Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone
The amazing psychic abilities of WWII veteran Bob Feland serve, in principle, as signpost to the kind of intuitions and premonitions that each of us can and should develop. |
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Afterlife evidence item #10 features the World War II psychic experiences of Bob Feland.
Unknown to him before the War, and after, his intuitions and premonitions allowed him to know of coming danger in advance.
You will want to read the article for yourself as there’s too much to summarize.
Bob was 21 when he entered the War. Later he was awarded the Silver Star by General Mark Clark.

General Mark Clark
"To: Robert O. Feland, 37278183. Under the provisions of Army Regulations 600-45 as amended, you are awarded a Silver Star for gallantry in action. CITATION: Robert O. Feland, 37278183. Private First Class, Medical Corps, United States Army. For gallantry in action on 22nd of February, 1944, near Anzio, Italy. Private First Class Feland responded to an emergency call for aid-men to administer first aid to wounded assault troops who had entered a minefield in darkness. Upon arrival at the scene of the accident, he found twelve casualties lying in scattered parts of the field. With complete disregard to his own personal safety, Private First Class Feland entered the uncharted mine field, personally escorted several wounded men from the dangerous area. After rendering first aid to these men, he arranged for their evacuation by ambulance. Private First Class Feland's courageous and selfless action reflect credit upon himself and the Medical Corps. MARK W. CLARK, Lieutenant General, US Army.
"courageous and selfless... with complete
disregard to his own personal safety"

"you are awarded a Silver Star for gallantry in action"
The psychic abilities experienced by Bob were of an ad hoc nature, provided to him during the War only. And yet, in principle, the gifts that guided Bob are not utterly different than that which might be accessed by any one of us.
You’ll want to read what happened in Bob’s own words; however, he said to me that there was a kind of feeling of warning, a sixth sense, a sort of pain in his gut, that, as he said, “never failed him.”
The point for us is this. Most of us might not develop the very same kind of premonition that allowed Bob to know where a shell might land, but we can develop a general sense of guidance for our lives that will be just as real.
don't run that red light
The kind of intuition that is open to any of us will offer a sense of “right or wrong” or “green light or red light” concerning a particular course of action in our lives.
This intuition or premonition is “part of the package” of spiritual gifts that might be nurtured as one spends time in a small quiet room. What’s really happening in all this is that God and the Guides will be “getting through to us” concerning a life path or direction.
Editor’s note: As a young man, being a “can do” sort of person, I often prided myself with accomplishing hard goals, sometimes with meager resources. There’s much to be said for this fortitude and resourcefulness. However, in my proactive ways, I often took it too far: I would make things work that were never meant to work. When this happens, suffering will find you out. What seems to be a blessing at first, turns out to be something else. This could have been avoided by following one’s “sixth sense,” one’s spiritual intuitions.
waiting for the green light
Today, in my 70s, I no longer “shoot from the hip," nor do I “shoot first and aim later.” And while dwindling energy reserves at this stage of life make me less likely to craft ambitious goals at all, those which I might possibly entertain are now sifted through the spiritual sensibilities. If I don’t get a “green light,” I don’t make a move now; just like Bob.