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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Prometheus Denied


10: Clashing Opposite-Sameness



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(an MLP plenary session)

L. How wonderful for all of us to be together! I understand that you two
have been hard at work planning your Earth-mission.

K. Yes, Lateece. Day Star and Big Water have been so kind to us, trying
to accommodate our requests, as practicable.

L. And how are you feeling about your trip?

K. These last weeks have been very difficult. And, if I may, I would like to
say something… I don’t want to sound ungrateful, and I don’t want to
cause any trouble, but...

L. Please, feel free to speak.

K. I’m not saying I won’t go to the Earth – it’s just that, even at this late
hour, if it were possible, if there is any honorable way that Elenchus and
I could avoid doing this… well, I just need to explore this for a moment.

D. We are merely your guides and advisors, Kairissi. You must always do
what you, and you alone, feel to be right.

K. Ok… let me talk this out… I know the part about growing
in capacity to serve due to the Earth experience. I know that’s a good
thing. But, is it enough by itself for us to embark upon this mission?
That’s one thing.

S. As we’ve established, there are many fine spirits, advanced souls most
loving and kind, who have not been to the Earth. If you never go there,
you can still become a developed and loving person. Yes, opportunities
for service might be less extensive, but there are still many remaining
ways to serve God.

K. Ok, thank you, Senbar, for clarifying that. I know we’ve gone over this
before, but I just need to be sure.

L. Understood.

K. But the bigger issue is this: It’s been said that the small ego clouds the
true self and that, without more consciousness, Elenchus and I will not
be able to love each other as we might have done. I don’t know if that’s
true. I mean, I already feel that I love Elenchus very much. I think about
him all the time and want him and need him desperately. Do I really have
to go to the Earth to grow in consciousness when I already have my Twin
and already love him so? You said that, currently, I’m like a one-gallon
bucket; but, if I may say so, it doesn’t feel so bad being a smaller bucket!
Am I making sense?

L. Kairissi, you are a thoughtful person, and these questions need to be
addressed. I understand your feelings when you say that it doesn’t seem
to be a problem for you and Elenchus to live in what we might call a state
of diminished capacity.

K. But Lateece… it doesn’t seem diminished to me! Am I wrong in
suggesting otherwise? May I offer an example: Here in Summerland,
right now, I know of groups of people who live in a primitive state as
they did on the Earth. They spend their time making baskets, hunting,
and sitting around camp fires. They’ve done this for many hundreds of
years. And they seem quite content to continue with this way of life. I’d
like to think that I’m a little more advanced than they, so why should
Elenchus and I not also be able to simply live our lives indefinitely, and
just be happy here in this world?

A. Your plan offers a certain appeal; however, it contains a systemic flaw.
I have thousands of years of experience in observing human growth
and development. And I will tell you this, Kairissi – eventually, those
primitive peoples will become disgruntled with their campfires and
basket-weaving. It won’t work for them anymore.

K. Do you mean they won’t be happy with their lives?

A. They have the same splendiferous soul-potential as anyone. A day will
arrive when they’ll ask, is there anything more to life? And then they’ll
come knocking on the door of a Guide, asking to be shown the way out
of their existential malaise.

K. But… why? They will have had their families and their good life and
perfect surroundings! Why would they become listless and dissatisfied?

B. Why does the caged bird sometimes not sing?

K. Ok, I guess I understand what you’re getting at: The caged
bird was meant to soar and explore. And I haven’t forgotten what you
said about us not meant to be penned-up tigers, ordered about by a
keeper. It’s just that, in my life, I don’t feel caged and penned up. I like
my life with Elenchus. I don’t feel deprived.

B. Will your present “campfire” satisfy you forever?

K. Are you saying that, as with the primitives, someday I’ll not love
Elenchus and go looking for more? That doesn’t seem right to me!

D. You and Elenchus are eternally-bound romantic Twins. It is your
destiny to love each other forever.

K. Thank you for that! And I do love and need Elenchus right now!
So why do we need to go to the Earth, questing for an elusive higher
consciousness which might not even be needed?

L. Dear child, I am searching for a way to help you understand. What if
I told you that, even though you and Elenchus are Twins, even though
you’ve shared wonderful feelings, you have not yet begun to dwell in
the authentic Twin love?

K. (sighing) Now I am confused.

L. I will try to clarify by referencing your own experience. May I ask you
this: How would you describe the love that you have for Elenchus?

K. Well, as I said, I think about him all the time. I fear losing him. I need
him and want him greatly. I feel stronger and better in his presence. And
when he touches me, I experience a wonderful thrill.

L. I know that you love Elenchus, but… I sense that you have yet to
experience the real Twin love in its full majesty and glory.

