Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Morphic fields serve as “hidden blueprint” to shape galaxies, the construction of atoms, schools of fish, intricacies of snowflakes – and these fields also fashion the sense of exquisite and unique intimacy and harmony known to Twin Souls. |
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We might wonder if the same laws of physics and chemistry governing the Earth are operative all over the universe.
The indication suggests an affirmative answer here.
Dr. Sheldrake offers a most insightful comment in this regard. He says that telescopes, with a deep-space purview of billions of light-years, reveal shapes of galaxies as similar to those in our own cosmic backyard.

Further, stars all over the universe present themselves as having similar developmental stages: from the star-forming nurseries of gaseous nebulae, all the way to red giants and super-nova luminaries. This suggests that the same chemistry, the same procedure of protons, neutrons, and electrons “snapping into place” in sequential manner, occurs all over the universe.
Obviously, this kind of predictable “snap-together lego construction” could not happen by accident. There’s some sort of “hidden blueprint” in play governing these self-assemblies which, in broad brush-stroke, lead to similar outcomes – everywhere in the cosmos.
Dr. Sheldrake has offered much evidence that hidden energy fields, which he calls “quantum morphic fields,” shape and fashion pretty much everything in the universe: from the shapes of galaxies, to that of snowflakes, and sub-atomic arrangements.

Morphic fields also direct animal behavior, are behind the intricate formations of schools of fish, colonies of termites, and flocks of birds. We could go on, as the examples run to ubiquity.
Editor's note: You'll want to read several articles on the "Evolution" page concerning the evidence for Dr. Sheldrake's morphic fields.
And morphic fields also superintend the exquisite feelings of oneness and harmony known to Twin Souls.

Elenchus. This issue of morphic fields and Twins has come to mind recently. It’s a key component to understanding true love.
Kairissi. Explain to everyone how it’s different from John-and-Mary love.
E. John-and-Mary love is but a subset of animal instinctual response. It serves the purposes of Mother Nature as she perpetuates various species.
K. This area became a domain of study for ethologist Nobel-Prize winner Niko Tinbergen. He coined the term “supernormal stimulus” concerning a triggering of libido.
E. It’s how Mother Nature does business here on “Animal Planet.”
K. These “super stimuli” take the form of excitable colors…
E. That would be “red.”

Fiona Johnson, "The Girl In The Red Dress," The Matrix (1999)
K. Yes, oftentimes; but also, not infrequently, the flashing or displaying of strategic female body parts.
E. It’s always good for a conversation-starter.
K. Especially, late Saturday night.
E. But, the point is, there’s nothing special about it. It’s just bull-in-the-pasture stuff. John sees pretty Mary and wants to have her. The price is often marriage.

K. “Paid too much,” as the author’s father would say.
E. A real budget-buster. But, John gets all hot-and-bothered and ends up paying the price.
K. “Buyer’s reverse” on the horizon. That's the problem with Mother-Nature love - as with everything else in the material universe, it's a victim of entropy, it's always running down. There are ten thousand love-songs we could reference, but here's one: "Go Away Little Girl" by "The Happenings" from the 1960s. He's committed to someone else, and so he "must be true," but his heart is far away. A dream then walks by, a younger girl, and now he's telling her to "go away ... before I beg you to stay."
E. Young females are Mother Nature's favorites as they are best able to care for young.
K. But there's no end to it. There's always a new crop of fresh young pretty faces coming 'round the bend to entice the male. You can't compete with that.
E. (silence)
K. If he goes with this new one, it won't be long before he's drawn to someone else, the latest version of "younger girl."
E. And if he stays with his present mate, his heart won't be there; he might stay due to a variety of losses society will impose on him if he wanders, but his sentiments, with Elvis, will have left the auditorium... But, it's not this way with Twins.
K. You’ll need to clarify this as it seems unlikely.
E. Super stimuli are still there. Twins have a bio-animal side as does everyone – but that’s not what defines their mutual attraction or relationship. The discussion of morphic fields puts everything in a new light.
K. We’re not used to thinking of romantic love in this way. How can we make this clear?
E. It’s complicated because we’re dealing with a hidden energy field – and we’ll want to review the evidence for morphic fields on the “Evolution” page, but what impressed me as a simple example is the common snowflake.

K. It’s strange to use the word “common” in reference to the gorgeous snowflake, as each one, in their vast trillions, is a unique masterpiece of art and symmetry.
E. Absolutely. And the uniqueness of each snowflake offers us good comparison to the uniqueness of each Twin love affair.
K. I like that.
E. What really grabbed me about the snowflake is Dr. Sheldrake’s discussion that, while each snowflake is unique among all others, they’re all constructed along the same general lines. Moreover, the six “arms” of the snowflake tend to be mirror images of each other.
K. That is amazing, isn’t it – we have this grand pervasive uniqueness, but we also have a complexity of similarity.
E. I think it's plain that we're dealing with phenomena that can't be explained by mere chance and randomness. There’s something going on behind the scenes to orchestrate all this interrelatedness. And morphic fields is the best theory to incorporate all of the data.
K. What does this mean for Twins?
E. Think of that snowflake. As it “constructs itself,” as the molecules “snap into place” to form identical arms, how would each arm “know” what the other arms are doing? Are they looking over their shoulders to see what their neighbors are building?

