on the other side:

  • the better the conditions, the wiser and purer the life … lay its foundation in planetary life … the more likely it will be to have a beautiful development

There is a general view, often taught in churches - and forming a basic tenet of reincarnation, too - that we come to this world in order to develop into more spiritual and loving persons. Such teaching causes many a great deal of consternation as we take inventory of our current diminished state of development; we shall not be mistaken for Mother Theresa anytime soon, and this lackluster report-card sends not a few into despair, prompting us to exclaim, "I need more time to grow spiritually" and "I'm not ready to enter heaven as God will not be pleased with my progress."

But we must take heart: it's all as it should be, and, frankly, no one in heaven thinks less of us in our struggles right now. Yes, there are the super-achievers, and we applaud them, but for the "99 sheep" in God's flock, all is unfolding as expected.

Look at the above quotation: "the better the conditions, the wiser and purer the life." We are informed that there is a certain class of beings in the astral realms who do not come to the Earth - some say that they are too timid to venture out of "paradise," that perfect world of Summerland.

Nevertheless, it is said, these tender hearts are most loving and very spiritually-minded beings - all of which begs the question, "Why didn't I just stay in that perfect world of sunshine, well-manicured houses, and nice people everywhere? Why did I come here to this hell-hole?"

We did not come here to enter a "spiritual beauty contest." We came here to wake up, to enter a higher level of consciousness, a "foundation," in order to fit ourselves for what comes next. And the more awareness we gain now, "the more likely it will be [for us] to have a beautiful development."

When we enter the perfect world of Summerland, if we are of a mind to want it, our spiritual evolvement will be rapid and dramatic. Nothing will hold us back then - there'll be no daily "jabbings and pokings" by vicious Small Egos. Let me put it this way: before we can become a spiritual person, we must first become a person. That's why we come here.

The process of individuation can be very messy "down here in the trenches," and we won't often feel like we're winning many merit badges. But those who are in charge of our development know that all is on track and proceeding as planned.

One last thought here: What about those "spiritual tender hearts" who didn't come to the Earth (at least, not yet). They are beautiful people - but naive and shallow, lacking depth and wisdom. Their opportunities for full-bodied service, an ability to relate to the greatest number of people, will be rather limited. For now, they've chosen the "kindergarten" route, as opposed to a rigorous "Ph.D." program.


  • the enlightenment of the soul, as it passes through this mundane sphere, is the primary objective and that experiences pertaining to the physical life are only a means to that end.


Dr. Wickland's clear synopsis concerning our purpose in coming to the Earth offers a beacon of understanding to the confused. Our "primary objective," while in the "mundane sphere," is to enter "enlightenment," that is, to wake up, to enter greater consciousness. Gaining various "experiences" is well and good and will always be a joy to us, but this is not why we came here. There will be time enough later to gain an entire universe of experience - all the adventure and exploration for the taking. But first things first. We must wake up.