K. How can that be?

L. If we were to question virtually any young girl – whether on Earth or
here among the unconscious in Summerland – about her love for her
mate, she would respond, essentially, with the same descriptors you
just offered.

K. But… I’m not just any starry-eyed female! I know who my eternal Twin
Soul is, and he’s already with me.

L. He is with you, but I am attempting to gently inform you that, currently,
you do not love him primarily as a Twin but only in terms of how the
average woman loves her mate. And, as you may know, the typical
unenlightened relationship – nearly 100% of them – will eventually
dissolve with each going a separate way.

K. But… that can’t happen to us! Elenchus and I are Twins! Day Star just
said that we are a sacred unit, and we’ll love each other forever.

D. Yes, my sister, I did say that. But what I did not add was that you will
attain such bliss only after entering a higher consciousness. If you happen
to come together prematurely, on a basis similar to that of any spiritually-unconscious union, you will eventually drift apart – and stay apart – until
you gain that required consciousness.

K. (silence… and tears)

L. None of this is easy. Let us all have a twenty-minute break to collect

(walking in the gardens)

K. (very softly weeping) Oh, Ellus, I have been beaten up so many times
these past weeks. Nothing is clear and plain anymore. Love was once so
free and easy… but now I’m afraid even to look into your eyes.

E. Kriss...

K. I don’t know what to say. Everything I was so sure of is crumbling
around me… Elenchus, I’m so afraid…

E. Look, Dear! Do not despair! Ok, all this is harder than we thought, but
let’s look at it logically. Maybe we are still pretty immature, and maybe
the small ego really is running our lives more than it should – but we’re
still Twins – that hasn’t changed! We still have our eternal bond, and it’s
still our destiny to be together forever.

K. (deeply sighing)

E. So, all we have to do is to figure out how to get from here to there.
Other Twins have gone through this process before us and are now
home-free, and we can do it too!

K. (softly) Yes, of course. You are my military-spirited friend talking now,
just when I need him most.

E. I will make this happen for us, My Love. We will get through this.

K. (sighing) Alright... I think I can go back in there now… (very softly laughing through tears) and learn more about why I don’t love you!

E. I can hardly wait. Ok, let’s go.

(back in session)

L. Kairissi, your eyes have regained some of their sparkle. Did that young
fellow by your side encourage you?

K. He did.

L. And what are your thoughts now?

K. Lateece, I’m afraid to ask, but I need to know more about why I don’t
yet love Elenchus as a Twin.

L. Allow me to clarify and to emphasize what is most important. You two
are Twins. It is your destiny to be together. And your eternal bond, even
now, is leading you.

K. (sighing) Ok…

L. But not sufficiently so.

K. What does this mean?

L. It means that your deepest romantic union will be found on the soul-level. The mystic cords that truly bind Twins reflect the image of Mother-
Father God, the great archetypes of all Twin Souls.

K. But… I thought we were already doing this!

D. In part, this is true… but you have some things to learn. Kairissi, since
I helped to create confusion in your mind, permit me to interject. You
and Elenchus are young souls. You have not yet learned to express, very
much, the latent true love. This is normal for immature ones. Therefore,
do not condemn yourselves, but merely understand where you are in
the process.

K. (whispering) Ok.

D. Right now, you and Elenchus are attracted to each other by, let’s call
it, a low level soul-affinity.

K. But my love for Elenchus feels very substantial.

D. Yes, I know, it can seem that way. And every immature young woman
in love, both here and on Earth, would say exactly the same. But, as
we’ve stated, those unions do not tend to last, or if they do, the original
fervent feelings suffer severe diminishment.

K. Please explain.

D. Currently, in your young state, soul-affinity counts for a minority
interest regarding your attraction to Elenchus. Right now, common
psychological attractors are primarily leading your romantic feelings.
This is not wrong, but merely inadequate – a mere down-payment on
the real thing.

K. I’m trying to understand, but what I have with Elenchus seems so
real. I feel that I’m only a half-self without him. Is this not normal and
right? – as he is my divine “other half”. We were made male and female,
created to need each other! How can what I feel for Elenchus be called

L. We have come to one of the great paradoxes in the universe! Your
assertions in this are absolutely true. You and your Twin were made to
come together in order to know wholeness and completeness. And yet,
it is also true, on a deeper level, that those made “in the image” were
created complete and whole, needing nothing.

K. How can I understand this?

L. With greater self-knowledge. I will try to elucidate. On the deeper
soul-level, you were made whole, complete, and perfect. Part of your
spiritual journey is to learn to access that “artesian spring,” ever flowing,
ever providing refreshment to your person.

K. Alright.

L. However, at the periphery of life, you two are gendered beings, male
and female, each created as one-half of a unified whole. On this surface-level, you are incomplete, made to need each other, as each will seek
for its missing half.

