Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Human Potential
Editor's Essay
Above all, trust in the slow work of God. |
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"Above all, trust in the slow work of God. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be." Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
solid rock with holes caused by alluvial action over much time
Excerpts from Father Chardin’s works were featured in the “epigraph” of Omega Point. He glimpsed our stellar destiny, perceived that we are being drawn to awesome fulfillment of godly potential.
do not despise the day of small things
We have discussed this concept often. However, its importance cannot be overstated nor brought to our attention too many times.
In this short writing I have but one purpose, that of reminder, as the Bible admonishes, not to “despise the day of small things”; echoing Father Chardin: "Above all, trust in the slow work of God."
metaphors of quiet change, imperceptible growth
What is it like?
In earlier discussions we said it’s like the humble acorn becoming the towering oak;

or the fragile fetus – so often despised in today’s pathetically materialistic society – morphing into the commanding adult with godlike powers of mind.

Editor’s note: We are living in the days of dissolution, though we've never enjoyed it perfectly, of free and responsible society. But things are different now. The pendulum of history swings to and fro but currently languishes at low ebb. It’s become fashionable, de rigueur, to censor, to deny forum to, dissenting others, guilty of “misinformation” as defined by a Ministry Of Truth; to ignore the rule of law in favor of totalitarian agenda; to diminish, simply by decree, sanctioned personal freedoms; to righteously pose as benefactor of the people while, off-camera, fleecing and pillaging; to surveil and patrol, to monitor, tag-and-flag, the populace via technology; to exalt materialism as metaparadigm, to ridicule those of faith and belief in afterlife and higher power; and, most heinously, to assert that the unborn constitute so much organic refuse, to be flushed away at one’s whim and slightest inconvenience. Those who practice such atrocity, especially with high hand, hubris, and for temporal political advantage, will take their place in a “dark closet without walls” sharing accommodation with rats and slimy creatures. Fact not threat. See scores of afterlife reports confirming this unceremonious clashing with accountability.
when does the soul enter the body
Afterlife researcher Mark Macy, focusing on communications via electronic equipment, has received comments from spirit entities concerning abortion:
Mark's team asked scientists on the other side whether the soul of the being enters as soon as the cell has developed in the woman’s body. Swejen Salter replied:
Yes, at the moment the body disappears here and the conception has taken place on Earth, the soul has entered the cell.
Anne de Guigné (pronounced “geenyay”) was a remarkable French girl who died in 1922 at age 11. Today in the spirit-world she is head of “the Group to Protect Newborn Life.” She sent Mark Macy’s associates this letter, received on two different electronic devices, unconnected to the internet:

As a little girl in France I got very ill. I was an important source of information (for higher beings monitoring her life on Earth). Through spiritual insight and prayer I learned from the omnipotence that I was better able to understand the things I needed to know here on the third level and could do more for mankind from here than on Earth.
I desired the change into a multi-dimensional world and was allowed a fast passing over to a world some memory of which was still alive in me. It is the same beautiful world you have heard about from others like me.
There are 35,000 to 40,000 children dying daily on Earth. My task became clear to me. Together with other scientists, physicians and theologians I am in charge of a group for the protection of all newborn life. We are particularly concerned about those who have to die as children.
As you know, the concept of guilt does not exist here. However, we do not understand your overall attitude towards these entities who voluntarily walk the path of incarnation and are part of the all-that-is.
In particular it is your consciousness that bears the responsibility for your children, not only by evolutionary law but also by the natural laws of the all-that-is.
Be aware therefore that the wars and violent events caused by you, and from which particularly your innocent children suffer, are not sparing you part of the so-called purgatory [ie dark detention]. Just the opposite. Every debt you shoulder by sacrificing your own flesh and blood to wars is adding to the misery, the suffering that awaits you.
The more you create your own hell on Earth by your criminal deeds and negligence, the less it will be diminished for you here later. Therefore consider carefully what you do and be aware that everything will be observed and weighed.
We know that those among you who are actively pursuing ITC in a positive manner, are not evil people. We want to encourage you to oppose crimes against the defenseless. You can do this by leading an honest life in accordance with spiritual cooperation.
Anne Guigné is greeting you, especially your children.
this is not your grandmother's version of hell
Editor’s note: For millennia we’ve endured Big Religion’s empty puffing about the punishment of eternal hell-fire, a deceitful propaganda tool to manipulate the hapless masses’ fear of death. Is this talk of “dark closets” and “rat cellars” just more fear-based dicta? Such assessment would be a most serious misjudgment. This latter is different on many levels: (1) it’s based on the scientific evidence for the afterlife, not some fake-news by a power-grabbing church council; (2) traditional stories of hell contend that it’s a place of punishment, with no chance of release or rehabilitation, but the reality is that there’s hope for all, there is no punishment in the universe, only education; (3) sequestration is temporary, facilitating an opportunity to think about one’s life and to choose a better way; as such, anyone finding him or herself in “dark detention” can leave the same day, to enter a rehab program. This is not your grandmother’s version of hell. (4) All this acknowledged, the hard-core, the most perverted, those who grandly deceive others and are proud of it - those who smile and smile like your favorite uncle, but only on-camera - the criminal politicians, the rogue religionists, those who cavalierly kill babies and encourage others toward the same, will find it difficult to “change on a dime,” and might writhe in the “rat cellar” for centuries, until repentance is found within.
and what shall we become, what are we growing toward
We can’t say exactly. The magical field of human potential is too vast to chart.
I like this quotation from a senior Spirit Guide, instructing junior helpers who work as missionaries in the Dark Realms:
“To what ultimate height of development we shall reach, I know not—none can know since there can be no limit to our knowledge or our progress. But I believe that could we foresee the ultimate destiny of our own small planet, as we can, in part, judge of it from seeing the more advanced ones around us, we should learn to look upon even the longest earthly life [with its inherent suffering], and the longest saddest probation of these dark spheres, as but stepping stones on which man shall mount [so to speak] to the 'thrones of angels' at last." See the full quotation on the "index.guide" page.
Notice the Guide suggesting that we can know a little about what’s coming by witnessing the advancement of more progressed ones. And what abilities are displayed by our elder brothers and sisters?
See Franchezzo’s report of senior Guides exhibiting “super-hero”-like powers, a prowess far in advance of any Marvel or DC icon.

