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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


'Cosmic Voices'

Edith Clarke



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from https://www.cosmicvoices.network/clarke


Edith Clarke (1883-1959) was the first woman to be professionally employed as an electrical engineer, and the first female professor of electrical engineering, in the United States. While working at General Electric she invented a calculator that allowed analysts to solve key equations ten times faster than previous methods, and participated in the engineering of the Hoover Dam.

via Regina Ochoa, August 26, 2020


... The greatest message I can share is, "We are all ALIVE!" Yes, "ALIVE!" And this feeling is communicable to you. Right now! Here in your physical world, we exist. Do not quit believing in yourself. You are more than the physical realm we live in, for your mind is quantum energy that directly communicates with all of us. We have sight through a larger telescope into the cosmos and beyond. 

The Beyond gives us pause as we further our developments and understanding of this phenomenal universe. Great minds of your history reside with us; we share what we have learned while living on earth. We explore universes of alternative worlds, envisioning this for your world.

We know that the planet is in trouble.

Do not dismay.

There is still time for you to begin to engage in a greater reality before you physically perish. I have come to share this with you. We are here. Alive. And we bring you that gift-- to know that you do not die. Your passing is a transition. You are energy passing through an electrical field (like a transmission cable) going from one point to another and reproduced in another form. The energy is Spirit manifesting itself in the form of human shape then transitioning into another form once it arrives at its next destination. You do not die. You transition. 

I thank you for taking this time with me. You have heard some of my story, and my excitement of connection with you. I am grateful that Estelle has brought me forward to transmit my message. 


Edith Clarke



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