K. A snowflake shoulder.
E. I think there's a shampoo to help. But we'll find a “hidden blueprint,” a morphic field, expressing itself and guiding things here. There’s a kind of internal resonance among the arms. Each one, we might say, recognizes the others as “you're just like me.” So too, each pair of Twin Souls is led by their own morphic field, one that is unique to them.
K. And when they enter each other’s “energy field,” they experience a sense of “you're just like me.”
E. It’s what the mythical Adam said to Eve – we discussed this in “The Wedding Song.”
K. This concept of morphic field for each pair of Twins is so much more than a pretty face.
E. A pretty face doesn’t begin to cover it. The perception of an internal resonance becomes a stronger force than the super-stimulus of the pretty face.
K. Even the pretty face of a younger girl?
E. Even that. Actually, there's no competition. And that's what we need to acknowledge, as well: Twins experience no competition for each other; well, this doesn't mean that, during unenlightened days, one or both might not be drawn astray by some pleasing form - but once they get their "eyes in their heads" and feel and see the reality, there's no competion anymore.
K. Can you expand on this statement?
E. When a "dream walks by," it doesn't mean that there's no objective appreciation of another's beauty.
K. As one lady said, "It's ok to look, dear, but try not to drool."
E. Yes, we understand, but it's not really that way anymore.
K. Why not?
E. The soul-bond of Twins is so substantial that it's like the Sun during the day blocking out all the other stars; they're still there, and some are far bigger and brighter than the Sun, but we can't see them.
K. That's a good analogy. Some "dreams" are "brighter" and prettier - but he can't see them.
E. They don't register with him, they don't create a sense of that internal resonance. Let's keep in mind, too, that the higher level attractions extend far beyond "I want to go to bed with you" with sentiments like, "I want to live my life with you, I want to do all things with you..."
K. "The great relief of having you to talk to."
E. And these higher-order attractors, which speak to destiny and personal evolvement, are so strong that, like the blazing Sun during the day, he can't "see" the other pretty faces.
K. Pretty faces operate on the surface of attraction but soul-bonds work at a much deeper level.
E. In fact, the soul-bond, aided by an individualized morphic field of love, is so potent that each will experience the internal resonance of “you are just like me,” the “utter familiarity,” the “coming home,” - even when the super-stimulus of the pretty face is not a factor.
K. It would seem that a particular couple either has a morphic field subsuming their relationship or they do not.
E. It can’t be manufactured or ginned up. It has nothing to do with pretty faces. You can’t “work” on your relationship to heal it if there’s no underling morphic field leading it.
K. And I suppose this is why Gibran said that true love will exist in an instant, or it will never manifest, even with years of coaxing.
E. If a couple has a morphic field shaping their love affair, then it’s part of creation itself, ordained from primordial times. You can’t escape it, outrun or hide from it. It will never go away.
ordained, since the beginning of time

Heloise leans forward to kiss Peter, but he stops her...
Unable to escape another reference to an "infallible book," he mutters an empty sophism, "Our Lord was betrayed by a kiss!" (as if this were relevant)
She is not impressed with this logic. Incisively, she counters with, "That was preordained."
"Is this?"
"Since the beginning of time," as she now kisses him passionately...
K. The true love, the true marriage, it appears, is “arranged in heaven,” by the Divine Parent(s).
E. Arranged by the Parents - with a twinkle in their eyes.
K. Human choice doesn’t enter into it.
E. Only to delay and obfuscate.
K. How would you summarize this?
E. Twins’ morphic field of love makes them want each other, draws them to each other, even when they disagree, even if things at the moment aren't pleasant between them - at these times, he might even prefer to be temporarily alone than to pursue "younger girl."
K. (softly) And why is that?
E. If he's very aware of his "inner life," then he'll know, too well, that being with another would quickly bring on a sense of "emptiness" and existential crisis; soon he would be missing his true one, even in company with someone new.
you will never find substantial happiness, in this world or the next, if you don't put away the ego and work this out
K. (very softly) You can't escape your Twin... their names, each for the other, are written on their souls... you will never find your true happiness, in this world or the next, if you don't put away the ego and work this out - with the only one that matters in your eternal existence. You can find substitutes for every other loved-one in your life -- but not for him...
E. We could say that there might be issues to work out at the surface of life, with immaturity on both sides, but none of this potential discord affects the deeper soul connection: it's always there, activated, always glowing. To find yourself missing her is not missing a pretty face so much, but - a deep soul ache, as if part of your very being is gone.
K. The larger picture is this: God made Twins for each other, for their happiness, yes, but, from God's point of view, more importantly, they cannot grow and evolve spiritually without each other; it's how God made things to work. And so, this sense of "I can't escape you" is sort of like God putting Twins in a locked room, and telling them, "You're not getting out of there, there's no way out of this, there'll be no happiness for either of you, until you learn how to forgive each other."
E. He will want her, even in spite of himself, even if he tries not to want her; even if she's hostile or vicious; even when he says he doesn’t want her pretty face anymore... even if he doesn't "like" her, or trust her... on that deeper level - he always wants her.