But, most notably:
Consider what Father Benson says about Guides a few billion years old, so evolved as to possess, seemingly, an awareness of every life-form in the universe.

Why does human potential, as per Father Benson, have ‘no discernible upper limit’?
Acorns become colossal oaks, but they don’t grow to the sky. And there are limits to growth for anything we could mention. Why is it different for us?
We are part of God. At the core of being, at the level of the soul, one’s essence, one’s consciousness, we merge seamlessly with God. There is no “us”, so to speak, as a stand-alone entity. We are extensions of the Consciousness of God
God is limitless, defying clear definition, transcending all boundaries – and so are we.
We possess a “spark” of God; or, we might call it a “seed” or an “embryo” of God’s own life and essence. There’s no charting this. There’s no coming to know it in a definitive way. There is no end to God’s expansive abilities, and, so it seems, it’s the same for Her kids.
And this is why the Guides say, we don’t know what our future will be. There is no terminal destination for what we might become.
Is this not a splendiferous and ultra-magnificent destiny, heritage, and calling? The title son or daughter of God is not a legal fiction, not a small thing.
how to encourage the germination of the seed, the ‘slow work of God’
A seed was made to grow, wants to grow. We don’t have to force it, and cannot do so. A seed will germinate and grow, all by itself, if the right conditions are made available. This is good advice to us.
What are the conditions for our growth toward godly potential?
Not by “trying very hard to be good” but, essentially, “getting out of the way” so that the “seed” might burgeon, as it naturally wants to do.
How do we “get out of the way”?
We do so by diminishing the “false self,” the dysfunctional ego.
silence your ego and your power will rise

Doctor Strange (2016)
The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) and
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
The Ancient One: “You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own… Silence your ego and your power will rise.”
For more on this, see "The Mystical Experience."

