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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Materialists charge
“There is no evidence”
for consciousness-based reality.
What they really mean is,
“There is no evidence
that we will accept
as it would undermine
our materialistic paradigm.”



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In the main, I can no longer read much of the daily news; headlines are enough for me, and even that I take sparingly. I find it all far too poisonous, too laced with lies and propaganda. In my youth, we used to make jokes about the Soviet Pravda, but our own news agencies make what they were look like a saintly Sunday choir.

"there is no evidence"

Recently, against my better judgment, I began to peruse a political news item, and, sure enough, it quickly engaged in character assassination against one who stands up for personal liberties. Further, concerning malfeasance of the political party which it represents, it brashly claimed that “there is no evidence” that they had committed any wrong-doing – when the evidence reaches to high heaven, plain for all to see.

"there is no evidence" means "there is no evidence we will admit to"

And I remarked to myself, the bold-faced lie of “there is no evidence” is standard fare these days in all arenas of power-grabbing. It’s a version of the “losing attorney pounding the table,” attempting to create a distraction, a lunge toward Orwellian “reality control,” as it has nothing credible to say on the merits of the case.

We’ve touched on this issue before, many times. For example, we witnessed this standard-answer of “there is no evidence” in Dr. Meyer’s article, such that, leading spokespersons of Darwinism smile and lie with “there is no evidence” against our position, when entire conferences are held, with scientists from around the world attending, to blast the Darwinian paper tiger.

While we’ve looked at this issue before, it needs to be highlighted as it’s so prevalent today. We need to keep in mind that “there is no evidence” is a stock answer now, signifying a ready response, but without substance. It is, in fact, a backwards admission that "there's plenty of evidence - and we're running out of ways to counteract it."

willing to say anything

Those residing on such low, basement levels of consciousness, are willing to say anything in order to win an argument; that is, appear to win an argument. Right now, with mass media on their side, all preaching the same lies, an incessant drumbeat of lies, they may seem to be on the laurel-wreath side of things; but only for a while.

These charlatans, these pretenders to knowledge, operate in the dark. They depend on low-information true-believers. They hope that their supporters, ginned up with hatred for enemies, will either be too distracted or too deluded to see what they're really doing or what they are.

But, as Shakespeare said in The Merchant Of Venice, “truth will out.” The hoodwinking occurring on a massive scale today is headed for an equally massive come-uppance and unveiling. History teaches that all deceptions come with a limited shelf-life.



Editor's last word: