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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

Tuning Fork Resonance
and Twin Soul Love



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one’s deepest person secrets an individualized and unique musical signature, a song of the soul

'music fills my soul now'

Tuning fork resonance provides one of the very best metaphors of why a particular woman and man, excluding all others, might share a most intimate entwinement of being.

As Petula Clark sang, “music fills my soul now, I’m not half I’m whole now.”



The science of tuning forks could be viewed as a subset of what’s called resonance or, in a larger sense, the physics of sound.

Steve Mould, a British guy, offers a good introductory review of resonance.



He presents a device employing flames keyed to sound waves, moving and undulating.



Why is this important to our study of Twin Souls?

One’s essential essence – soul energies, if you will – seem to be vibrating waves of consciousness. We discussed this at length in a sister article on “rogue waves” which grow and build within one’s hidden life and being.

Afterlife physics suggests that all creation – here and over there – at basis is vibrating energy. Further, this vibratory energy issues as a kind of music. Father Benson, offering many examples from Summerland, tells us that all of life over there, even the flowers and even the air, projects subtle expressions of music, to be accessed by those who care to listen.

For millennia, poetry, song, and literature have insisted that ecstatic lovers experience music deep within.


'music fills my soul now, I'm not half I'm whole now'

Petula Clark, Happy Heart

There’s a certain sound, always follows me around, when you’re close to me, you will hear it, it’s the sound that lovers finally will discover, when there is no other for their love, it’s my happy heart you hear, singing loud and singing clear... feeling more and more, like I’ve never felt before, you have changed my life so completely, music fills my soul now, I’m not half I’m whole now



a Twin Soul couple is like a tuning fork

The two tines or pillars of the tuning fork represent the two lovers. Each pillar of the fork is vibrating and sends out a wave of energy, a musical energy. It’s received by the other pillar, by the other mate, and then sent back.

Editor's note: We're reminded of the line in "The Wedding Song," "woman draws her life from man and gives it back again."

The energies of the two pillars merge. This is resonance (literally, “to sound again”).

They sing the same song, and to the same music.

Each pillar of the fork is calibrated to emit sound or energy of the same vibrating frequency. When these energies of the two pillars meet, they do so “constructively”; that is, they merge and become one, something more – now, a single wave, a single note, of harmonized musical energy.


K. I think all this is a meaningful metaphor of what’s happening “under the hood” for Twins.

E. Let’s explore what this could mean for the authentic couple.

K. We say “authentic.” Are John and Mary left out of this?

E. I would say that they experience certain echoes or faint similarities, but there is no substantial merging of musical energies at the soul level for them. And that’s their core problem.

K. We need to make this clear because many couples will want to fight us on this statement.

E. I understand, and there’s a lot to say here, but we’ll try to pare this down to our best examples. And here’s one: Imagine a room full of tuning forks. Let's say, a thousand different tuning forks.



K. They’re different, which means that each fork will send out a different sound, each will be vibrating at a different frequency. Each one is producing different music.

E. We’ll build on this image. Above, it was said that two lovers are represented by the two pillars of one tuning fork. But let’s change the image. Now, we’ll imagine that each person is a separate tuning fork.

K. Ok, I’m a tuning fork all by myself, and let’s say I’m looking for my true mate.

E. And you enter this room with a thousand tuning forks, and you believe that, among this vast number, your one-and-only is in there somewhere. But how will you find him?

K. This would be difficult because each of the thousand looks pretty much the same. I mean, they all look pretty sturdy, well made, shiny and upright, not a lot of difference. So, how am I supposed to find my true mate when there are so many “perfect” tuning forks to choose from?

E. And this is the problem facing John and Mary. We’ve called it the “many pretty fish in the sea” conundrum. There are many pretty faces, they might even be nice personalities. So, how would you make a decision?

K. Mary is suddenly getting nervous.

E. There’s an old pop song from the 1940s, “you can’t marry ten pretty girls.” And the song lists some of the nice features of the girls, and they’re all attractive, but, at the end of the day, you just have to choose one, and take your chances.

K. This sounds perilous and hasn’t worked out so famously over the years for John and Mary.

E. Actually, in the song, the one he chooses is "the sassy little red head." Sounds like she wasn't always so nice to him.

