Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
The Inferential Life: Part IV
We learn about God, about Universal Consciousness (UC), by closely observing our own spirits, which are linked, and one with, UC. |
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We learn about God, about Universal Consciousness (UC), by closely observing our own spirits, which are linked, and one with, UC.
Eliza Duffy, channeled from the other side, Heaven Revised: “I, who prided myself upon being a close and correct observer, a careful analyzer of all that came under my observation, and a deep and original thinker, have been overwhelmed with astonishment, not to say chagrin, in discovering how little I knew of even the surface life around me; how still less of that deeper and inner life which is the real and actuating power of humanity, but of whose existence there is so little realization until it comes to the surface here…Truly, yes, without disguises or concealments; and we shall learn to know ourselves as well. This self-knowledge is not acquired at once. I realize that it is only beginning with me; for when I have come to a thorough knowledge of self, I shall have acquired a knowledge of all things, even of God."
Dr. Carl and Anna Wickland, “Thirty Years Among The Dead.” Two Native American spirits (circa. 1924) spoke via the trance mediumship of Anna Wickland: “We believe in the Great Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge, and that we are a part of the Great Spirit… When we are a part of that wonderful Spirit how could we be full of sin? … We could not fall away from Him because we are a part of Him; we live in Him... We could not get away from Him because He is everywhere. He is the whole Universe… We put ourselves in rapport with that Great Spirit … We do not believe, we know… We must find the Great Spirit within, not look outside. Find ourselves and we will find Him, for we are a part of that wonderful Mind… The Christians look for God outside; we look for God within ourselves… When you find God within yourself you cannot do wrong. Find God within you, then you have Power, Strength and Love… All of you here are a part of that Universal Light, and you must all have that light from the candle. Do not worship the candle, but worship the Light of Understanding and God… Medicine Men study Nature's forces and have power over them… The Medicine Man knows the Secret of the Universe, the Secret of Love, the Secret of Knowledge and the Secret of Wisdom and Truth.” Editor’s note: See the entire transcript here. Also, see further discussion of the Indians’ advanced standing and leadership roles in the afterlife due to their natural religion allowing them a keen understanding of the Great Spirit.
Frederic W. H. Myers, in the afterlife, transmitted to Juliet S. Goodenow, Vanishing Night: “Man could not be great, approaching the Divine counterpart, if faculty [of the inner riches] could be discerned at a glance, or ‘man measured as a measure of barley.’ The deep recesses of a lofty mountain containing all within and without, are more indicative of man’s [enormous hidden] faculty… [T]he perfect man, [is] created in the Image of God. Within this perfect creation is resident a power many fail to find. Nevertheless, it lies deep within the complex nature of mankind. Animals [too] have this power, to some extent. The normal man is a god, but rarely does he come to his estate [while on Earth], through ignorance of his inheritance…it is a matter of development. A man is a bundle of faculties, to use according to his will and education... There are vast fields of discovery within, worth exceeding scrutiny; there is no wall of division between that interior wall of man on that side [the Earth side] and the man free from Earth’s limitations on this side… there is nothing to obstruct your voyage [meaning, these powers can be released while on Earth]… for the veil that separates the seen and the unseen is very thin.”
Channeled testimony via the mediumship of W. Aber, presented in the book The Guiding Star: “The first thing is to make resolute search within your heart and make the great discovery of the aim and usefulness of your individual life. He who succeeds in this discovery, and holds firmly to it all his earth life, has made a success, whether he wears purple and fine linen, or homespun. You scan the heavens with telescopes, but far wiser is the man who becomes the astronomer of his own soul, [the inner cosmos]. You make analysis of the soil of the field, but more difficult, more desirable it is to make analysis of the soil of your own heart, and find what flowers may grow there best, and what noxious weeds must be guarded against. It is not what a man does that makes him great, but what he is. Action is merely thought dressed in visible garb. Being must ever precede doing. Below the surface which the world sees, are springs [see John, chapter 4] which feed the life. To keep these springs fresh and sweet, is the best object of endeavor. Study yourself carefully... and you will learn that the secret of life is eternal Progress; and that the Earth life, which is of the utmost importance, is only the primary grade of life. Learn your first lessons well, that you may have a solid basis for your future unfoldment.”
Dr. Carl Wickland, “Gateway Of Understanding”: “Our spirit co-worker, Dr. Root, in addressing the audience [via trance-medium Anna Wickland] at one of our circles, said: ‘There is a life after this and it is progressive… Understand and learn that God is the life of everything and everyone. In each one is that spark of the Divine God… Try to find the God within you… Understand that you are a part of God… Learn all you can, before you pass out, regarding the other side; then you will not be an earthbound spirit causing trouble and suffering to yourself and others… You must learn to know yourselves and to develop the highest that is in you.’”
Dr. Frederico Faggin, inventor of the silicon chip in 1971, is today advocating a new revolution in science: the primacy of consciousness over matter.
"The structure of matter is isomorphic to the cognitive structure of consciousness, which can reflect itself [in matter]"; our "bodies reflect the accumulated learning of consciousness; matter is the ink with which consciousness writes its own self-knowing."
Editor’s note: For some time, I’ve been aware of the principle of studying oneself, one’s own deeper essence, as doorway to a better understanding of Universal Consciousness (UC) at large. However, in his book “Silicon,” Dr. Faggin strongly advises this path of introspection. He does so, for, in addition to his monumental invention of 1971, about 30 years ago he found himself in receipt of two dramatic mystical experiences. These led him to see that the human mind itself must be closely observed to learn more about UC, as we, the human spirit, are derivations and extensions of it.