Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
downloading the entire Word Gems web-site,
securing your own copy of all the writings

"We trespassed, field to field; you, glad of my arms each time a fence challenged us; I, always held you longer than it took to help you over." Walter Benton, This Is My Beloved |
I’ve often been asked to ensure that copies of Word Gems will exist, lest, in the future, the writings be lost. I have attempted to do this.
As I write these paragraphs, my health is still reasonably good. I’ve arranged for the site to remain online after my passing, but, given the state of the world, we don’t know if free-flow of information will continue.
To those who find the Word Gems writings helpful, my recommendation is this:
Download the entire website to secure your own copy.
There is free software available allowing you to do this. Do a web-search for “download an entire web-site” and you will find several options. They say it's fairly quick and easy, so most of us, or maybe with the help of a tech-savvy friend, will be able to do this.
Currently, I am still adding to the site. Almost every day I might make small corrections, or sometimes add a clarifying “inset box” to an existing article, and occasionally I’ll write a whole new article. All of which means, if you do arrange to download, it would be good to update your copy, let’s say, each week or so. Once you're set up for it, this might take less than a minute.
All the best to you. And, as a closing item, I’ll just say -- probably the most important point on the whole WG site -- learn how to “go within” and be instructed directly by Source. This is the real treasure-trove of insight and wisdom.
When we learn how to do this, there'll be no need for external guidance. Everything will eventually come to us. Each day and over time, by accumulating tiny flashes of perception, mysteries will unravel, runic information will unseal, and the universe will yet disgorge all of her secrets. We were meant to live this way.
As Emerson said, "Man is his own star" - his own source of light and truth.
eventually, you'll experience exquisite, unimaginable things, know things, see things, as if from nowhere, but no one will believe you
"Spiritual practice must be uninterrupted. We may be anxious because we see very little happening on a daily basis, but we must be patient until we can see what the accumulation of our effort yields. Self-cultivation means steady gradual progress…
"After long self-cultivation, one’s accumulated energy reaches a threshold and then bursts out, full, breathing, and vibrant… When one’s spiritual energy emerges, it feels like a swan rising from the water...

"If you spend a long period of time in study and self-cultivation, you will enter ... a world of extraordinary perceptions. You experience unimaginable things, receive thoughts and learning as if from nowhere, perceive things that could be classified as prescient. Yet if you try to communicate what you experience, there is no one to understand you, no one who will believe you.
"The more you walk this road, the farther you are from the ordinary ways of society... To speak to them of the wonders you have seen is often to engage in a futile bout of miscommunication. That is why it is said that those who know do not speak."
Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao READ MORE

The Dazzling Darkness is a concept representing a frame of mind untrammeled by the dysfunctional ego. Therein, freed from base-alloy lower-nature inclinations, one might apprehend not only the identity of one’s true mate but also a realization of the living presence of God in one’s life. READ MORE