K. Why do I get the feeling this is familiar?

E. And now we have this room full of “attractive” tuning forks, and we don’t know how to decide.

K. However, let’s recall that we’re all tuning forks here, so why don’t we just send out our own musical frequency and see who wakes up and resonates with the melody?

only one to resonate with your soul's music

E. And, of course, that’s the right way of doing it. There is one, only one, other tuning fork in the whole universe who will come alive and resonate with the musical energy of your own unique and individualized soul.

K. People don’t believe this, though.

E. They don’t believe it because they’ve not yet met their own deeper person, or “true self.” And so what we’ve said here makes no sense to them. They hear no music. They don’t believe it exists.

K. Well, let’s ignore the skeptics for the moment and talk about how this works.

E. The room filled with 1000 tuning forks is the universe of all potential mates. But, somewhere out there is one fork who is specifically calibrated to match your soul’s particular vibrational frequency.

K. At the soul level, only he will wake up – if it’s his time to wake up -- when you cross his “radar.”

how is it possible for a perfect girl, one I greatly admire, to make me feel empty on the deep inside

E. Now, let’s go a little deeper here. Let’s say there’s this guy looking for his true one. He finds a girl who is just about the most perfect girl he’s ever met. I mean she rocks in every category: she’s not only physically attractive, but she's mature, gracious, talented, spiritually minded, smart, industrious – I mean, you name it, this girl supplies it. However, there’s one thing missing, and he absolutely notices the deficit. There’s no “music in his soul” when he’s with her. This really bothers him, because she’s a genuinely wonderful person, and he doesn’t want to lose her; and she wants him, too. But, try as he might to stir up the right chemistry, it’s just not happening. He's mystified that this perfect girl, at his deepest level of being, should beset him with a sense of “emptiness” and “distance.”

K. This feeling of “emptiness” means “there’s no music in my soul” when I’m with you.

E. These two tuning forks have no mutual resonance. There’s no music bouncing back and forth between them. And this really agrivates him, because he'd really love to choose her. She's the best he's discovered, but he doesn't yet realize that the real thing is much more.


an intensity of life, a scintillation, a bursting realization of I'm alive

The “music of the soul” is not like playing a song on an electronic device. It’s not a melody you can hum to. It’s more like an intensity of life, or a scintillation, almost like sparkles in the head. An outside observer might say, this sounds like infatuation or intoxication. But it’s not like that. The energy here is not even traditional boy-meets-girl dynamic, it’s not sexual in the ordinary sense. It’s of a higher order. It’s like coming into the presence of life itself.

Meeting a “perfect” girl with whom there is no soul connection might engender perceptions of faint inner warmth, albeit with the “emptiness,” however, the real thing is well beyond the pleasant warm inner glow. The real thing, the real music of the soul, is like an effervescence, a radioactivity, an apotheosis, like a bursting new awareness of “I’m alive! I didn’t know how dead I was, but now I’m alive!”

This intensity of life, this phoenix rising, leads to a profound sense of inner harmony and having arrived, dulcet tones of wholeness and integration, a "coming home" and whispering consonance with the divine, an utter familiarity and complete rest to the deeper self – and all these things will convince you that you can hear joyful music in the soul, the absolute most beautiful music you've ever heard, no exaggeration, and her voice itself will also suddenly sound like this over-the-top music.

(I have experienced all these other-worldly phenomena, no words can describe, and even I doubt myself, yet I know what happened. This report sounds fantastical, I'm well aware, but one moment I was talking to an ordinary girl, a girl I didn't even like, and the next moment there's this mystical transformation, and now I'm pummeled with these incredible perceptions, a preview of what she will one day be for me. It happened just this way.)

If there's someone who makes you feel all this, even against your egoic will, then, congratulations - you've just met your eternal Twin Soul. 

One's soul, the true self, does not ask permission concerning who it falls in love with - it falls in love with her soul, not her surface persona, and it will choose someone like itself, an opposite-sameness version of itself - that's why she's called Twin Soul and not Twin Personality. In this process of coming together, which can take some time until wrinkles are smoothed out, the soul imperiously brandishes final veto power, doesn't care what we think at the level of personality - and it will yet have its way.



how is it possible for an immature girl, one I'm not sure I even like, to make me feel whole and complete on the deep inside

E. Now, let’s change the thought-experiment. Same guy, still looking for his true eternal mate. But now he comes across a girl who is not mature, does not offer the weightier qualities he knows he absolutely needs for his life.

