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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone

Dr. Daniel Robinson of Oxford: experience must be held together in a unity of consciousness, which implies a unity of self, and this inner integration is as much an object of experience as anything is. The quiet small room helps us to discern and make real this inner unity of self.



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The above statement by Dr. Robinson was discussed in the “Reincarnation” article, part of an explanation that many lives of extra experience cannot mature the soul.

a unity of self, an inner integration, is as much an object of experience as anything is

A most profound comment by Dr. Robinson.

Read more in the referenced article. But the important point for us at the moment is that “unity of self,” the “inner integration,” is “an object of experience” to be known as one enters transformation in the small quiet room.

Most of our experience deals with externals, objects in the world. This one is different. It is the experience of knowing "the true self."