Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied
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He interrupted somebody else’s psychic-reading
to get a message to me. I wasn’t even there.
My older double-cousin John, a former RCC priest on the other side of life, essentially “grabbed the microphone” and forced his way into the psychic-session of another person – so desirous and insistent was he of contacting me.
We tend not to realize that our loved ones on the other side might be just
as eager to get a message through to us. At another time, with another
psychic-medium, John told me that I’m the only one in the family right
now who is open to the afterlife-information, and so I understand why
he was especially determined not to let an opportunity for speaking with
me to pass by.

John with cousin Caroline (1941)
Later, a witness to John’s communiqué relayed his most emphatic words:
“This is a message for Wayne! I want Wayne to know this...” as he
proceeded to explain his intention to work with me regarding the
production of my writings. He said he was learning many new things in
Summerland, and he would attempt to transmit to me the knowledge
of his discoveries.
What a shocking event.
After such dramatic announcement and means of delivery, it’s difficult
to doubt authenticity. I believe that John deserves equal billing as
“co-author” of the various Word Gems articles and books.
Footnote: In the dialogues of Kairissi and Elenchus, you will find
discussion of the “soul group” concept and how its members,
drawn to each other by timeless bonds of affection, tend to travel
to the Earth together. This would only be natural for those who
love each other. Over time, and if we grow in awareness, we
begin to sense the “secret identities” of some of these celestial
family members: our closest and dearest, ones with whom we
will be spending eternity, without whose company and fervent
conviviality it wouldn’t be worth our while to live forever – the
most poignant soul-group example of which, as we’ll learn from
the discourses herein, is the sacred romantic Twin Soul.