K. He's just encountered "the sassy little red head."

E. And a bit more, I think. She’s pretty enough, and that's fine, but the question here will not be answered with outer beauty.

K. Outer beauty is actually a non-issue. Everyone in Summerland is gorgeous. I always remember the testimony of Carolyn Larson who discovered herself in receipt of her 17 year-old body. That would be wonderful enough, but, she said, “I was infinitely more beautiful” than during mortal youth. “Infinitely more beautiful”!

E. She might stop traffic, and birds fall from trees.

K. And so, no one need worry about the true mate being attractive enough – instead, we might even want to tone this down as the beauty might be too dazzling for daily purposes.


there is a beauty not of visual stimulation

In the “What We Stay Alive For” essay (see here and the homepage), we reviewed Plotinus' assertion that beauty, more than outward form, is the soul's recognition of primordial origins, cosmic purpose, and eternal destiny.

This means that there is a perception of beauty not of visual stimulation but communion with a higher order. In the true love and marriage, these two overlap and deliciously reinforce each other. But the leadership position goes to the latter. The world, and especially the Summerland world, is filled with beautiful faces, but there is but one face, for each of us, to reveal an Omega Point future.

beauty as portal to cosmic meaning

When we look into her eyes we see more than physical beauty. In her eyes, the “heavens roll back” to unfold the meaning and purpose of life. Her eyes - of that particular one - reveal a beauty far transcending what we normally refer to as beauty. It is the beauty, an existential beauty, of all that God meant for us to have and to be

She becomes enchanted portal to magical perceptions of that higher order, a mesmerizing glimpse of "what we stay alive for" and why we were created.



E. But, to continue with my example: The problem is, she’s so immature, and often unkind, and even worse than that at times. However, the only reason he stays around long enough to look twice is that there’s something really different about her, and he can’t shake it. He wants to shake it, he’d really like to be rid of her, and pretend he never met her, and he tries this, a few times, but he can’t forget her. What is his problem? When she’s near, or even if he thinks about her too long, his entire being is suffused with the musical energies of her soul. On one level, this makes him feel whole and complete, but, for another part of him, it actually makes him angry. He doesn’t want to be held captive to some ethereal energy when she’s not a gracious and good person. But the “music of the soul” issuing from her is so overwhelming that, no matter how hard he tries to break free, he cannot extricate himself.

K. Elizabeth Browning said that this is being loved "not for a reason" - there is no attribute on her resume to account for his outsized reaction. With the true love and marriage, he can't explain to himself why he wants her. It's not really her pretty face. It's something else, undefined and mysterious. 

E. Whatever manifests at the surface of personality, good or bad, tells us nothing about the identity of the eternal mate. Things at the surface are fluid and can eventually change.

K. To please ourselves or a mate, we can even tweak how we look in Summerland.

E. But things of the deeper soul will never change.


second thoughts on the ‘perfect resume’

Editor’s note: In a great many WG articles, much discussion has been offered concerning the “perfect resume.” We’ve spoken at length, insisting that true relationship must be based upon complementing soul energies, rather than any pleasing quality at the surface of personality.

Fundamentally, this is correct. However, there is something to be said for the perfect resume, an array of stellar character attributes. Not enough attention has been paid to the fact that, while the underlying soul energies constitute a sine quo non to the process, the eternal marriage cannot be entered without the stellar attributes. Yes, as discussed elsewhere, no one needs to be perfect to get married, but unless two are well along into an accessing of a sturdy maturity, the marriage, and the two inhabiting it, will suffer greatly in this deficit.

Let’s think about this. Mirroring soul energies can produce an elevated sense of “extreme delight” and even “happiest moments of my life.” But, can the eternal marriage be based merely upon an intoxication? – even a soul-based one?