K. So… you’re saying that I haven’t really experienced that deeper part
of myself that is whole and complete. Does this mean I am an unspiritual

L. It means that you are a young person – children are not chided for
lack of understanding.

E. The answer truly is complicated. It must be true that God would not
have made us in a defective, needy state; if such insufficiency were to
be the case, our sense of well-being would ever be held hostage to an
external source, the presence of another person! And yet… (pause)

A. And yet, on another level, this is the reality. You are quite correct to
state the general rule, that, to seek for fulfillment in another person
represents psychological dysfunction – however…

E. What does this paradox mean, Master Arcnam?

A. We have conflicting assessments of the human condition – we’re
made whole and complete” but also “made to need each other” – both
statements are true.

E. What is the answer?

B. May I offer a thought? We were made perfect and complete on the
deeper soul-level. On that level of being we find not only our true selves
but linkage to “the All”. However, if we are spiritually unconscious, we
will not yet sense this perfection within.

both ‘whole’ and ‘part’, individually assertive yet of something larger

Editor’s note: The concept that we, as human beings, souls, made in the image, are perfect, in need of nothing at core essence, and yet requiring something more, leads us to the term “holon.” It’s a Greek word meaning “whole and part.”

“The term was coined by Arthur Koestler in The Ghost in the Machine (1967). In Koestler's formulations, a holon is something that has integrity and identity while simultaneously being a part of a larger system; it is a subsystem of a greater system… The notion of a holon emerges from the observation that everything in nature is both a whole and a part. This is true of atoms, which are whole in themselves, but also parts of molecules; molecules, which can be both whole and part of cells; and cells, which are both autonomous units and parts of organisms. It is also true for human beings, who have an independent life [but] are part of social systems. Every holon is willing to express two contradictory tendencies: to express itself, and to disappear into something greater.” (quotations from Wikipedia)


E. How will I come to sense it?

B. Potentially via many avenues, but self-realization’s best antidote comes
to us courtesy of a romantic Twin. Your interactions, as complementing
and clashing opposite-sameness, each to and for the other, will serve
as precipitators of that which lies unmanifested, the riches within. You
will incite-to-consciousness, draw life from each other, stir each other to wakefulness, as could no other teacher in the universe; and, therefore, activate the sleeping divine potential deep inside. Stated another way, as you come to know each other, you will also begin to know yourself – your “true self.”

D. This seems to be why, in the Genesis story, physical union is referred
to as “knowing” – physical oneness becomes metaphor of the spiritual
One Person to come and also knowing oneself via the agency of the
romantic Twin.

K. That’s very interesting. Day Star and Big Water, I’m resonating with
what you’re saying. I feel it’s the truth. It’s just that – especially, when
I’m close to Elenchus – it feels so wonderful, so thrilling, to be near the
boy I love! How could there be more than this?

D. Kairissi, I must allude to the words of Lateece – only by greater self-knowledge will you find the assurance you need. The element of thrill in
romantic attraction is a wonderful thing. But as your deeper self matures,
you will find that thrill is not the purveyor of love’s greatest blessing.

K. Day Star, I have no idea what you’re talking about. What could be
greater than romantic thrill with one’s Twin?

D. Romantic joy.

K. (sighing) I don’t understand.

D. Thrill is part of ordinary male-female animal attraction; but joy
issues from the divine soul.
Thrill has its dualistic opposite, the pain of
separation. But joy has no opposite as it represents timeless, pervasive
reality. Thrill is fleeting, temporary; joy is a permanent fixture of true
love, never leaves the consciousness of awakened Twins, and reflects
the settled heart and mind of Mother-Father God.

B. Here’s a proverb to remember: Thrill propagates the species; joy
reveals the mind of God.

L. Kairissi and Elenchus, I am moved to apologize to both of you. I can
see that today’s volume of information, with its gravity, is beginning to
oppress you. We must break here for the day, and, if you are willing, we
will meet again tomorrow. But, forgive me, allow me to add an additional
summarizing thought.

K. (deeply sighing) Please.

L. The great teacher, Buddha, offered this conundrum: For the
dysfunctional ego, even its happiness constitutes suffering. How can this
be? The ego lives in a world of impermanence. In its fearful perceptions
of “never having enough,” everything is in process of passing away. Even
when it acquires what it thinks it wants, the small ego cannot enjoy life
in a full-bodied way. Like a cat that sleeps with narrow-slit eyes, it is
constantly on-guard against the threat of loss; and therefore, even its
happiness is tainted with a fear of impairment and dispossession. But,
Dear Kairissi and Elenchus – none of this potential deprivation applies
to authentic romance. Twins live in a permanent sense of joy. But this
celestial perception is something you will need to grow into via enhanced
self-knowledge. I must end here. Blessings to all.