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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied




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There is a song-lyric, “love changes everything.” So it is with the scientific
evidence for the afterlife
– its reality changes everything.

We live our lives submerged in the cares of this world. It will not always
be so. One missed heartbeat will jettison us into the “real world.”

My Word Gems website, while addressing many topics, is built around
the forever-reality of our coming life in Summerland. The Earth-world is
but mere “pale copy,” a “practice turn,” a “training ground,” as preparation
for what’s to come. I’ve begun to view Summerland not as a place
of “second chances” but where we’ll begin our “real life,” our primary
and “first chance,” to find and secure the happiness we were meant to
have. As Kairissi and Elenchus finally realize, “Everything that happens
on the Earth-plane is provisional and reversible… nothing there is real…
nothing there ultimately matters
,” but for the spiritual awakening gained
in the process.

There is no “floating on pink clouds” in Summerland. It’s a solid world
over there where people walk on solid ground and live real lives filled
with meaningful and enjoyable activity: charitable-service efforts,
university studies and research projects, concerts and stage-plays, art
galleries, libraries, music festivals, gourmet-cooking just-for-fun (eating
is not required to sustain life), space exploration, visiting lecturers from
higher dimensions, transportation of oneself via mind-projection at the
speed of thought, a recaptured youth with perfect health and ageless
body; a world wherein birds sing in trees, flowers grow in gardens, farms
and cottages grace the countryside, and little children run and play tag.
Nothing there seems out of place or abnormal – there are no chubby
little cherubs with harps, no hosannas or hallelujahs to disturb us. It’s a
sensible world where people do sensible things.

Summerland culture is very progressive, humanistic, and spiritual – but
not religious. Education, science, and the arts will be highly valued with
our then-greatly enhanced mind-power. Gone is the heavy-hand of
Ecclesia demanding cultish uniformity of thought; elevated to “prime
directive” is personal choice, individual freedom, and the quest for
particularized definitions of happiness and contentment. Citizens of the
Astral Realms do not live as “yellow pencils all in a row” but each seeks
to develop his or her own unique array of talents and abilities.

Substantial and complex is Summerland society where we shall live
and love, learn and advance, doing normal and natural things. It is an
idealized and perfected Earth-like world, but without social problems
or survival needs. It is our permanent home (unless or until we desire
to move elsewhere in the universe). Amidst a splendiferous panoply of
nature’s beauty and the tender companionship of affectionate animals,
we’ll experience a lasting peace and harmony, an enduring security and
safety – in Summerland there are no invasions, no time-limits to good
things, no threats to well-being; far removed will be the disquieting
proverb, “nothing good lasts forever.” When we discover something we
like, we can keep it and enjoy it, as long as we want.

In that “real world,” we shall find satisfying resolution and fulfillment to
deepest desires and hidden soul-pledges. Awaiting us is the “real life”
of authentic romantic Twin-Soul love, which the great afterlife-teachers
assert to be the focal point of our eternal happiness; adding to our joy,
in no small amount, will be reunion with lost friends and dear relatives,
along with a fervent sense of community, brotherhood and sisterhood,
with large numbers of like-minded, convivial others – a togetherness
that one’s secret heart yearned for but was denied, here, on this planet
of sorrow, evanescent pleasure, and missed opportunity.

To us, the hapless of the Earth, jaded by the injustice and empty-hopes
of our world, it all sounds too good to be true; but, as the great English
scientist, Michael Faraday, reminds us, “Nothing is too wonderful to
be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.”
It shouldn’t be too
good to be true. Our Earth-world could be far more advanced, but for
the stultifying greed, the grasping for power-and-control, the virtual
pandemic oppression of the general populace, by Dear Leaders posturing
as benefactors. Shakespeare warned us of these “villains” who “smile
and smile” while cloaking a monster’s heart; but, we’ll finally be free of
them as these wolves posing-as-lambs will not be allowed entrance to
Summerland – not until they commit to living an authentic life of service
and goodwill toward all.

There is much to learn here. May I suggest, before reading the narrative
of Kairissi and Elenchus, that you inform yourself of the afterlife’s
scientific evidence
offered on the Word Gems site. You’ll want to assure
yourself of the substantiveness of the content herein. The story of our
featured romantic couple is fictional, but the essence of their dialogues
relates to things quite real, of high moment, and endless duration – soon
to overtake each one of us.


Wayne Becker