I think not. For, when they come down from that mountain of high spirits, as surely they must, then they will need to look around and see with whom they are to share all of life’s endeavors and activities. In other words, do they really like each other, to do everything together, 24/7? Now, at first glance, he might think, yes, I felt so good to be with her. But, carefully consider:

Do you like her mind? Do you like his thoughts? Do you trust his judgment? Do you want to build your life on what he thinks is the right way? Would you rely on and trust her advice and bet your life on it? Can you talk to her, and would she say anything worth hearing? Would you allow her reasoning to change your opinion? Or does she provide ornamental value only, just a pretty airhead, an empty party dress, temperamental, changing with the weather? Is he domineering, self-important, always touchy, insecure, and just a closet jerk? Would you want, of the other, to listen to daily discursive commentary, all of your life, and eternal life? Would you respect and look forward to his wisdom, or would he sound like pompous Foghorn Leghorn to you? Do you like his plans and direction for the family and future children? Do you like her views on how life works, how to honor God, how to enter the "harvest fields," or is she secretly hostile to things divine, thinks it all too churchy, too sanctimonious, and turns away, and tunes you out, when you try to speak about most important things? - this would not be good.

We need to have real answers to important questions, these and many others, before the big day of wedding bells -- and you’d better find this out before taking another long draught of that intoxicating brew. Feeling high, feeling drunk in each other’s presence, experiencing the most erotic moments of one's life just to be together – these beguilements are the easy part, no big deal -- just two tuning forks singing together, something natural for Twins. You get all this for nothing, included in the price of admission.

But know this: if two are immature, not yet of one mind, and, worse, do not know their own selves, then all that heady sensibility will be out the window pretty fast, and not so easy to recover if buried under the egoic rubble of recrimination.

The eternal marriage is playing for keeps. It's not for prima donnas and narcissists. It's not about sex, you can get that anywhere. The true marriage is primarily about becoming more like Mother-Father God, and you'll need to be with the right person for this benefit.

You get only one chance at this; meaning, only with one person. And if you’re not ready, even if you have the resonating energies, if you’re still vacuous and vapid teenagers, you’ll mess it up, make each other miserable, and then you’ll have to separate, and set yourselves back, who knows, a hundred years or more, until you trust each other enough, and forgive each other, to try this again. In the meantime, each party would do well to better approximate that "perfect resume." It's no sin, each to the other, to offer an array of stellar virtues.

If conflict arises, go for a walk, talk it out. Do not angrily shut each other out where you won't even look at each other. This cannot end well, and, as my mother used to say, mark my words, you will absolutely regret this retracting of the drawbridge: in this rage of on-the-rebound, you'll make decisions for your life, but get everything wrong, and further ruin yourself, and seal your fate of protracted misery. It's best not to scar each other during times of inflammation, it's really hard to forget and come back from what will feel like the worst betrayal -- and then a new misery of hardening alienation will ensue, paradoxically, with many years of secret longing for each other, yet sans willingness to entertain rapprochement -- poisoned and vengeful spirits, a nightmare world of love lost, exacerbated by haunting Shangri-la memory of two who once knew extreme delight and joyously sang together.


E. However - I think you know what I’m getting at here. In recent times I’ve done much soul-searching concerning us. And I've been very angry and have railed against you for things that have happened, and how you treated me. And I actually came to the conclusion that I’d had enough, was done, and was going to start a new mental life, and leave you far behind, and never see you again.

K. (softly) And what will you do now?

E. I don’t know how this will work out for us in Summerland. What I do know is that, in my whole life, you’re the only girl with a soul-music to match my own. You're the only one to make me feel whole and complete on the deep inside. I know I can’t be with anyone else, I’ve tried that – with others, and there’s always that “emptiness.” However, right now, I can’t be with you either. You’re too immature. You don’t see what I see, you don’t want what I want, and I don’t know if you ever will; or, if you do, I don’t know how long that will take - (exasperated) What would you advise for me?

K. I don’t know if I’m the best one to ask. Yes, I have been immature. I have let you down. I have hurt you. But there may have been reasons why I did what I did, that you didn't know about. In my defense, we have had many psychic messages, which are really from Spirit Guides, telling us that we are in fact Twins, and that we will be married. And I did send you that “Rickenbacker message,” from my higher self, explaining and apologizing and affirming my love for you. Also, you were told by that psychic that, once I get to the other side, I would catch up to you, fairly quickly, and be ready to be with you. And so, all I can say is, maybe you should just continue to do what you once promised... that you would wait for me... and, if you are still willing, maybe we could try to put this together when we're both over there.