Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied
15: The Great Relief
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[lying in bed]
E. I thought of another example of how you’re “timeless pervasive
reality” to me.
K. (softly) Tell me.
E. When I step out into nature – and find myself jarred by the beauty
of a glorious summer day, or the midnight glistening stars of the Milky
Way – immediately, I’m accosted by the thought, “Oh, I must share this
with Krissi!”
K. How often does this happen?
E. Every time.
K. Every time?
E. It may be only a momentary perception, but… every time. It’s as if part
of me is compelled to testify that I cannot live life, I cannot experience
what I need to experience… unless I can share it with… you, my “timeless
pervasive reality.”
(silence) (holding each other in the darkness)
K. (softly) Elenchus… the more I learn of the dangers of the
Earth-mission, the more I cherish these times… like right now… when I
can be alone and safe with you… just talking to… the boy I love... It makes me think of John Sebastian’s song-lyric, “the great
relief of having you to talk to.”
E. That’s one of the all-time most profound phrases of music lyricdom.
K. Many songs speak of physical love – and, of course, I’d never want to
give that up, but… just talking to you, in the quiet solace, the sacred
intimacy, of our bedroom, is so wonderful, more than I can express.
E. The “great relief” speaks volumes.
K. What do you see?
E. Man and Woman desperately seek release from the inner-prison of
aloneness; it’s a craving for “mind to mind” connection.
K. “Mind to mind” oneness… that’s what love is really about…
and that’s why I like it so much sometimes just lying close to you with
foreheads touching… I think it’s the most erotic and intimate way of

E. I love it so much, too.
K. (smiling)
E. “Mind to mind”… (sighing) you know, I think it’s easier for women to
talk… men generally don’t really like to talk… except if he’s in love with
her… then he’ll talk.
K. “Mind to mind”… Man craving conversation with Woman might be one of the “tests of true love.”
E. It’s easy for a man to want to touch a beautiful woman – but, unless
he’s in love with her, he won’t want to talk to her that much. If he does
love her, he’ll want to discuss plans for the future, hopes and dreams,
and all that’s important to him… but if he doesn’t really love her, after touching her, he’ll just roll over and go to sleep.
K. (silence)
E. You wanna know what’s strange?
K. What’s strange?
E. Well, I guess it’s not so strange after what I just said, but – it’s still
hard to believe. I can think of many pretty women… but I can’t imagine
wanting to talk to any of them… I mean, not really… I can’t imagine
wanting to share my deepest thoughts with them… You’re the only one…
isn’t that strange?
K. Not so strange, My Love…
E. I can’t imagine wanting to touch foreheads with any of them, either, no
matter how beautiful they are… touching foreheads is way too intimate… it’s a kind of “invasive intimacy”… I feel it represents something very
deep and very spiritual… something that I could do only with “My Girl.”
K. (in a near-whisper; now touching foreheads) Elenchus… “mind to
mind” is no fungible recreation… you can’t do that, you wouldn’t want to,
with just any pretty face… we were meant to “mind meld” with only one
particular other.
