Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone
Can we rise above all of the provincial cultural conditioning afflicting us, can we transcend our own parochial “html programming” and begin to see reality as it is, not as society says it should be?
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I’ve often featured Father Robert Benson on the WG site. He offers some of the very most detailed accounts of Summerland available. He’s noteworthy for another reason, one close to our purposes at hand.
Upon crossing over, within a few hours, Father Benson abandoned all of his long-constructed RCC belief-system. Not everyone does this so quickly; many become mired in various religious or philosophical “ghettos” from which it will take some time to extricate oneself.
However, if we approach the new life over there with an open heart and open mind, as did Father Benson, old belief-systems of the Earth readily evaporate like dew on a sultry August morning. The overwhelming reality of all that the new world, our real home – Summerland – shall mean to us can shift our spiritual evolution into high gear.
Jiddu Krishnamurti's teachings are excellent in terms of pointing us toward the "inner life"
But there’s no need to wait for Summerland. The “small quiet room” offers venue by which we might access a level of human intelligence far beyond that of the egoic “chattering in the head.” See the lecture by Jiddu Krishnamurti who also asks the question of going beyond the mental conditionings of this world, and his answer – which is the only answer that can truly help us – that of, accessing the inner life to achieve a sense of oneness and non-duality.
Can we observe without seeing images of the past? the hurtful memories coloring perception, so that when I meet you next time I see you as my enemy. Can the mind break through its egocentric conditioning?

Jiddu Krishnamurti
1895 - 1986
The Krishnamurti lectures, delivered around the world for more than half a century, constitute, in my opinion, the greatest corpus of spiritual instruction ever compiled.
READ MORE on the "Dualism" page
Editor’s note: It should be considered, as well, that Father Benson himself realized, as he reports in his channeled books, that part of him knew full well, while on Earth, that what he was doing and how he was living was not right and did not conform to what was real. He deeply regretted this disingenuity, his mortal-life failure to live courageously, not following the truth wherever it might lead.

the gossamer-fragile belief systems of the Earth, puff pieces, about to be blown away by the overwhelming reality of the new world, our real home, only one missed heartbeat away