Editor’s note: Good comment by The Ancient One. I would just add, however, concerning “use its power as your own”, that, it is your own. At the depths of being, we are linked with God via Universal Consciousness. But even this is not exactly correct as there's a hint of separation here. There is no "subject and object," no "you and me," no clear line of demarcation between the deeper self and God. We merge as one piece. We are one with God, as Jesus said.
Silence your ego and the "seed" will germinate and grow; and God's "slow work" will progress.
There are many Word Gems articles speaking to this process: in addition to the human potential writings, see the "true self," authentic spirituality, zen, surrender and acceptance, Krishnamurti lectures, the error of reincarnation, "life.1-minute," and "the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side."
In my own life, the “seedling” is often stunted when I allow the ego to speak for me. I see this, however, only after the fact. When the ego’s voice rises to command one’s spirit, it can seem normal and its shrill tenor feels justified. As the British say, one is "in a state." In such case, one loses one’s spiritual sanity, casts oneself as victim, wants to fight, and seeks for anger as an ad hoc “ego repair mechanism.”
All this bristling creates a measure of misery for oneself, which, if one is generally practicing “attunement” for one’s life, will register consciously on one’s internal radar, signaling that something is not right. This is one’s invitation or portal to reclaim oneself. If it is chosen, then, during the ensuing moments of self-redemption, as sanity filters back to one’s mental frame, one begins to remember, as The Course In Miracles instructs, “all things are lessons God would have me learn.”
Having escaped the ego’s onslaught, one more time, one sees that things are in order after all. There may be a point of present suffering in play which prompted the lapse, but this too is accepted as part of the current “classroom.” It’s so easy to slip out of a sane mind-set, with the illusions and images of the ego taking over. However, in recovery, one feels oneself as stronger, having undergone, and overcome, another attack by the “false self.”
I take note in Franchezzo’s report, concerning the senior missionary Guides in the Dark Realms, that these “super-heroes” did not attain high level of development because they were “better” or “nice” or smiled a lot. The particular Guide under review, today, with awesome “super-powers” of mind, had known both “love and hate” in a passionate way during his mortal time on Earth. He wasn’t always a “Pollyanna” or a boy scout. No one is. But what we can do is to keep returning to the proper mental conditions which allow the “seedling” to grow and move forward. If we do this, the seedling will grow all by itself, even in spite of failings and foibles. Just "notice", don't fight, the internal disorder, keep an "open channel," as the mystics say.
Editor's last word:
A vision of our destiny is also captured in this report:
Caroline Larsen, channeled testimony from the other side: She had been there only for a short time and meets two advanced, radiant spirit-entities, Twin Souls, probably many thousands of years in the next world, now having achieved the appearance of gods:
rulers and controllers of the whole universe
“The mere sight of these majestic spirits, even from afar, was enough to convince the beholder that they were the rulers and controllers of the whole universe, of matter and of spirit. The overpowering dominance of their personalities subdued my spirit so that, staring and stupefied, I trembled and shrank at their presence.
"Two in particular, a man and a woman spirit, burned with the light of two flaming suns dimming all others near them with the intense lustre of their white radiance…
cowering, with involuntary tribute
"Dazzled, I cowered, raising my hand to my forehead in an involuntary tribute of humility and awe. It is impossible to say how far I was from them since space does not limit the astral body. But, near or far, I could clearly distinguish every expression of their countenances. They were dressed in magnificent robes of pure white.
"The dress of the female spirit was a long flowing robe rippling from her form in loose and graceful lines, as she floated in a perpendicular position, inclined with knees slightly bent.
"The dress of the male spirit was a close-fitting toga that reached to his feet. He moved in a similar posture, but his head was thrown further back. His eyes, following the direction of his outstretched hand, were focused upon some great distant star.
the embodiment of authority and wisdom
"As he expounded to his companion some great mysterious truth, he seemed the embodiment of authority and wisdom. But on his features played the soft light of spiritual love which tempered his austerity with its ethereal glow.
all powerful, fitted to command, instant obedience from any force
"To me he seemed all-powerful, fitted to command instant obedience from any forces, material or spirit. His companion, though possessed of much of his spiritual power and authority, displayed these same qualities but they were subdued by a feminine grace and loveliness which rendered her face sublime in its serene nobility.
as gods
"They appeared to be gods rather than perfect spirits, yet I was informed that they had once dwelt in human form, somewhere. Whether their union began then or later I did not know, but now they were bound for eternity by the ties of spiritual attraction and love. By spiritual development ["travelling on," as "the Wedding Song" uses the phrase] they had risen to the highest power, and, as my guide explained,
part of the Supreme Power, ruling both the material and spirit universe
"they were now a part of that Supreme Power that rules and guides both the material and spirit universe.
"The host of spirits gazed intently after them with respectful admiration and awe. It was a glorious moment for me when I beheld these marvelous beings, and knew the happiness of their close presence.
I stood motionless, staring and stupified
"For a time I stood motionless [frozen in awe] and gazed after the disappearing glory, which lessened as these two beings passed from sight, till my eyes beheld in the distance only the white light that enfolded them.”
Editor's note: She means "gob-smacked." These are the "rock stars" of the real-world.
a hierarchy of beings, with infinite grades of power, of knowledge, of wisdom, and, everywhere, the influence of higher beings upon lower
Sherwood Eddy, “You Will Survive After Death” (1950): speaking of "Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), the brilliant co-discoverer with Charles Darwin of the principle of evolution... At the conclusion of his long volume on The World of Life, Wallace found infinite variety as the law of the universe. Instead of evidence for a solitary, infinite and eternal Being as the one and only direct agent in every detail of the universe, Wallace believed he found not only God, but a whole hierarchy of beings with infinite grades of power, of knowledge, of wisdom, and everywhere the influence of higher beings upon lower. He found 'the universe requires the continuous co-ordinated agency of myriads of intelligences' and that 'man is destined to a permanent, progressive existence in a world of spirit'." Editor's note: Wallace was correct in his discernment that the universe is managed and directed by "a whole hierarchy of beings with infinite grades of power, of knowledge, of wisdom, and everywhere the influence of higher beings upon lower." The image of Superboy, member of the Legion of Super Heroes, in principle, is not so far-fetched after all.
