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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Jiddu Krishnamurti
1895 - 1986

How can I love you and you love me, if you have an image about me? What does it mean to destroy the image about yourself? You cannot stop thinking, but you can think and not create the image.



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Editor’s prefatory comments:

Jiddu Krishnamurti has been an important teacher in my life. I began learning about the “true” and “false” selves about 15 years ago, and his insights served to inaugurate this vital area of enquiry.

He was the one to make clear that “guru” signifies merely “one who points,” not “infallible sage.” Pointing the way is what even the best teachers provide, but no more. One must walk the path of enlightenment alone, no one can do this for us.




Public Talk 1, Bombay - 13 Feb 1966


How can I love you and you love me, if you have an image about me, if you have ideas about me? If I have hurt you, if I have pushed you, if I have been ambitious, clever, and gone ahead of you, how can you love me?

How can I love you, if you threaten my position, my job, if you run away with my wife? If you belong to one country and I to another, if you belong to one sect Hinduism or Buddhism or Catholicism and the rest of it - and I am a Muslim, how can we love each other? So unless there is a radical transformation in relationship, there cannot possibly be peace. By becoming a monk or a sannyasi and running away to the hills, you are not going to solve your problems.

Because wherever you live, whether in a monastery or in a cave or in a mountain, you are related. You cannot possibly isolate yourself either from your own image which you have created about God, about truth or from your own image about your own self and all the rest of it.

So to establish right relationship is to destroy the image. Do you understand what it means to destroy the image? It means to destroy the image about yourself: that you are a Hindu; that I am a Pakistani, a Muslim, a Catholic, a Jew, or a Communist and so on.

You have to destroy the machinery that creates the image - the machinery that is in you and the machinery that is in the other. Otherwise you may destroy one image, and the machinery will create another image. So one has not only to find out the existence of the image - that is to be aware of your particular image - but also to be aware of what the machinery is that creates the image.

Thought creates the thinker. The thinker begins to create the image about himself: he is the Atman, he is God, he is the soul, he is a brahmin, he is a non-brahmin, he is a Muslim, he is a Hindu and the rest of it. He creates the image and he lives in it. So thinking is the beginning of this machinery.

And you will say, "How can I stop thinking?" You cannot. But one can think and not create the image.


Editor's last word: