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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point

We have not realized just how often ego-images have influenced us. As eyes begin to open, we perceive that ‘triggering’ images have controlled much of our lives.



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While on a mission with Captain America, Bucky Barnes fell precipitously from a mountain-wending speeding train. He was presumed dead.

However, Hydra, retrieving his broken body, provided reconstruction. They were intent upon using Bucky as operative for their totalitarian purposes.

triggering devices

“The Winter Soldier” was subjected to brainwashing, various mind-control procedures – the most prominent of which employed mental “triggering” devices.

Bucky was programmed to respond, to immediately obey orders, with certain “triggering” words. Hearing them, Bucky would mindlessly, autonomically react to perform exploits for his masters.

His real person was submerged and overwhelmed by the power of the "triggering" devices.

For many years, his programmers enjoyed complete control over Bucky via these "triggering" elements.

In our unenlightened state, we too are controlled, lose our essential selves, when various ‘triggering’ images are flashed to the mind.

The ego has its own purposes and is relentless in its efforts to control us.

Every day, all day long, and in our dreams at night, the ego flashes images which immediately cause us to react.

These images, typically, relate to the past, some failure, some threat, some unpleasantness. Or, it may center on the future where we believe all solutions lie – but never the present moment.

Much could be said here, but we must investigate this dynamic for ourselves. Notice how easily we are “taken over” by the “images.”

And let’s note too that some of the images are pleasurable. We immediately react to sexual content, in a programmed way. This is not love, at all. But most of this erotica, as discussed elsewhere, serves to create an “otherness”, a dehumanization, concerning the subject of the sexual fantasy.

As we perceive the long-reach of this process, we begin to see that, virtually, in a pre-enlightened state, our whole lives are jerked around, defined, and controlled by these oppressive images.

We can never be free, truly free individuals, until we learn how to defuse the power of our controlling masters, the triggering images.